"An old man, very old. He smiled at me, and he smiled at you. He's happy; he says that you have become a fine Keeper, and he's proud of the man that you are. He asks about the young foxes, are they well?" Nash kept relaying what the man was telling him.

“They are well and were returned to their families. The Bay Harbor Wolf Pack keeps watch over them.” Sacha responded emotionally.

"Good, he said, good. Yes, his name is Yves, and he tells me that he loves you and he is always close by when you need him." Nash enjoyed talking to this man. He was kind and loving in a way that made even Nash feel important and cared for.

"He's gone." Nash turned his attention to Sacha, who looked both stunned and happy. "He was a full body. I could see him and hear him." Nash clarified based on what they had been discussing previously.

"That was my grandfather, Yves Ivanov. He died saving those two fox shifters and saving me." Sacha told him, and the love he had for that man was clear in his face and his words.

“He wanted you to know that he is in a good place and that he’s looking out for you.”

“Thank you, Nash.

Judah entered his quarters and heard Nash and Sacha finishing up, so he went ahead and entered the living room, walking over to Nash and placing a very-needed kiss on his plump lips. It had been too long since he had the taste, and he ached for so much more.

Sacha left, and now he had Nash all to himself again, and he craved their time together, which he found funny and strange. He never craved anything in his life apart from vengeance and victory, depending upon the situation and the battle. Emotional needs were never on his radar until the minute that Nash, young, alone, and drunk, entered his life.

“You seem settled and happy.” He observed. “Was it a good visit?” He knew it was, but he wanted Nash to tell him about it. They sat together near the window while Nash explained in an animated fashion all they had discussed.

"Yves was here?" He knew of his beloved's abilities, but to hear of his contact with Sacha's grandfather was rather moving. He remembered the kind old man who was a fixture in the forest for many years.

"He stays close to Sacha," Nash explained.

"Interesting," Judah commented, thinking about the bond between Sacha and his grandfather that spanned even death.

“Sacha didn’t see any lingering effects from the essence that inhabits my stepfather. It confused me why I didn’t pick up on its presence, but he explained that the thing was probably hiding from me." Judah put his arm around him and pulled him up close, sensing that he was feeling frustrated.

"It's a demon, and those things have the power to hide, so don't beat yourself up for not seeing it. It did not want you to see, and as you said, Arthur is a bastard on a good day, so demon-enhanced Arthur was not that different." Judah brought him out of his funk and received a soft smile for his effort.

"I'm so glad to be away from him and everything to do with the tent show. I am free for the first time, and I love the feeling. I ran away so many times just to feel free for a little while." Nash leaned into Judah's embrace and turned his head to place a tentative kiss on the underside of Judah's chin. It was a light touch but reverberated across his sensitive flesh, lighting delicious fires along the way.

"You have changed my life, Judah; you make me feel whole and right and normal. I crave being near you, and your presence soothes and relaxes me in a way nothing else ever has. I'm growing very attached to you, and if you don't want that, it would probably be a good idea for you to run . . . now." With that said Nash tightened his grip on Judah's shirt, where he held onto it beneath his suit jacket. "Please don't go." He added softer and with an air of desperation.

Judah picked him up and cradled him in his lap and in his arms. "I will never leave you, my love. I heard Master Cabot say to his beloved Taylor, 'You are everything that I want and all that I need,' I feel the same and understand those words now down to my very soul. You are my beloved Nash, Fate's gift to me and my destiny." Judah made sure to get his feelings and expectations across clearly.

"You want to keep me forever?" Nash asked while continuing to plant light kisses on Judah's neck and jaw.

“Forever, my love.”

"I want you, Judah." That was all he needed to say, and Judah stood with Nash in his arms and carried him to the primary bedroom. He wanted his beloved in his room among his things, comfortable and satisfied.

Judah sat Nash down on the thick comforter and placed a pillow under his head before dropping a kiss on his lips. "I love it when you kiss me, Judah." He whispered as his eyes traveled Judah's face and his hands cupped the sides of his face. "I've not been kissed often or really felt attraction to anyone before. There was no time or place in my life for tenderness or love. My eyes, my hair, and my gaunt figure turned people off or often scared them away. They said I was freaky, but when you look at me, I don't feel freaky; I feel seen and . . ." He trailed off, and Judah finished the sentence for him.

"Loved, you feel loved because that is what I feel for you. You can say it, sweetheart, because it is true. I love you, and in time, I hope you will love me, too." Judah saw no reason to hold back or play half-measures. This was his beloved, and he would always keep the truth between them.

He didn't respond but rather pulled Judah down for a kiss, which he dominated, and Judah let him lead. The finesse was missing, but the eagerness and need were overflowing. There was no mistaking Nash's desire, and Judah was taking it all in. "Anything you want, baby, I'm yours." He whispered when Nash trailed frantic, desperate kisses across his jaw and threaded his fingers through Judah's hair.

Judah pulled off his jacket and tossed it aside, as well as his tie. The demand to strip was upon him. Nash was in control for the moment, and he was pulling at Judah's clothing. With Nash's previous admission that he had little experience with kissing, Judah assumed he had little experience in other areas as well. He would have to go at Nash's pace, giving what he wanted and alerting him to problems or discomfort.

Nash began unbuttoning Judah’s shirt and pulling it from the waistband of his pants. Judah released his belt and unbuttoned his pants. The enthusiasm in Nash's eyes as he pulled the shirt from Judah's shoulders was impatient and hungry, and Judah was reveling in it.

Judah took hold of the hem of Nash's t-shirt and pulled it up and off, baring his slender body to Judah's gaze. He needed to eat better, and Judah was already seeing to that, but regardless, there was nothing that could take away from the sheer beauty that was his beloved. Nash was gorgeous, and he would always be gorgeous because his allure came from within.

Nash managed to get Judah's shirt off, tossed it aside, and immediately began running his hands over Judah's bare chest and arms. "Your body is amazing." He said and continued to touch him as Judah soaked in the sensations he was eliciting.

"So is yours, my love." Judah began raining kisses on Nash's chest and abdomen, and Nash started smoothing the muscles of Judah's back. Judah was beginning to recognize that Nash was a tactile lover. The kisses went lower until he was at level with the waist of Nash's jeans. Nash had his eyes closed, and his fingers were tunneling through Judah's hair and caressing his scalp. The touch of their skin was thrilling, and Judah wanted to explore every inch of this beautiful man’s body.

Judah lowered the zipper and spread the halves apart, baring Nash's hardening cock beneath. He was quivering under his touch, and his reaction was delicious. Judah loved the deep breaths and tight sighs that accompanied every kiss Judah placed on his heated flesh. "You taste so good." Judah breathed the words against Nash's cock.