"I won't be far; if you call for me, I will hear you," Judah said and bent to place a possessive kiss on those sweet, expressive lips. His beloved tasted like paradise and bliss, and Judah would never get enough. Nash held tight to him and then nodded and stepped back.

"I'll be okay," He said, "because I have you here." he touched his heart, and once again, everything in Judah melted at this little man's feet.

"And I carry you here, my love." Judah touched his own heart. "Forever." Judah tore himself away, leaving Nash in Sacha's capable hands.

"I'm afraid I may be getting too dependent upon Judah, but he makes me feel whole and safe and so many other things that I just want to have him with me always. I never felt that way about anyone before. I never trusted anyone before; Judah has become my rock in just a few hours of knowing him." Nash let his feelings flow, having tentatively read Sacha, and found him nothing but sunshine and lightness.

Sacha assured him that Judah was in his life for a reason and to never hesitate to lean on him. "He is your beloved, and he will always be at your side." The man was pure goodness, as was the myth of the Mage. Nash had never met one before, but he never doubted they existed. Years ago, he felt the faint trail of Mage magic at a tent show in the forest. It was unmistakable with its purity and power.

Sacha was pretty much what he'd expected, with internal and external signs of power and an intensity that was fierce. "I walked the area where the tent show was set up to ascertain if any evil had seeped into the ground or surrounding area. We were also concerned that it may have been attached to someone who attended."

"You can tell if evil is attached to someone?" Nash was impressed.

“Yes, it leaves a specific tail if it jumps from one person to another.”

"How would you know who was infected?"

"Each person has an aura that is theirs specifically, and I can read auras." Sacha was being extremely patient with him and his questions, but he decided that maybe he needed to tone it down.

"I don't mind you asking questions; please feel free to ask me anything." Sacha, being the magic that he was, easily picked up on his reluctance to offend. Nash gave a quick nod and a smile.

“What do you know about my stepfather?” He would start there since he wanted to know what was enthralling him and how dangerous it was.

"The energy that has attached itself to him is dark, just as the shifters had reported. It isn't present in the area of the tent show, so it's a concentrated force like that of a demon. As far as I know, it's still attached to your stepfather unless it jumped after the tent show was packed up last night." Sacha explained everything in a manner Nash easily understood. He wasn't familiar with magic or such powers, but he knew spirits, good and bad, and he knew the demonic.

"Has it touched me? Am I tainted by the association I had with Arthur?" Nash wanted to know because he had sensed nothing while that thing was apparently riding Arthur. "I never felt the darkness that you speak of or what the shifters described. I was with Arthur daily and never saw him as any different than his usual hateful self."

"I don't know what its ultimate intent was, but it took great pains in staying hidden from you," Sacha explained. "It probably sensed your power and knew you could have dealt with it. It probably feared you."

Nash shook his head. "I can help spirits to pass over, and I can speak to the dead if they are willing, but I have never had the power to take on a demon. I've sensed and recognized them in people, but I've never engaged. I refer them to someone more skilled. I really don't think it feared me."


Judah met with Master Emmanuel regarding the situation surrounding his beloved. He was aware of the meeting with Sacha and agreed that his influence could be valuable to young Nash. “Come and sit.” The Master directed as soon as Judah arrived. The Master’s office was large and opulent but also practical and efficient. It was on the top floor of the chateau adjacent to his quarters and afforded a fantastic view of the vineyards for miles.

"It would be best to keep your beloved here at the Coven until the issue with his stepfather is resolved. He is best protected here, and with fouled magic in the air, you don't want to take any chances." Master Emmanuel urged Judah to be careful and to take all available precautions.

"He's content here and has stated that he's never been to a place so peaceful and light. He gives credit to the holy men of old." Judah commented and noticed Master Emmanuel raise a speculative eyebrow at his statement. "Their spirits do not remain, but their energy is here embedded in the earth and stone." He seemed relieved that spirits were not walking his halls, and it gave Judah a chuckle.

"I give you full power and authority to deal with anyone threatening your beloved or your bond. Handle the situation as you see fit, and we are here to help you in any way that you may require." Master Cabot made the clear statement, giving him the power to handle this without seeking further approval. He just received a very rare blanket consent.

"Thank you, sir." Judah finished and headed back to his quarters, eager to see his beloved and appease the ever-present need to make sure he was safe and well. Nash was with Sacha, so he knew he was safe, but there remained that nagging fear that something could happen to him, that something might take him away. He'd waited too long for his beloved, and with the threats hanging over him, Judah constantly feared the worst unless he was by his side.

It's the price you pay for such a deep connection; it's the price you pay for love. He didn't deny that what he was feeling was love and a devotion that sunk to his very core. This young man was his focus, his center, his life, and his love, and no one, living or dead, would ever be allowed to fuck with that.

"Tell me about your power," Sacha asked him. "Not just the sensing of energies but how it began and what you see and how you interact with these energies."

Nash preferred talking about Sacha, but he couldn't refuse to answer, given Sacha had shared his abilities with Nash. Mage power was so much more interesting than a medium, or at least Nash thought so.

"I don't know where my ability came from. My mother didn't have it, and she never talked about any other family. My father was an unknown. I like to think maybe he was a musician because I was born in Nashville. That's where my name came from." Nash coughed, feeling suddenly uneasy.

"It's okay." Sacha soothed. "My community wanted to throw me away after my father died and my mother ran away. A lot of people have had rough roads. You are not alone."

"I know, and thank you." Nash glanced up at him for a moment and then dropped his gaze back to his hands that were knotted in his lap. "Early on, when I was very young, I could see them quite clearly, and then around seven or eight, they started to get vague. I think it was fear that was masking them since I didn't like having them around or feeling their emotions." He paused again, not wanting to get into too much detail but wanting to give him the truth.

"Once I learned how to control what got in and what didn't, then I began to see them clearly again. I wasn't as vulnerable and could block the bad things. I see whatever they want me to see, either full body or misty or just a sense of their presence. I can hear actual words, full conversations, or simple emotions, whatever they want me to hear." He finished and looked up at Sacha to see an old man standing next to where he was seated. He stared at the man for a moment before the man smiled and began to communicate.

Sacha looked to his left, where Nash's attention was focused, and then back at Nash. "What is it? What do you see?"