Page 3 of Halligan To My Axe

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Holy shit. The woman was hot.

And I’d nearly hit her over the head with my fist when I went to knock on her door.

That would’ve been fun to explain to my superiors. ‘I accidentally whacked her in the face when I was knocking on the door. I didn’t mean to knock her out. Promise.’

On the bright side, I knew her name.

Adeline Sheffield.

It didn’t fit her. Not with all those tattoos. She looked more like a Cat, or a Roxie.

The woman was hotter than fuck.

She had black hair that was slicked back into a funky ponytail at the tiptop of her head, and she was wearing a killer pair of jeans that made her ass look like a dream.

The shirt she was wearing was skimpy, and most likely was an undershirt of some sort. It showed off her small breasts perfectly, and I could make out every single bump of her hard nipples and areola.

It also showed off the multiple tattoos on her back, forearm, shoulder, and wrist.

“What’s the situation?” Sebastian, my best friend, brother, and boss, interrupted my degenerating thoughts.

Sebastian and I had been best friends for over ten years now. We’d met while we were fighting fires overseas in the military.

Although that’s where the similarities ended.

Sebastian had been a firefighter in the marines while I’d been a firefighter in the Army.

We’d been in different military branches, yet come together to fight a common enemy.

“Goliath thinks they’re smoking weed in the apartment below me and it’s coming up through my floor.” Adeline said, smoothing her dainty hands over the snake’s lithe body.

Sebastian, who’d been watching the happenings going on at the bottom apartment, snapped his eyes to the woman. They promptly widened when he saw her.

Or maybe it was the six foot fucking snake wrapped around her neck and shoulders.

“Uhh, yeah. We’ve gotten calls to this place before. The man underneath you is dying of liver cancer and imbibes from time to time to control the pain. He lives with his teenage grandson, and the grandson isn’t known for his restraint. They’re probably lighting up together like they’ve done countless times before.” Sebastian said, tilting his head slightly, trying to figure the woman out.

“Mr. Bonner? I thought he was just kind of crazy. I guess it makes sense though. How sad.” Adeline replied morosely.

A commotion coming from the end of the parking lot had us all turning to see a frazzled woman in stilettos and the shortest skirt I’d ever seen running towards us.

Her tits were bouncing like the little bobble head dolls you see on dashboards, and looked perilously close to popping out of her skimpy little tube top all together if she didn’t slow down.

“I’m so sorry,” Bouncy Boobs apologized. “I was on a date. Which apartment do you need into?”

Adeline snorted. “Must have been some date.”

I barely contained my laugh in time before BB was bouncing her way to us.

“1A, ma’am.” Sebastian replied soberly.

He wasn’t in a laughing mood, apparently.

“Yes, yes,” she said hustling to the door.