Such an honor would never be his, and yet the reaction he was experiencing and the rush of emotions flooding his system indicated clearly that it was Fate's call. It would seem that the drunken trespasser belonged to him. Shock filled him but was soon suppressed by a flood of elated anticipation.

"Leave me alone." The man moaned, slurring his words, and Judah again felt a push to try and help. He moved closer, coming up beside Javier to try and get a better look at the man in question, but the drunken man buried his face in his arms and covered his head with his bandaged hands.

He had been hurt. His face and hands carried deep gashes that needed to be tended. Judah took another step closer, and the young man slumped to the floor, all fight gone out of him as unconsciousness mercifully claimed him. "The whiskey won." One of the wolves commented and was about to pick him up off the floor, but Judah stopped him.

"I'll carry him," Judah stated with enough authority that the wolves stepped back. He then bent and gathered the young man into his arms. He weighed no more than a feather, and it became clear that the man was malnourished as Judah could feel his ribs and his hip bones even through the heavy coat he was wearing. Whoever he was, he was not cared for or cherished by the people in his life.

Judah held him close and was being inundated by a barrage of thoughts and feelings regarding this man. The blood on his face and hands was calling to him, as was the overall scent that appeared to cling to him. There was no doubt who this man was to Judah, and his protective instincts began to kick in, along with the need to have him somewhere safe and secure.

"Take him to my office," Sam stated and then added. "The sofa is large and comfortable. He will be able to rest there, and we can have someone look at his injuries." Judah thought it was probably the best option at present. He hadn't announced his connection to the trespasser yet, but it was about to become obvious if any of the men standing around attempted to touch or get close to the man in his arms.

He hurried back upstairs to Sam's office. He had a large, comfortable sofa and several throw blankets. Judah carefully laid him out on the sofa and tucked a pillow under his head before covering him with one of the throws. This drunken teenager injured, scared, and hiding in the basement belonged to him, and he was going to make sure he was protected and received the care he deserved from this moment forward.

Koa sent for the doctor. Judah wasn't sure how he felt about the wolf doctor checking out the young man, but he had no reason to deny him. "The doctor will be here shortly,. Luckily, he was upstairs meeting with Henrik." Sam told him that meant Henrik would be coming as well to check on the interloper. Judah crouched down next to him, removed the dark glasses, set them aside, and slid the knit cap from his head.

Judah was absolutely astounded by the beauty that lay before him. His hair was long, soft, and black as the night, with a streak of white about two inches wide that started over his left eye and traveled the length of those gorgeous locks. He was unique and gorgeous, and everything about him hit Judah as perfect. He'd been on this earth a long time and met many interesting individuals, and not one could hold a candle to this beauty.

Sam leaned over Judah to get a closer look at the young man, and Judah wanted to tell him to back off but controlled himself by focusing on the young man and brushing the beautiful black hair out of his face. His eyes were closed, so he did not know the color, but he assumed they would be as impressive as every other part of him. He found his hair captivating and ached to run his fingers through it again.

He'd never been a fan of long hair on men until now. This man, with his handsome long hair, was in a league all his own. Nothing could take away from the splendor of this man, not even the harsh injuries to his face and hands. The wounds looked sore, and Judah could tell by the smell and the healing that he'd use the whiskey as a purifying agent. It must have hurt like a bitch when the whiskey touched the open wounds, and he felt for this poor little man.

One of the guards handed Sam a small slip of paper. "He left an I.O.U., so he planned to reimburse you for the booze." He said, and Sam took the paper and read it out loud. On the bottom, he'd signed his name.

"Nash Rhodes." He said the name, and it touched something in Judah, and he repeated it several times to himself.

"That's the name of the main attraction at that tent show I went to." Koa blurted. "Nash Rhodes, psychic healer, medium extraordinaire, only he has the answers, and only he can bring you peace." Koa finished with a chuckle. "Big billing for such a little lightweight." Judah turned to look at Koa, not liking that he was mocking the helpless man on the sofa.

"He knew you were a wolf." Sam reminded him, and Judah smiled. Koa could not argue.

“You think he’s legit?” Koa asked.

"I don't know," Sam answered honestly.

"I doubt that is his biggest concern right now. He's hurt, he's hiding, and he's scared. Something happened to him, and until we know what it was, I think we should keep his identity and location quiet." Judah offered, and fortunately, everyone agreed.

The doctor and Henrik arrived, and Judah was hard-pressed to move from the edge of the sofa and allow the doctor to get close. He didn't question the importance of the man lying there drunk and unconscious. This man is his beloved. Nash Rhodes was sent here for him. Fate brought them together, and Judah would do everything in his power to keep him safe and protected from whoever was tormenting him.

Henrik walked up to stand between Sam and Judah while the doctor cleaned Nash's wounds and dressed them. The young man did not wake, attesting to both how exhausted he was and how much liquor he consumed.

It was probably best that he sleeps through this, and by morning, he may be feeling better. Judah had met Henrik earlier in the day and found him to be a solid, powerful, and well-rounded leader. But he didn't realize that he also had the ability to sense connections.

"He's important to you, Judah?" Henrik asked, apparently picking up on the interest and angst coming off Judah.

He nodded and then looked at Sam. “Your trespasser is my beloved.”

He turned his gaze to Nash and the doctor and then continued. "I recognized him when I entered the stockroom, and it was definite when I picked him up after he passed out. His scent was intoxicating, and I was driven to protect him. There is no doubt he is my beloved."

"Congratulations, it's about time. You've been alone a long time, Judah." Sam smiled and patted Judah on the shoulder. "I agree we need to keep his whereabouts secret until we know why he is so scared.

“Do you know anything about him apart from his connection to the tent show?” Henrik asked Sam and Judah.

"Nothing yet, but I have a call into Remi, and he's doing a background on Nash and the others involved with the tent show," Sam responded, and Judah appreciated his assistance. Remi Toulouse was the director of intelligence for the Coven and was very good at his job. Judah had no doubt he would get a complete dossier by morning.

"If I or any of my men can be of assistance to you, don't hesitate to ask," Henrik told them.

"Thank you, Henrik," Sam answered, and Judah nodded, extending his gratitude.

“Are you going to take him to the Coven?”