Page 78 of XXXVII: The Elite

Eventually, she stretches, rubs her face, and then gets up, going into the bathroom. As she does, it’s obvious that the bedding is still on her bed. When she comes back out, Gemini slows the playback speed to normal, just in time for us to watch her take off her clothes and hang her uniform over the back of the chair right in front of us, completely unaware her camera is on.

I’ve done some fucked up shit before today. A lot of it. But watching this is taking me to some whole other level of fuckery I’m not sure I want to go to… and yet my dick is getting hard. “Gemini, the fuck, man. Come on.”

Gemini rolls his eyes. “Double standards.”

“The hell is that supposed to mean?” I snap at him.

“Oh, is it only okay to watch when you’re getting off too?” he asks. “Don’t let me stop you if you want to knock one out.”

“Fuck you.” My response is more automatic than anything. I’m not angry. I watch porn. Who doesn’t? Only this just feels… I look back at the screen in time to see her unfastening her bra.

Before my brain has caught up with my hand to work out what I’m doing, I’ve turned the television off.

“Come on, Royal. Sharing is caring.” With a mischievous smile, Gemini looks down at my crotch and the tent that’s appeared in my shorts. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to enjoy yourself another time.”

At the same moment my brain works out what he’s saying, Syn steps in front of us. “Yes, go on, Royal. Sharingiscaring.”

There’s a seventy percent chance my tent is getting dismantled in the next sixty seconds.

“I found her in the security room at the Freshman Welcome Mixer, watching the festivities.”


“Made her keep watching as I fucked her.” I cross my arms. “Say what you want, Syn. A pussy is a pussy, and hers was already dripping when she bent over and stuck her ass in my face.” My dick is throbbing as I remember how it felt driving it deep into her cunt.

From beside me, Gemini moans.

I turn and look at him, and from just the look on his face, I know that he not only somehow managed to retrieve the video I deleted, but he watched it too. “You fucker!” I launch the remote at his head, but he manages to deflect it before it hits, laughing.

And then he turns the television back on. “Step aside, Synny.”

Eyes full of ice, Syn glares at Gemini, who continues to try to wave him to the side, and then at me. By the time he moves, Tori is already in the shorts and T-shirt we saw her wearing in the corridor.

Gemini goes to rewind it, but Syn whips his head to glare at him. “Just play it.”

That’s Syn’sdon’t fuck with metone, and this time, Gemini complies.

My attention is no longer on the screen, but instead, watching Syn’s emotionless face as he watches the television.

The only reason I found her in there that night was because Gemini got an alert to the door of the security room. He was selected in the raffle to watch that group initiation activity, so I did my due diligence to check on what was going on upstairs.

I found her on the first day because I was curious. How could the sister of a murderer just enroll in the same college where the murder took place? It felt like such a dumb thing to do, and yet, you couldn’t be dumb to get into James Keyingham… Even if we had a hand in that.

Well… no, I’m walking proof that grades aren’t everything. You can achieve anything on paper if you can bankroll it. Unfortunately for her, Tori has about two cents to her name.

When I discovered she wasn’t completely lacking in braincells, I was angry. JP was a better brother to me than the three of my real ones combined. She was smart enough to know better, but she hadn’t acted that way.

I still am.

Fucking her then hadn’t meant a thing. If anything, I kinda hoped she’d pine after me. I could get her worked up, lead her on, and then make her watch me fuck one of the initiates in front of her.

Except she didn’t.

The stocks were my idea. I jerked off to imaginary scenarios where I’d get all the initiates in a line in front of me, all on their knees, all with their heads and hands held securely in place. I even found a guy who custom made them, just for that event.

And when it came to it, thebestI could manage was jerking myself off, imagining it was Tori in the stocks as I fucked her face before I shot my load on whichever initiate I happened to have been standing in front of—I don’t even remember who it was.

“Are they snakes?”