She looks at me with even more interest.
“Come on, let me show you what the Seattle skyline is really made of.”
I swipe my glass of wine on the way and we head up to the top.
The view at night is pretty wild, and the lights below us are a picture worth a thousand words.
The space needle is on prominent display. I wonder if she’s ever seen it from so high up.
“This is crazy cool,” she says, as we take a seat on the outdoor seating I have set up for times such as these. “Even though I don’t want to look down.”
I laugh. “I won’t let you fall, Emmerson.”
She looks over at me, her face glowing. I’d like to think that had something to do with me, but I’m not sure I can take the credit for it.
“Ever?” she asks. “Or just if I get too close to the edge.”
It doesn’t take me too long to think about that. “Ever,” I say, sounding nonchalant, even though it’s a big statement.
She doesn’t know it yet, but this time, I’m playing for keeps.
It’s the only way it can be with her.
When we get to be carefree like this, sitting back with a glass of wine, watching the world go by, I feel a peace I never thought I could .
It’s like we’re on top of the world, and in some respects, given his fancy penthouse apartment, it seems we are. The traffic below is more like a blip in the distance.
The air is cool but not too cold to sit out in. It wouldn’t matter anyway, as I would sit in the freezing cold if it meant I could spend some time with Taylor like this.
“So,” I sigh into my glass. “What do you think about yesterday?”
He eyes me, but he’s smiling. “I wondered when that was coming.”
“Do you think we’re a little crazy?”
I watch him think for a moment as he sips his wine. “I think yesterday was a great day. I told you I regret nothing with us, Emmerson. And yeah, maybe we are a little crazy.”
I want to know what the score is and what we’re going to do, but I don’t want to appear needy right off the bat. This has been a long time coming for me.
“Maybe it helps to be a little crazy.” I sigh, relaxing back in my chair.
“You might be right there.”
“How did things go with your Dad?” I ask.
He smiles. “Things went really well with us. I think we’re slowly moving on the road to some kind of understanding.”
“That’s so great, Taylor.”
“I feel like an ass after all the years he tried to be in my life… if it weren’t for you opening up all this stuff, maybe it never would never have happened.”
“If I hadn’t blurted out something you weren’t supposed to know, do you mean?”
“Well, it made me realize that life is short, especially seeing what happened with your Dad the other night. When’s he due home, by the way?”