Page 42 of XXXVII: The Elite

“Yeah, there is,” Penny says. “There are some disgusting people in this class.”

“Let it go,” I mutter at her. People are whispering, and I don’t want Penny getting dragged into this.

“Tori, that looks like somebody’s jizz. And don’t get me started on the graffiti.”

“What’s the problem here?” Dr. Wright is already walking up the stairs towards us.

“That!” Penny points at the desk.

Dr. Wright stares at the mess for a long moment before he turns to us. “Ms. Bergmann, please take the seat next to Mr. Harrington.”

“And Tori?”

He looks at me. “You can sit on the end of my desk.”

I take seconds to weigh my options before heading down to Dr. Wright’s desk. Although I feel like a child being punished, the only other option is sitting next to that desk. So, while I hope it really wasn’t some guy’s jizz, I don’t really want to find out.

The rest of the class goes by with little drama. I’m aware of everyone staring at me, but aside from occasionally meeting Penny’s eyes, I keep my attention on the professor.

When the class dismisses, I put my things into my bag and stand.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Dr. Wright asks me.

I, along with a number of other students, stop.

“Victoria Anderson. The rest of you can carry on.”

Steeling myself, I step back, mouthI’ll see you laterto Penny, and wait until the room empties.

“At the end of the hall is this floor’s cleaning closet. I suggest you hurry up and get what you need.”

“I…” I frown. “You want me to clean that up?”

Dr. Wright shrugs. “You expect the janitorial staff to do it? Or would you like the bill instead?”

“I have another class,” I protest. “And that’s not my fault.”

“I will leave the cleaning staff specific instructions not to clean that desk, and next class, you will return to sitting there.” Dr. Wright glares at me with enough intensity to make me hurry out of the room.

It would be so easy just to turn and walk out the door, and not come back, but instead, I leave to find the cupboard. Cleaning that mess isn’t anyone’s job other than the asshole who created it. I just know there’s no way of finding out who did it before the janitorial staff cleans, and after Penny went to so much trouble to help me last night, I don’t want anyone else to have to suffer.

I’m not sure what the best way to clean that would be, so I grab as many different bottles as I can carry, then head back to the classroom.

My next class is in another building, and I only just make it on time when I have to leave this one. I’ve already decided to skip as I walk up to the table.

Dr. Wright is sitting at his desk, watching me.

I ignore him.

Thankfully, there were gloves in the closet, and I pull them on before I start spraying the table down with bleach. Whatever the, now dry, liquid is, it seems to come up easily.

The graffiti, not so much.

With the lack of sleep, my mind seems to go numb as I try to wipe away all the horrible words.

I’ve heard people say that when you get to college, things change. You’re allowed to be yourself, and college students aren’t anywhere as bad as high school students are.

Right now, I feel like I’m back in high school when people I thought were my friends proved how fragile our friendship was. Only, I’m choosing to be here now.This—the… bullying—it’s not going anywhere. This isn’t something that’s going to die down in a couple of weeks.