
“Why did we leave the hotel?”

"Your stepfather filed a missing person's report on you. He also claims you have emotional disorders and are a danger to yourself." Judah saw the expression explode across Nash's face. It was indignant anger at its fiercest. "I thought you would be safer at the Coven," Judah added before the explosion went off.

"Emotional disorder!" Nash yelled and then turned away and then turned back, ready to do battle. "That lying sack of shit. How dare he try to insinuate that I'm unable to care for myself. I've been caring for myself my entire life. I'm eighteen, and I don't care what he says or does; I am not going back. He can get the hell off my back and start making his own money."

Judah took his hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it softly. "I guarantee you will never go back there, and Arthur Tate will never harm you again. You have my pledge and my promise." Judah kissed his hand again and received a questioning look and then a soft smile for his effort.

"Thank you, Judah. I'm not sure why you're helping me, but I'm awfully glad that you are." Judah turned to him with a smile, recognizing the trust that was growing between them. He was still cautious, but each interaction was more relaxed than the last. Nash was getting used to him and accepting their connection.

"I've run away many times over the years, but he always found me and brought me back. This time will be different." The joy and relief were evident in his tone, and it warmed Judah's heart.

“This time will be very different, I guarantee it," Judah assured him. "I have quarters on the third floor of the Chateau along with other soldiers. You will be safe there. Master Cabot knows that you're coming and looks forward to making your acquaintance." Judah made idle conversation, seeking to put him at ease. He was still holding his hand, and Nash was reciprocating. The contact appeared to comfort him as much as it pleased Judah.

"Why can't I read you?" Nash asked as they turned into the drive that would lead to the Chateau. He didn't have a lot of time before they reached the Chateau, so Judah didn't want to get into the specifics.

"It's Fate, my love." He said and pulled into the garage located behind the Chateau and gave direct access to the interior and upper levels. The place was well thought out and constructed but also maintained the beauty and logic of the former mission.

Nash continued to stare at him, taking in every feature, every air and expression. He was trying so hard to break through. “I can’t read you like I can read others, but I can feel you.” He broke the silence that had taken over since parking and turning off the engine. “I have an awareness of you that I have never experienced before.”

"As an older vampire, I find it quite easy to read most people, especially humans, but I cannot touch your mind. I can register your feelings. I know if you are stressed or fearful, emotions come through clearly, but I cannot get into your thoughts." Judah explained his own limitations, although he knew the reason why.

“It’s Fate?” Nash repeated Judah’s words with furrowed brows.

"You and I are meant to be, and this is Fate's way of keeping us on a level playing field. Neither has unnatural power over the other." Judah made the statement and then proceeded to exit the vehicle. He wanted to continue this conversation in a location more comfortable, for it was going to take time.

Nash remained in the vehicle for a couple of seconds before he, too, stepped out, wrapping the thin blanket around him. Judah placed his boots in front of him, and Nash slipped them on. Judah stayed close in case Nash needed assistance or stumbled. He was moving slowly but steadily. They made it to the elevator, and once inside, Nash turned to him.

"You recognized me in the basement; you know me." Nash was more astute than Judah had given him credit. Even in his alcohol stupor, he had felt a connection that was coming back to him now.


Nash believed he was doing the right thing, staying with Judah and following his lead. He always paid attention to his instincts, and currently, they were telling him Judah could be trusted. Still, eighteen years of being abused, neglected, and betrayed was hard to get past. There remained a part of him that was waiting for this to go south and for Judah to drop him flat.

The things he was referring to without actually saying implied a connection which Nash was somewhat familiar with. His reference to Fate brought back past interactions he had with paranormal beings. It was something very serious, a soul connection they revered and was never spoken of idly.

He'd felt something when Judah had entered the basement stockroom. Even though his mind was clouded with whiskey, his presence had been powerful and refreshing. A new life and new beginning rang in his heart, and he had a vision of a future where he smiled and smiled often. He was afraid to believe because high hopes always brought crushing despair. But everything seemed to be pointing toward a relationship that was bonded, which was something specific to paranormal beings and something that was sacred. Could this be real? Could it be his?

"I recognized you. At first, I wasn't sure, but when I touched you, I knew you. You filled me with a light and a warmth that was irresistible, and my heart nearly pounded out of my chest. You are my beloved." Judah said it loud and clear and reached over, taking Nash's hand as the elevator opened on the third floor.

"I know what a mate and a beloved are. I've seen them in the minds of others. I understand what you are saying to me, but still, how can this be?" Nash asked, knowing that there was no way for Judah to answer that.

From what he understood, it was a Fated, predestined pairing, and it was also believed that the two would come together when they needed each other the most. That part of the legend was spot on because Nash needed Judah more than anything else in this world.

"Let's get inside, and I'll order some breakfast, and we can talk." Judah put his arm around him and guided him to a door at the end of a long, wide hall. The Chateau was impressive, as was the grounds that he observed on the drive up. Nash felt strange being at the Coven but also felt safe. There was a peacefulness that was hard to describe.

The air was not oppressive or troubling in the least, and Nash was a good judge of atmosphere. He could read a crowd just by the scent they exuded. There were times he'd wanted to run after meeting the crowd that was waiting, but they paid their ticket price, and like a good dancing bear, Nash had to perform. He gave them their money worth regardless of his feelings, and there were nights he would have preferred to be anywhere other than that blasted tent.

There were nights when tragic people showed up, and Nash would relive their tragedy with them and try to present it and the victims in a way that was not totally heartbreaking. He kept it honest, but there was a limit to the amount of sadness a person must endure, and Nash tried to lessen the blow whenever he could.

It also took a toll on him, living these events so many and night after night. There were days when he could hardly get out of bed, but he was never allowed to rest, always on, always prepared to perform for Arthur's private guests and additional paying customers. He wasn't treated like a human, just a tool for Arthur to use and exploit.

"I don't have any emotional disorders. I am perfectly sane and a functional human being." Nash felt the need to make that clarification just in case there was any lingering doubt.

"I know," Judah responded as he opened the door to his quarters and guided Nash inside. It was large and open, and strangely, Nash felt completely at home with the browns and creams that dominated the room. Judah had said he hadn't lived there long, but it was nicely decorated and looked lived in with a warmth that was specifically Judah. Nash was very comfortable.

The place was open and airy with a flow-through from entry to the living room to the dining room to the kitchen and then a hallway, which he assumed led to bedrooms. It was tidy and organized, and Nash loved organization and space.