Page 21 of XXXVII: The Elite

Syn nods.

“Straight into the dorm room we picked out for her.” Royal folds his arms and stares at the garden. All along the borders are rose bushes, and he seems to be fixated on a particular bush in the far corner. “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”

Taking his sunglasses off, Syn tucks them into his shirt pocket as he stands. He walks over to the barbeque area where he’s had Seamus set up an ice bucket. There’s a bottle of Armand De Brignac in there, already chilling.

Carefully, Syn pulls it out and pops the cork. The noise echoes around our enclosed garden as he pours three glasses. Scooping them up, he returns to us, handing us each a glass.

“An eye for an eye, and a life for a life.”

“You’re going to kill her?” Royal asks, glancing over at me, eyes wide.

Syn takes a sip, not noticing the look. “I’m going to have her begging for life, which is more than my brother got.”

A few years ago, I would have said Syn didn’t have it in him. But now, as he looks at me and meets my gaze, all I’ll say is if that girl has any sense, she’ll leave James Keyingham now before we get the chance to find out.



My body aches. Mostly in a good way, but there’s a slight burn of shame, despite everything. The sex last night was good—great even—and I was certainly a willing participant. I wasn’t even worried about it being a one-night stand…

But there was something about Royal bolting out of there, taking both my panties and top with him, leaving me to get back to my dorm room alone that somehow made it feel more like we’d committed a shameful act.

Maybe we had…

Getting fucked while watching others get fucked?

Yet, even now, as I lie in bed, staring at the sliver of light that’s coming in between the curtains, even the vaguest of replays is turning me on.

Closing my eyes, I suck in a deep breath and hold it before releasing. “Head in the game, Tor.” Sitting upright, I stare at my reflection in the mirror opposite my bed.

Last night, after a walk back to the dorm, which seemed to take three times as long as it had to walk to the church, I took a long, hot shower. Considering how old this college is, I’m surprised how good the water pressure is. It’s been a while since I enjoyed a shower as much as I enjoyed that one, and I’m grateful that there seems to be twenty-four-hour hot water here.

Because it was so late, I hadn’t wanted to dry my hair in case I woke anyone. This morning, my hair looks like it’s going to hurt to brush it out.

It’s Monday morning and classes don’t start until this afternoon, but I need to get into the local town of Keyingham. My tuition and accommodations are covered under the scholarship, but anything else? That’s on me.

On top of that, I’ve got to be prepared for what happens when I leave here. Even though I’m certain James Keyingham is where I’ll find my answers, the reality is that until now, there has been nothing. If I can’t find anything here, my next step will be to hire a private investigator. And if I do find the evidence that I need to have Cole released, he’s not just going to be set free. I’ll need to pay for a lawyer for an appeal or a retrial.

Money stopped growing on trees for me. A job is a necessity.

Thankfully, included with the accommodation is a food plan. The dorm doesn’t have anything to cook on, and hotplates are against the rules—not that I could afford to buy one anyway.

Which means, I need to take full advantage of breakfast. I have enough time to take another shower to help fix the mess my hair’s in. Ignoring my protesting body, I force myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

The bathroom is nice compared to what I’ve seen online at other colleges. Technically, it’s more of a shower room, seeing as though there isn’t an actual bathtub. White tiles, dark wood, and golden fixtures. Honestly, I’m grateful it’s not a shared shower block.

I don’t take my second shower perhaps as quickly as I should do, but the hot water feels so good as it falls over me, that I don’t really care. Afterwards, I hurry through drying my hair and putting a little makeup on before getting dressed.

As we’re only expected to wear the uniform during class, I choose a pair of leggings and an oversized, off the shoulder T-shirt. Just as I’m grabbing my purse, there’s a knock at the door.

Opening it, I find Penny grinning. “You’re up. Please tell me you’re a girl who eats breakfast?”

I nod, and she grabs my hand, barely giving me the chance to lock the door behind me.

“I’m famished,” she declares. “I was up quite late last night with Jake and Nicole. It’s always much more fun in person, but video sex isn’t that bad.”

My mind instantly flashes back to the images I watched last night. It’s not the same, but my pussy is aching, remembering how good Royal felt buried inside it.