Page 86 of XXXVII: The Elite

As if nothing happened, Gemini picks up his cutlery and starts eating his noodles.

It doesn’t take long for Lissa to return, this time, carrying a plate with three large slices of peperoni pizza. The meat is glistening, and the food is still warm enough that the cheese is starting to slide off the crust.

My god, the smell is incredible. My mouth is watering so much, I’m swallowing to stop myself from drooling.

But there’snothingI trust about that pizza.

There has to be a catch.

Something that Gemini would eat?

Rice. Small portions of barely warm, unseasoned rice is all that Syn has allowed me to eat—until lunch when he seemed perfectly happy for me to eat the waffles.

“Is there something wrong with it?” Gemini asks.

Before I can answer, Lissa shakes her head. “It’s fresh. You… you can try it, if you want?”

Gemini’s gaze switches to me, then he looks back at Lissa and nods.

Lissa picks up the plate and walks over, stepping up onto the raised area so that she can offer Gemini the plate.

He picks up a slice, folding it slightly as he handles the crust, then he takes a bite.

The slice of pizza is dropped on the plate, and from the way Lissa flinches, I’m certain I was right, and she had done something, but Gemini merely swallows and wafts his hand.

Lissa brings the pizza back to me, refusing to look at me as she sets the plate down.

I stare at the slice with the missing bite. The delicious smell makes my stomach grumble. Whether it’s the lack of food or the fact that my body seems stuck in fight or flight mode, I’m starting to feel light-headed.

Fuck it.

Picking the slice Gemini ate, I take a small bite. Heat and flavor explode on my tongue. The pepperoni is juicy, the tomato sauce is tangy, and the cheese is soft and gooey. The pizza is hot and fresh, and tastes exactly as a pizza should.

The voice in the back of my mind is warning me that Lissa could still have done any number of things, but the growls of my stomach are drowning it out. I fight the urge to eat the pizza as quickly as I can, taking small steady bites—just in case.

And then, out of nowhere, the pizza is ripped from my hands as I’m about to take another bite.


Instantly, the half of the slice I’ve already eaten turns to lead in my stomach.

Squeezing the pizza so hard that oil is dripping on the floor, Syn’s attention is locked on Lissa and Peter, both of whom had returned to their positions behind the table.

“Would someone care to explain why, after giving very explicit instructions,sheis eating this?” Syn’s voice is low and dangerous.

The whole dining hall seems to have gone silent.

“Who gave her this?”

As Peter points at Lissa, she steps forward. “Gemini told me to.”

Syn focuses his attention on his friend. “You?”

Gemini lowers his fork. “Yes.”

Without looking at me, Syn marches over to the table, slamming his hand—and the pizza—down just in front of Gemini, making the plates and cutlery on the table bounce. “Why the fuck would you do that?” He keeps his voice low as though he’s not wanting the other tables to overhear the conversation, but I’m close enough to catch what he’s saying.

“Fuck with her however you want, but food—small portions and fuck all calories? Not happening, Syn.”