Page 9 of Fanged Interest

“Oh.” Blood. My morning coffee curdled in my stomach and I fought the bile rising in my throat. “I suppose that makes sense.”

“But we have drinks for you too!” Jordan hurried to the double fridge and hauled out a bottle of bright pink liquid. “I know you like your caffeine.”

She presented it to me like a waiter would present wine in a restaurant I couldn’t afford.

I leaned forward to read the label, uncomfortably aware of the two sets of eyes on me. I wrinkled my nose, raising a brow at Jordan. “This looks like an energy drink. There’s no blood in it, right?”

“None at all,” Jordan proclaimed proudly. “You’re looking at our number one money maker right here. High Stakes Super Juice, the energy drink with extra bite.”

It was then I realized where I’d seen a bottle like this before. Lining the grocery aisles all over Manhattan. This brand was popular, selling all kinds of health, beauty and fitness products across the country.

“You’re kidding.” I dropped my hands to my sides, wide-eyed and overwhelmed. “You own the High Stakes brand?”

Jordan’s smile widened, her chest puffing up with pride when she stated, “I started the brand, and our business is doing better than ever. You humans really like your energy drinks.”

I supposed that explained the expensive apartment, but even so. Any owner of such a successful brand had to be raking in millions. I suspected there was more to the business than Jordan was letting on. Maybe there was a reason her products were so popular, beauty gurus and fitness freaks alike went out of their way to rave about how effective High Stakes could be.

Speaking of… “High Stakes?” I pursed my lips. “Isn’t that a bit on the nose?”

Jordan brushed my jab aside with a wave of her hand. “Stakes aren’t enough to kill us anyway. That’s just a stupid myth.”

I shifted from one foot to the other. “Am I supposed to know about this stuff? You know, vampire lore and all that?”

My words caused Jordan to pause and she put the clinking bottle down on the table. “Not exactly.”

It was River who spoke then, twirling a curling lock of caramel hair around her finger. “Usually, any human to discover the truth of our kind would have to have their mind wiped. The only exceptions include those tied to a vampire via the mating bond, or through a contract.”

I noticed Jordan in the corner of my eye, shaking her head and motioning for River to shut up. That only fueled my curiosity and I narrowed my eyes at the other woman. “What kind of contract?”

“Well, most vampires in Manhattan get their… sustenance, from discreet providers.” River seemed oblivious to Jordan’s unease, and poured herself a glass of the crimson liquid that looked like wine but was definitely not.

I tried not to stare when she put the glass to her lips, tried to avert my eyes when I saw the faintest flash of fangs as she took a sip.

“But some vampires prefer to drink straight from the source,” she continued. “So they enter into contracts with willing humans. The humans enjoy riches, gifts and other pleasures in exchange for their silence and willingness to share their resources.”

I blanched at her words, touching my fingers to my neck. “Human blood banks? What pleasures could possibly be worth letting someone drink your blood?”

“Hey, now, don’t blood-shame.” Jordan was at my elbow, her bottom lip snagging on her fangs while she surveyed me with hooded eyes. “The process is enjoyable for both parties. I’m told having one of our kind drink from a human is something akin to ecstasy.”

My throat closed when she leaned in closer, her lips at my ear. “Don’t dismiss the idea completely. You might just find yourself enjoying it.”

Her hand brushed my hip, leaving behind a scorching heat that settled between my legs. At that brief touch my heart ceased to beat, my lungs forgot to inhale and I stood frozen in place. Jordan too, seemed far more aroused than she had initially intended. Her coy teasing had garnered a surprising response. I inched closer and her hands closed firmly on my hips. I felt the possession in her touch.

My cheeks flushed, my body burning hot with no prior warning. I could barely hear my own thoughts over the crashing cacophony in my head. Jordan’s eyes locked on mine, erotic intent in that glistening green. Her lips hovered inches from my own.

“Apologies for the interruption.”

A voice to our left had us both turning sharply to see a pale figure standing right next to us. Dylan’s face was a blank mask, completely unbothered by our antics.

Jordan and I broke apart with a synchronous yelp, backtracking away from each other and the unexpected visitor.

River chuckled from her spot in the kitchen and tossed back the last dregs of her drink. “I knew sticking around would be worth it.”

“Dylan!” Jordan tried to sound assertive, but her voice came out a strangled squawk, her face just as rosy as mine. “You can’t keep doing that!”

I spotted the ghost of a smile on Dylan’s lips before they reverted back to a hard line. “I’m sorry for interrupting what was clearly a monumental moment, but we have a problem.”

Jordan’s expression shifted in an instant, and suddenly she was just as cold and collected as the other woman. “Jeremy? You found him?”