Page 103 of XXXVII: The Elite

And if they decide I’m not the person suited to be president, I’ll take that as a win.

Royal, Gemini, and I enter the upper level of the Crypt. Up here, there are two locker rooms. One for initiates, the other, for seniors. With festivities finishing tonight, neither have been properly cleaned down. While that was going to be a final task for the freshmen, I think it will make a nice chore for the new initiate.

Messy though the room is, there are clean robes and masks for us. For the second time tonight, we put on the robes, only this time, we’re not wearing clothes underneath. I pick up my mask, tying the ribbon behind my head. Once my hood is up, I turn to see that both Royal and Gemini are also ready.

“She was instructed to attend the campus health center and undergo a full sweep of tests, as well as obtain a prescription for birth control. Tonight, I suggest you use a condom, seeing as we only have the sexual history of one person.” I give Royal the side eye.

Royal rolls his eyes as he flips me off. “I didn’t fuck her without protection. I don’t fuck anyone without it. Asshole.”

“You want another drink before we go down?” Gemini asks. “Or if you’d prefer to do a few lines?”

The buzz I had from my drink earlier is wearing off.

Both Gemini and I have a line of coke each, whereas Royal declines, citing the basketball season starting back up after the break.

I haven’t taken the stuff for months, but the drugs hit just as I need. Gemini always knows where to get the good stuff.

Leaning my neck side to side, enjoying the crack, I take a moment to enjoy the blood surging around my body. When I first heard she was applying to James Keyingham University, I never dreamed I would be able to ruin her like this.

Apparently, dreams do come true.

“Let’s go have some fun,” I tell my friends, smiling like a maniac.



Ican’t stop shivering, but I don’t know if it’s because I’m standing on the middle of an altar completely naked, or because I’m nervous.


Between witnessing the orgy my first night here, and reading over Syn’s contract, I’m sure I have a very good idea of what’s in store for me. Which means I can’t possibly be nervous.

Over the last few months, I’ve witnessed what some of the initiates have been through, and honestly, I can’t say I think it’s any worse than what Syn has already done to me.

My food, my job, my clothes, my room—even doing their assignments. The contract eloquently put it asperforming all tasks asked of me. I call it hazing, even though the NDA explicitly states I’m never allowed to use that term. And I’ve already endured that.

All Syn is doing is adding sex, drugs, and alcohol to mytasks.

I got drunk for the first time when I was fourteen. Since leaving high school and losing all my friends, I’ve not done any drugs, but I’m no stranger to them.

Even sex.

Although, while the idea of being watched feels more thrilling than terrifying, I can’t say I’m excited about the prospect of certain members of the Elite being my partners.

And even if I was feeling even the slightest hint of apprehension, I can see little red dots all around the room: video cameras all recording me. I’ve tried my best to not show any fear the whole time I’ve been at this college. There might have been some occasions where I failed, but it won’t be now, with these cameras on me.

Above me, I hear a door open, and I start praying that Lissa isn’t one of the people coming down the stairs.

Three hooded figures come into view.


There were around twenty last time. I watched them climb up the stone steps into the recesses in the wall. From the little I saw, I couldn’t tell if they were all occupied, but I counted the recesses while I’ve been waiting.

Are these the people I’ll be having sex with?

As they get to the bottom of the staircase, I realize I can’t tell. They’re wearing masks and their faces are hidden beneath deep shadows because of the oversized hoods.