Page 83 of XXXVII: The Elite

I wipe water off my cheek and then face the basin once more so I can turn the taps off. Even though I’m aware Dr. Wright’s eyes are boring into the back of my head, I take my time, cleaning up the mascara smears as best I can.

After drying my hands, I walk towards the door, but Dr. Wright doesn’t move. With a sigh, I look up at him. “Excuse me, please.”

“Why are you here?” he asks instead of moving.

“The line for the women’s bathroom was too long,” I respond, dryly.

“At this university.”

Honestly, I’m starting to ask myself that question again. And then I remember my brother’s face, the last time I visited him.

But right now, I can feel a crack starting to appear in my resolve, and I know that this guy is ready to start antagonizing me with Cole and how he’s convinced he killed Lucy Barnes too.

I cock my head. “Can’t you tell? I have a degradation kink. All of this?” I shrug. “It gets me so hot and horny.”

The only movement from Dr. Wright is a single blink.

“So, Ireallyneed to head back to my room and take care of myself,” I continue, mouth charging ahead of my brain. “Unless you want to watch? Because that’s your thing, right?”

He still doesn’t move, and as my mind catches up, and I realize what I’ve said, there’s a moment where I’m wondering if he’s waiting for me to start right there, or if he’s about to haul me down to the dean’s office.

Finally, he moves aside.

I don’t look back, but I don’t run away. Instead, I keep my head up and walk to my next class, even though I’m nearly an hour early. Finding a nook, I sink into the corner, bring my knees up to my chest, and lean my head against the wall.

Despite everything, I still don’t regret coming here… although I have severely underestimated what I would be up against, and how hard it would be to investigate what happened. I never considered that even professors would be against me being here, or that my brother could be accused of other things.

But I am exhausted, and after today, I’m not even sure I have much time left here. I will go through whatever hell I have to in order to prove my brother’s innocence… I just don’t want this to have all been in vain.

Somehow, I make it through the rest of the day, although most of whatever my professors were talking about is a blur. There’s a chill that’s settled in me that I can’t shake, and my stomach has been cramping all afternoon.

I’m hungry… so hungry that even thinking about food makes my stomach hurt more. Only, I’m back outside the dining hall, staring at the doors, and this time, I’m not sure I’m able to go in. Not after lunch.

Royal may have stepped in earlier, but will he do the same again?

Will he need to?

My stomach hurts from the lack of food, but the idea of those waffles—or worse—being on my tray again makes me want to throw up. Funds are limited, but maybe tonight, I need to head off campus and get something to eat in Keyingham.

With a sigh, I turn around and almost walk straight into Gemini. He still has his hoodie on, but the hood is down, and his chin-length hair is blowing freely in the breeze.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” He raises his chin at the building behind me before smirking. “Oh yeah, you were fired for trying to decapitate Lissa with a gluten-free waffle.”

I fold my arms and glare at him, too tired to come up with any form of comeback.

Gemini looks me up and down. “Don’t tell me I’ve come too late and missed the revenge shot?”

He wasn’t at lunch, but I’m surprised the news hasn’t gotten back to him. Or does he mean there’s something else waiting for me in there?

The decision to leave the campus is solidified for me. I go to move around him, but he steps with me.

“The dining hall hasn’t been serving dinner long enough for you to have eaten yet.”

“I’m not hungry,” I say.

My stomach loudly disagrees.

“Is it me?” he asks, the smirk returning. “I avoid the dining hall because I know my presence means people just struggle to focus on their food.”