Page 9 of XXXVII: The Elite

“She’s here,” I declare loudly as I walk into my house. “She’s hotter in person too.”

The silence that greets me is not unexpected. I’m down one roommate, and the other probably has his headphones on.

Since our freshman year, I’ve lived in the same place. Unofficially, at least. Until this year, I spent most of my time in my apartment on the Upper East Side, driving in for classes.

This year, it’s different. Syn wants us on campus—though it’s not for the “collegeexperience”.

I walk into my bedroom and over to the closet. Seamus has been in while I’ve been out and hung up all of my clothes.

After leaving the freshmen girls’ dorm, I went to the gym and spent the last two hours lifting: leg day. My thighs are solid, much like my arms and my abs. Hard work, and I’m proud of them.

I strip out of my clothes, tossing them into the laundry basket. Naked now, I start to walk towards my bathroom. Halfway there, with a sigh, I turn and head back into the hallway.

“Gem?” I call. “Gemini? You in?”

The last part is rhetorical. Gemini rarely leaves the apartment unless either me or Syn are here, and Syn’s not due until tomorrow morning. He’s currently flying back from Beijing after spending the summer there learning Mandarin. That’s a whole family mess I don’t care to get into.

Instead, I stride down the hallway to Gemini’s bedroom. Knocking on the door is a formality, but I give him three seconds to answer, just in case he hasn’t got his headphones on. When I push the door open, I’m not surprised to see him at his computer, Razer Blackshark headset over his ears.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to his side and lift the band up. Simultaneously, I’m greeted by loud rap music and an objection.

“The fuck—” Gemini turns, gaze dropping to my dick, and he sighs. “Fuck’s sake. We agreed you’d at least wear pants in my room.”

“Show me the agreement with my signature.”

“Just put on some fucking pants, dickhead.” He snatches the headphones back from me and sets them on their stand. His desk is immaculate, which is more than can be said about the rest of his room.

Gemini Alexander Remington ofthatRemington Oil, andthatRemington Shipping, is nothing short of a technical genius, crazy clever at math, and set to inherit one of the largest fortunes in the world. Outside the apartment, he acts like every other member of the old money elite. His hair, clothes, and behavior are impeccable.

Inside our apartment, he’s a computer game junkie who listens to rap music which would make the toes of his very white, very conservative mother, curl. And if she had any idea how much he cussed, she’d be insisting his father drag his ass out of here and into some reform school like he was a criminal.

Instead of grabbing some pants, I cross my arms. “She’s here.”

The scowl on Gemini’s face changes as he arches an eyebrow, looking up at me from under his dark hair.

“She’s hot.”

Shaking his head, Gemini relaxes into the chair and sighs. “You know what Syn said.”

“Show me the signed agreement.” This time, my comeback doesn’t hold as much weight, and nor will it when it comes to Syn. I hold my hands up as Gemini stares at me. “I said she was hot. I’m not going to fuck her.”

Gemini returns his attention to the computer screen—or one of them. He has a set up like he’s working for NASA, controlling a space launch. Not that I’m complaining because this man’s brains and skills are phenomenal. Honestly, they’re going to be wasted on his father’s company. He’d make more money on his own.

But that’s another family dynamic I’m staying out of.

“Good. Now fuck off unless you go put on some pants.”

“You have two hours until we need to leave for the Freshman Welcome Mixer.”

Gemini doesn’t respond, instead, pulling the headset back over his ears.

I flip him off and leave, heading back to my bathroom.

Victoria Reynolds, or Victoria Anderson as she’s now called, is… in for an interesting time. And hot as I think she is, dipping my dick in that isn’t worth it. If it were anyone else, Synclair Keyingham wouldn’t give a flying fuck about who I’m screwing.

But this girl?

If I were him, I’d be saying the same thing.