“Arthur takes advantage of you?” Was it a question, was it a statement Nash wasn’t sure?

"Arthur was my legal guardian, but I'm over eighteen, and I have a right to leave." Nash hoped that was enough of an answer.

"How are you feeling?" Judah changed the subject and, while still holding Nash's hand, leaned over the edge of the bed, drawing much closer and capturing Nash's gaze once again. He was enthralling. He placed his other hand on Nash's forehead, checking for a fever.

"My head hurts, but that's probably due to the whiskey." Judah reached over and picked up a glass of water and a couple of pills and helped Nash get them down. He didn't even consider refusing, which was really not like him, but again, this guy was something else.

"That will help the headache, and as soon as you feel better, I will order breakfast for you. It is important that you eat and hydrate." Nash nodded, readily agreeing to everything this man had to say.

"Thank you for helping me." He said as Judah tucked him back in and once again took his hand, holding it firmly in his.

Judah wanted to say so much to this man, but his hesitancy and distrust were heavy and thick. He had to take it slow and earn his trust first before presenting too many things for his consideration. He did not object to Judah holding his hand and seemed eager for the comfort it afforded him. That was the pull doing its work, and although he probably didn't understand, he did not resist, so that was in Judah's favor.

"Rest, sweetheart, and we will talk later." He could see that Nash was tired and didn't want to push him unnecessarily. The truth would come out in due time. It always did. There was no rush as long as Nash was protected and kept safe from the dangers in his life.

Nash closed his eyes and was soon fast asleep, which was also a testament to his ease at being in Judah's company. He did not fear him and, on some level, trusted him but was not ready to bare his soul as yet. Judah understood his reluctance to share too much with a man he did not know.

As a legal adult, his stepfather would have no power over him, and the guardianship should be null and void. Nash seems more than ready to walk away from Arthur and the tent show. He wondered what kind of indignities Nash had been forced to suffer as the headliner for that man's insufferable tent show. Perhaps it would be better if he never found out.

Judah sat and held Nash’s hand and studied the sleeping man for several hours and then carefully rose and moved to the outer room to take a call from Remi. He was eager to get whatever information the man had gathered. The need to know more about his beloved was literally burning through him.

"I won't bore you with the basics." He began. "I'll send you the complete report, but there are a few things I thought you should be aware of immediately." Judah braced himself because knowing his beloved lived a hard life and actually hearing the details were two very different things.

"Arthur Tate has contacted the police and reported Nash Rhodes as a missing person. He claims his stepson, Nash Rhodes, has disappeared and also claims that Nash has emotional disorders that make him a danger to himself." Tate was going to use the guardianship and a supposed disability to try and keep Nash under his thumb.

“They’re saying he’s probably in Eastport since he was on foot when he left the farmhouse the family was renting south of town.” Remi fell silent for a moment and then continued. “They’re also claiming he self-harms.”

“They’re attempting to get him back but also covering for any injuries he displays. What a bunch of bastards.” Judah could not hold back his disgust.

"It's only Arthur. All the others are hired on scene. No one comes with them. It's just Arthur and Nash. His mother was also part of the shtick until she died six years ago in an auto accident in southern Minnesota." Remi informed, and Judah was surprised.

“An entire tent show, and it’s just the two of them?”

“Arthur hires a few guys to put up the tent and assist with the acts at each stop and then lets them go when he leaves. It’s cheap labor.” Remi explained further. “But I think you should get your beloved to the Coven as soon as possible before the cops come knocking.”

"I agree we will be leaving now." Judah did not comment further and closed the call. He looked back over his shoulder at the delicate figure asleep in the other room, and his heart tightened at the beauty of the man. His hair and his light blue eyes were striking and unusual, but it was the depth of his voice that made Judah sweat. His tone, even in a whisper, was both sexy and soothing in equal measure.

He put in a call to the Coven and let them know he was heading home with his beloved and also informed the Master of the circumstances. Nash was in danger of discovery the longer he remained at the hotel, so it was time to go. Judah wrapped him in one of the blankets and scooped him up into his arms once again. He felt immense satisfaction having his beloved in his arms. Nash fit perfectly against him, and Judah would gladly carry him forever if need be.

Nash stirred slightly and mumbled Judah's name but otherwise did not wake up, which was fortunate. Judah cuddled him close and headed out of the suite to the elevator. It was early morning, and the sun had not yet begun to rise, so there were few people in the hall apart from the staff, and no one paid him any mind as he took the elevator to the underground garage where he'd parked the previous day.

His SUV was not far from the elevator, and he hurried over, unlocking the vehicle as he approached. Again, the area was clear, not that it mattered. He'd simply clear the minds of anyone who tried to interfere, be they human or shifter. His beloved was of the utmost importance, and Judah would do anything to keep him safe and anonymous.

He slipped him into the passenger side of the vehicle and secured him before rounding the front and seating himself behind the wheel. Judah looked over at the precious man beside him and couldn't believe that this was really happening to him.

So many years and then finding his little man drunk in the basement of a hotel. Fate was creative in her matchmaking but also perceptive of the needs and wants of both parties. He looked forward to learning more about Nash and his hopes and dreams. Judah reached over and laid his hand on top of Nash's, enjoying the contact and the security of having the man so close.

Nash began to wake and looked around, then riveted Judah with a stare that demanded an explanation. He was small and utterly vulnerable, and yet he had a strength that pushed through, and Judah was impressed. His beloved had many facets.

"Where are we going?" He asked, his voice as sexy as ever, even in its hushed tones.

"My place on Old Mission Peninsula. Are you familiar with the area?" Judah decided to take it in steps and simply answer his questions.

“I’ve heard of it.” He tentatively replied. “The Cabot Vineyard is located there.”

"And the Mission Coven," Judah added.

He glanced over at Judah, uncertainty clearly in his gaze, and then he appeared to remember what they had talked about earlier. "You're a vampire."