Page 92 of XXXVII: The Elite

“Where are we going?” I ask when we don’t head in the direction of the dean’s office. I’d assumed his plan was to report me and have me expelled, using what had happened to my room as the reason.

We reached the edge of the parking lot and I slowed, looking around. There was no one else around. The lights on an SUV a few feet away flashed, and I stopped. “Where are you taking me?”

Dr. Wright kept walking until he got to the door, then he looked over the hood at me. “Do you think I’m going to drive you to the middle of the woods and kill you?”

I’d be lying if I said that thought hadn’t occurred to me.

Resting his hand on the top of the vehicle, he let out a long breath. “Text Penny.”

My hand was already wrapped around my phone, ready to call her as I ran. “And tell her what?”

“That you’re going to Manhattan with me and you’ll be back tonight. Feel free to take a picture, though you might want to head to the back of the vehicle for the license plates.”

The mental brain power it took to understand this man was ridiculous. I pull out my phone, and while I don’t bother to send a picture as he suggested, I do send Penny a text. Ignoring the barrage of texts I suddenly get in reply, I slip my phone back into my pocket and then get into the SUV.

“I’m fairly certain I’m losing my mind,” I mutter as I fasten my seatbelt.

The words are loud enough to be heard, but Dr. Wright doesn’t respond. Instead, he gets in, fastens his seatbelt, and starts the car. The radio comes on and Beyonce starts playing making this whole situation seem even more bizarre.

It’s not until we’re off the campus and on the highway that the professor finally turns the volume down. “I’m here looking for answers too.”

I turn my head and look at him. “Lucy Barnes?”

“You hear of people disappearing without a trace, but in this day and age, that’s virtually impossible. Everyone has a digital footprint, even if they’re not actively leaving it.”

“Then why do you think my brother killed her?” I asked. “What makes you think she’s dead and that she didn’t just decide she’d had enough and gone off the grid?”

He doesn’t answer.

I stare at him, but when I realize he’s not going to say anything, I roll my eyes and focus on where we’re driving.

Despite his earlier comment, I don’t really think he’s going to murder me. But I also have absolutely no clue what this little road trip is about.

Eventually, the familiar sight of New York City appears, growing as we get closer. As he said, he takes the exit for Manhattan and we navigate through the streets which are surprisingly busy for a Saturday morning. Eventually, he pulls into a spot and parks up.

I remain silent, following him as we walk down the street and into a coffee shop where he buys us both breakfast. Although I’m both confused and nervous, this is the first meal I’ve had in a while that I fully trust to eat, so I’m not missing out.

Dr. Wright sips on his coffee, eating his food slowly.

By the time I’m nearly finished, he’s still halfway through his bagel. “Are you going to tell me why we’re here, Dr. Wright?”


“Excuse me?” I say before I realize he’s saying his name.

“We’re off campus. Call me Payne.”

Setting my fork down, I sit back. “Is this a date? Because if so, you really need to work on your flirting game.”

Payne doesn’t crack a smile. “Lucy Barnes.”

Without vocalizing the word “stop”, I hold up both of my hands before bringing them back down to rest in my lap. If he thought that I was flirting with him…?

But that would mean Lucy was his girlfriend?

“I am trying to find her, or what happened to her. And I think your brother has the answers.”

“And this is?” I gesture to the empty plate in front of me. “A bribe to get me to convince my brother to speak to you?”