Page 6 of Halligan To My Axe

Sebastian turned as well and barely stifled his laughter.

“Aw, shit.” I sighed.

“Boys,” the bane of my existence, and ex-girlfriend, Detective Annalise Hernandez, drawled.

Annalise wasn’t a bad woman. I just liked my women a little less...brash and ballsy.

Annalise was a seasoned detective on the Benton Police Department, and she’s beautiful. But beauty wasn’t the only thing I was looking for. I liked my women soft and warm, not cold and hard.

I’d gone out with Annalise for nearly five months before I finally realized that no matter how much work I put into the relationship, I would never be able to make it work. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t approve of the Dixie Wardens and went out of her way to make that known.

“Annalise,” I nodded. “How are you?”

“What have we got?” She said briskly, ignoring the niceties that I tried to engage her in.

Annalise didn’t know why our relationship didn’t work, and I never had the desire to explain to her that she was too much like one of the guys, rather than a girlfriend. I didn’t think she’d appreciate that too much. Instead, I’d just told her I wasn’t interested in her anymore and left it at that.

Harsh, yes, but in the end it saved some hurt feelings on her part.

Sebastian answered her question when she raised her eyebrows at me in question. “Older male, late seventies. Dead. Sword through the chest.”

“Witnesses?” She asked.

They both shrugged.

“Alright, back off and let me do my job.” She ordered and left to speak with the officer that was first on the scene.

“You heard the man,” Sebastian said.

At my glare, Sebastian laughed.

“Funny.” I growled.


She asked me to say something sexy to her, so I whispered, “I’m a fireman.”

- Kettle to Adeline


“Can I help you?” I asked the woman on the front porch of my apartment the next morning.

I’d just come out to get my daily fix of the hot firefighter and found the woman on my doorstep about to knock.

That was the second time in two days that I nearly got smacked on the face.

“I’m Detective Annalise Hernandez,” she said flipping her badge open and shut again. “I’m here to ask you a few questions. May I come in?”

“Actually, I was on my way to sit on the porch anyway. You may join me.” I said politely, closing the door firmly behind me.

Wouldn’t do to have Monty get out with her here.

She looked annoyed that I wouldn’t let her inside, and I’d had to contain the urge to laugh. I wasn’t a naïve little girl. I wasn’t bringing some cop into my house. I knew better than that.

“I have some questions for you about last night.” Detective Hernandez began.

“Shoot,” I said just before my eyes locked on the heart-stopping, panty wetting man running down the middle of the parking lot.