Page 8 of Fanged Interest

The woman’s mouth turned down at the corners as she eyed me. “Where are your bags?”

“My–my bags?” I glanced behind me at my non-existent bags. I felt like a child being scolded.

The woman was still looking at me with a blank stare. I noted a fleck of violet in those dark eyes of hers, her porcelain skin and uncanny stillness. And then it clicked.

“Oh! You’re a vamp–” I smothered the rest of my sentence, clamping a hand over my mouth. I wasn’t sure what the rules were when it came to supernatural beings but I assumed this woman would be less than pleased about me announcing her presence to the world. “Uh, are you a friend of Jordan’s?”

The woman opened her door abruptly and climbed out, rounding the car to stand before me. “No bags then? You’re moving in with the high lady, and you’re not even bringing a change of underwear?”

I was too busy wondering at her strange attire to pay much mind to the fact that Jordan was a ‘high lady’. This woman was on the shorter side, but she made up for it with alarmingly chunky boots, knee-high leather with dozens of chains and straps climbing up her legs.

When I didn’t respond, the woman rolled her eyes and opened the passenger door for me. “Forget it. I’ll have someone collect your belongings later.”

“Where are we going?” I slid into the passenger seat. The absurdity of getting into a car with a vampire goth girl was not lost on me.

The woman slammed the door shut behind me, ignoring my comment, and got back in the car. She revved the engine and the car zoomed forward at a speed that had to be illegal on those cramped city roads.

“I’m taking you to Jordan’s place. Apparently you were worth ditching work for.”

‘Jordan’s place’ was a gorgeous apartment on the top floor of a very expensive-looking building, all reflective glass and sharp corners, a far cry from my dinky little dwelling. My driver, Dylan, as I had come to learn during our minimal conversation, escorted me all the way to the top, standing still as a statue in the elevator.

While Jordan was unsettling enough, with her gleaming green eyes and intense energy, this woman was even more frightening. No matter how hard I tried, I could hear none of her movements—no swish of fabric, no clinking of chains, not even footsteps. Shadows seemed to cling to her where she stood in the elevator, and her violet eyes didn’t blink once.

I was more than a little relieved when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, hurriedly sidling out of the cramped space and putting as much distance between me and the disconcerting vamp as possible.

Dylan made no move to follow me, pressing the first floor button and jutting out her chin toward the corridor on my left. “Third door on your right. You can’t miss it.”

“Thanks, I guess.” My gratitude was met with another curiously blank stare, before the doors closed again and I was alone in the hallway. The very fancy hallway.

Hesitantly, I tiptoed my way toward where Dylan gestured, rounding a corner to stand before a large, steel-gray door. I had not expected a woman like Jordan to take up residence in such a minimalistic building. Everything was a little too sanitary, all white and gray and far too fancy for my current attire.

I had barely raised my hand to the door before it flew open and the red-headed vampire herself beamed at me. “You’re here! I thought you’d chickened out.”

My pulse quickened at the sight of her, but it wasn’t fear that coursed through my veins. I was alarmed by the impact she had on me, the way her smile made my knees weak, bats fluttering in my stomach. I wondered if she used some kind of magic on me.

The internet alluded to vampires having all sorts of abilities, from shape shifting to mind control. Was this vampire toying with my mind, lulling me into some false sense of security and softening up her prey? It was possible. But then again, that smile…

Jordan paid no mind to my stunned expression. She moved behind me and placed two hands on my shoulders, propelling me into the apartment with a wicked cackle. “I told you she’d come!”

As it turned out, Jordan wasn’t alone. Another woman reclined at the granite island of her lavish kitchen. I wasn’t sure what a vampire needed a kitchen for, but there was no time to inquire.

Before I could get a word in edgeways, the new woman came forward to clasp my hand, bobbing her knees in excitement. “Sky! It’s wonderful to meet you. Jordan has told us so much about you.”

“Jordan has known me for less than a day,” I responded dryly, shooting the redhead a suspicious glare.

Jordan herself merely shrugged and sauntered over to me. “That’s River, my right hand. She was just leaving.”

Jordan shot the other woman a pointed look and River rolled her eyes. “In a minute, I want to see if this plays out the way I think it will.”

I wasn’t sure what that meant but Jordan was already at my shoulder, turning me on the spot and gesturing to the apartment space—the open plan kitchen and wide glass windows with a sweeping view of the city below.

“So, what do you think? Do you like it?”

“I do.” My eyes flitted around the room, taking in the pristine white walls, modern furniture and black tiled floor. “It looks… expensive.”

My gaze snagged on the open bottle on the island. “Is that wine?”

The two women exchanged glances and Jordan gave me a wry smile. “Kind of. The vampire version, if you will.”