Page 99 of XXXVII: The Elite

Just as I get to the bottom of the steps, the door opens again. I whirl around and look up at Declan. “He’ll see you,” he tells me.

I bound back up the steps before he can change his mind and walk into the house. While Declan is still standing there, I look around the hallway. The place is gorgeous. Even though it’s obviously designed by a male for a male, and lived in by males, there was clearly no expense spared.

The floor is black marble, streaked with silver. There are two stairways made from the same marble, curving from opposite sides of the wide entrance to join at the top. A wrought iron handrail curves up with it. The walls in here are painted a light gray. And in the center, hanging above me, is a chandelier that matches the ironwork of the stairs.

Declan steps in front of me, scowling. “This way.”

I follow him through a door beneath the stairs. Declan moves past it to the door on the right, knocking before he pushes it open.

The inside of this room feels impressive, but truthfully, my attention is on one of the three occupants in the room. Sitting in an armchair on the far side of the room, is Syn.

“What do you want?” he asks. His hazel eyes are as cold as ever, locked on me beneath a frown.

“I want to talk to you.”

“While your low intelligence doesn’t surprise me, your assumption of mine does,” he tells me, dryly.

“You,” I tell him, my tone just as dry. “I want to talk toyou. And I think you would also prefer it if I only talk to you.”

Syn glares at me, lips pressed together. Then, without moving his head, he looks at Declan. “Get out.”

I hear a soft huff of breath behind me, but moments later, the door closes. Only then do I take my eyes off Syn to glance at the other two members of the room: Royal and Gemini.

“Whatever you have to say can be said in front of these two.” Syn waves at them.

This time, I do hesitate, but only because I made a promise to Penny.

“Your presence here is only mildly entertaining, and my interest is quickly disappearing, so say what you have to while you still have the chance.”

“I wish to join the Elite.” I’m not wasting any time getting to the point, and I’m rewarded by seeing Syn caught off guard for the first time ever.

That’s surprisingly satisfying.

To my side, Gemini starts laughing, but I keep my attention on Syn.

Syn quickly regains his composure as he hides his surprise with a sneer. “The Elite is just that. Elite. You are not elite. You are, at best, one of the dregs of society. What on earth possesses you to think you could ever be one of us?”

“I know how this works,” I tell him, not missing the sideways look he gives Royal. “I know that once you’re in, the Elite own you. That your initiations are tough. And that not a single past member has ever had anything bad to say about it, which means you have the ability to silence people.”

Syn cocks his head, giving me a sly smile. “What makes you think you need to be a member of the Elite before I can silence you?”

The look he gives me is unnerving, but I refuse to let him distract me. “Can you?” I ask him. “Only if I’m a member could you guarantee if you could silence me.”

This time Syn laughs. “You? Who are you? Who do you think is going to listen toyou?”

I reach into my pocket and pull out the burner phone Arthur supplied earlier, quickly bringing the video up. Silently, I hold it out to Syn. Syn glowers at me before taking the phone and pressing play.

For the first time, I see real emotion in his face—and there’s a mixture of it. Sadness, confusion, disbelief… and then it circles back to rage. “Where the fuck did you get this?” His voice is low and dangerous.

“What is it?” Royal asks.

Syn showing the video to Royal or Gemini is not the same as me outing JP, but I speak before he has the chance. “Agree and all copies of that disappear.”

I can feel the rage radiating from Syn as his fingers curl around the phone in his hand. I’m almost certain he’s wanting to do the same thing to my neck.

Right now, I’m giving him the opportunity to do anything to me, and murder is probably foremost planted in his mind.
