"The police showed up at the Indigo this morning. They questioned a few customers and staff, but no one had seen or heard of you. They did a walkthrough of the public areas and didn't push to be allowed into private areas. According to Henrik, the police didn't appear to be taking this overly seriously since you are an adult, and they have been getting a strange vibe from your stepfather." Judah paused and suggested they move to the living room and get comfortable. Nash had the feeling that Judah had something more to say, and he hoped it was all good news.

They sat together on the sofa in front of the window that gave such a splendid view of the vineyard. It was a colorful and relaxing vista, and Nash wanted to just sit there and soak in the beauty.

Nash hadn't known much beauty in his life. There was no time for such silly things when there was a dollar to be made. They rented the cheapest motels or flop houses and set up their tent in out-of-the-way locations on the edge of society. The only thing Arthur spent money on was his Vegas vacations, and everything else was bargain basement and worse.

The Chateau was amazing, and Nash could feel the imprint of the previous occupants in the air and in the stonework. The monks had left a positive, uplifting energy in the air. Their spirits were not present, but their energy remained and made the place peaceful and pleasing.

"I like your home. It's pleasant with an atmosphere that is relaxing." He commented, and Judah moved a little closer until their thighs were touching, and he slipped his arm across Nash's shoulders in a move that was becoming familiar and very welcome.

"The Coven has always held an underlying sense of peace and tranquility probably from centuries ago when it functioned as a Mission," Judah remarked on the observation.

"It's the monks." Nash clarified. "They're not here, but their energy is still present, absorbed in the wood and stone. It's a testament to your Master that the influence of the holy men has not been suppressed or tarnished. He has maintained this land as clean and honorable. Nothing dark or sinister can survive here for very long. The light and peace are too strong." Nash let his thoughts ramble, and Judah listened. "I haven't had to guard myself against anything here, and that's rare."

"What do you guard yourself against? What have you been exposed to?" Judah pulled him a little closer, and Nash felt protected and felt a freedom to speak candidly.

"Some of the places Arthur has rented for us have been awful and just crawling with sadness and despair. In the beginning, I had to just endure, but as I matured, I learned how to block the bad elements." Nash took a deep breath and leaned against Judah, enjoying the sensation of strength that he exuded.

"I have spent years in a cocoon of my own making because the terrible things began to pile up, and they all seemed to want a piece of me." He shuddered at the thought and remembered the struggle he went through just to stay sane and whole.

“How old were you when you learned to block the bad things?”

"Eight, and I was being terrorized by a wraith that I picked up when Arthur and my mother decided to camp out next to an old graveyard. I thought the thing was going to kill me. It wouldn't stop and wouldn't let go." Nash remembered the pain and the exhaustion like it was yesterday.

"I met a woman at one of our shows who was like me. She saw what had hold of me and told me how to block things from attaching. She also showed me how to get rid of the wraith." Nash reached up to the collar of his shirt and pulled out a silver chain, and on it was a large silver pendant bearing the markings of peace and protection. "She gave me this. It made the wraith leave. They don't like silver. They can't function around it, so I have never taken this off."

"I'm glad there was someone who looked out for you, and I am sorry that you had to go through such things."


Judah was stunned by what his innocent love had to suffer from an early age; being left to deal with such horrors on his own was heartbreaking to hear. He held him close, hoping to channel a sense of safety and home. Nash leaned into him, and that was more than he expected and everything that he wanted. He was slowly looking to him for the support he needed.

"You are no longer alone, Nash. I will be your strength and your support no matter what happens. I'm an old vampire, although, like all vampires, I do not age. I understand that you've spent your life depending upon yourself and no one else, but know that I am here, and I will always be here for you." Judah tried to convey his support and his understanding.

"Your life and your experiences are not unfamiliar as I have been a soldier in the Master's army for centuries, and I have witnessed most of what life can throw at you. Lean on me, Nash. Together, we can overcome all obstacles." Judah was not used to having to sell himself to a love interest, but he was also prepared to do whatever he had to do to win the heart of his beloved.

Nash was a complicated little man, and Judah was honored to have been given such a deep and complicated man for his very own. His vulnerabilities were clear, and he did not hide his pain as well as he thought he did. His gift had set him up for exploitation from people on both sides of the veil, and Judah would make sure that ended.

"Do you wish to continue doing the work that you do, meeting people, contacting their past loved ones, and being a conduit to the other side, or is this simply something that you had no choice in." Judah needed to know where his heart was before making any statements or suggestions.

“I hate it.” He stated very clearly and with a force that left no room for misunderstanding. “I never want to be a part of another tent show or exhibition ever again. I don’t mind helping people, but I absolutely refuse to perform for money ever again.”

"Your life is your own, my love." Judah declared and pulled him in for a kiss, this one on the lips and filled with promise and a pledge to support and protect. The kiss went on for several minutes, both engaging in the discovery, each lost in the sensations that burned to the core and ignited a love and desire that was unmatched and beyond compare. It was Fate's promise fulfilled.

"I'd like for you to stay here with me. I know this is fast, and you don't really know me, but I need you here with me. It's the way of the paranormal. Fated couples need to stay close, especially before bonding occurs." Judah made his pitch to have him remain at the Coven. His intent was for Nash to never leave and to ultimately make his home there with Judah.

"I'd like that, thank you." Nash stared up at him with those expressive eyes, and again Judah found himself melting under the beauty, and his need for this little man was growing to unimaginable proportions.

"There is someone I'd like for you to meet," Judah told him and ran his fingers down the side of Nash's face, reveling in his softness and beauty. "He's a forest mage, and he's bonded to one of the wolves you met last night. His name is Sacha Ivanov. He will be stopping by to speak with you about your stepfather."

“What about him?”

"You mentioned that the wolf shifters didn't stay after your stepfather took the stage, but you didn't know why," Judah stated, and Nash nodded.

"None of the paranormal beings remained once Arthur took over, and the reason is that he's been tainted with dark magic. It could be a possession or a spell, but either way, he's carrying around some dark stuff that could infect others." Judah noticed that Nash's blue eyes kept getting bigger the more he shared. His shock was apparent, and there was fear there as well.

“When did he pick up this darkness?” Nash asked.

“I don’t know.” Judah shook his head. “Do you remember any changes in his behavior at any specific time?”