Page 57 of XXXVII: The Elite

Four people having sex wasn’t unusual. Four people having sex in the basement of a church, surrounded by people in robes and masks while the whole thing was recorded was. Even as far as hazing went—and the four people involved were four of the twelve who serves Syn, Royal and Gemini at mealtimes—that seemed very… specific.

I’m not sure why, but I turn, following Royal.

He doesn’t turn around once, but I’m far enough behind that if he does, he hopefully won’t see me. As I suspected, he is making his way to the church, which, despite how late it is, has lights on inside.

Something tells me that unless Royal is hooking up with Noel, Christmas isn’t coming early, and he isn’t attending Midnight Mass.

Or, as I think back to the Freshman Welcome Mixer, maybe he is…

I wait a few minutes after Royal has gone inside before I hurry over, keeping an eye over my shoulder in case anyone else appears. The big wooden door is closed when I get there, so I carefully open it a crack. Thankfully, like most things on campus, the wrought iron hinges are well maintained, and there is no creak to give me away as I peer in through the gap.

I can’t see anyone. Slowly, I open the door further. The lights are on, but the room is empty, leading me to believe that Royal must be doing something in the rooms below the church.

There’s a tiny voice in the back of my mind that tells me this has nothing to do with me, and that whatever is going on, it’s most likely linked back to the Elite and Syn. So really, the best thing I can do is leave, but… my curiosity has got the best of me.

Shutting the door behind me, I take the long route around the edge of the room in case I need to duck down behind a pew and hide, but no one appears as I run towards the door in the back corner of the room. My heart is pounding, and not from my run, as I descend the circular stone staircase, keeping my steps light to avoid an echo, and give away my presence.

At the bottom, I pause, listening for sounds of life before I poke my head into the corridor. It’s empty too. I take a deep breath and then walk down the corridor, stopping in front of the strange security room I was in before.

This time, the door is locked. Staring at the digital keypad, I know I’ve not got the time to try all the possible combinations, and even if there’s a way that I could somehow see which numbers have been pressed to narrow down the options, I’ve got nothing with me other than my phone.

My gaze drifts towards the end of the corridor with the stone arch and a large, closed, wooden door. This one doesn’t have a keypad on it.

From what I had noticed on the footage that I saw, there was one camera pointed at the only entrance and exit to the room. Assuming this door led directly to that room, I might be able to get inside and hide behind the stone altar in there whilst having enough cover to not be seen.

Either way, the longer I stand here doing nothing, the more likely I am to get caught anyway.

Instead of leaving, I walk over to the door, place my hand on the iron ring pull, and before I can change my mind, lift and turn.



I’m instantly greeted by a noise which has me freezing on the spot. The noise is not the one I was expecting. Pausing for a moment it occurs to me that the sound is loud, harsh sounding chanting. Something more along the lines of what you would hear at a football game than what is normally heard in a church.

And the only name I can make out is “Syn.”

The noise drowns out the alarm bells that have started ringing in my head, telling me to abort. Instead, I walk in to see what’s happening, although holding back, to peer out from behind the wall.

The door leads out into a corridor that stretches out in two directions. While the outer wall is stone, broken up by the occasional dim light, the inner wall is almost entirely open, giving a clear view of the corridor as it curves around to the far side where there’s a staircase descending to whatever is below.

There are a lot of people up here, all with red cups in their hands. Apparently, there’s no need for fine glassware back here. Although everybody’s attention on the center, looking down at whatever is happening, I stay back, hiding in the shadows.

A few weeks ago, I might have gotten away with being in here, but right now, I’m public enemy number one, and no one is going to let me stay, even if their orders are to ignore me.

Whatever is happening below involves Syn, but the cheers don’t make sense for him to be having sex.

If I leave now, without even trying to see, I’m going to be so pissed off with myself.

With a deep breath, I take a couple of steps forward—just enough to be able to see.

Unless there are two circular rooms built beneath this church, this is the same room I watched the members of this…culthaving an orgy in. The floor is full of people focused on a stage in the center. Between the people up here and the ones down there, there are maybe two hundred. Since I recognize some familiar faces, I’m certain they’re all members of the Elite.

Which is when I realize the large stage which they’re all focused on is actually the same stone altar. Poised imposingly on the top of it, is Syn. He’s wearing only a pair of black shorts, the kind that cling to your body and don’t hide anything, and a pair of gloves.

Although it’s impossible to not see the muscles, my attention is on his hands as they are moving in a frenzy, punching the upper body of a man I don’t recognize.

Unlike everyone else in the room, the man is older, maybe in his forties. He’s much leaner than Syn, and he’s covered in tattoos. He’s got a beard and although his hair is plastered to his head from sweat, it’s clear it’s long and unkempt.