"He's always been mean and hateful even to my mother, but she was no prize herself, so they were just two hateful people going at each other." Nash took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and then opened them and looked at Judah.

"I don't remember anything of significance. Like I said, he's always been awful." He paused for a few more seconds and then added. "He has been paranoid the last few months more than usual."

"When Sacha gets here, I'm sure together you can figure this out. It's important that whatever is attached to Arthur not get close to you and that no remnants of it are left here in Eastport. Magic is difficult and unpredictable, and black magic is pure, deadly, and contagious."

"When can we bond?" Nash asked out of nowhere and caught Judah unprepared for a proper answer. He stared at Nash for too long, and Nash began to smile and then laugh, and the sound was divine. It was so lovely. Judah had never heard anything so enchanting. He held his breath and pulled Nash back in for a tight hug, needing to have his beloved close and connected.

"Soon, my love, very soon." He breathed in the heavy scent of Nash. This man had thoroughly wormed his way into Judah's life and heart in under a few short hours. Life without him now would be impossible and unthinkable. His soldier's instincts were telling him to hold tight and be aware, for there were things in the air that could harm his little one. They were things that sneak about and lie and deceive.

Arthur backhanded the young man next to him for no other reason than he was within striking distance. "Get the fuck out of my way. You're useless to me." He yelled at the man, who didn't seem too concerned even after being hit.

"Keep it up, man, and the authorities are going to hear about what really goes on at those tent shows." The man said with plenty of swagger, making it clear he was not afraid of Arthur Tate.

Arthur stopped and turned back, glaring at the man with gritted teeth. "Are you threatening me?"

"Yeah, for sure, and don't ever raise your hand to me again because if you do, you'll be pulling back a stump." He pulled a six-inch blade from his pocket and ran it through his fingers. "I'm not your brow-beaten little stepson. You can't intimidate me, so don't try. My father was bigger and meaner than you ever thought of being, and I killed him, so don't think you're special."

“You’re fired, get out of here.” Arthur began to sputter and point at the door of their rented house.

"That's not how this works, Arthur." He walked over and got into his space. Arthur tried to step back, but he came up against the kitchen counter. "You and I have been a team for quite some time. You just weren't aware of it, or maybe you were."

He smiled and leaned closer, with his face a mere inch away from Arthur's. "You know me, you felt me, and you let me take over. Now I've found someone even darker than you, and he has no limits." Arthur was visibly shaking, and the man whose name he now remembered, Neo, no last name, just Neo, was looking at him with a sickly smile.

"I want Nash, and you're going to get him for me." Arthur began nodding rapidly, seeking to appease whatever demon had taken Neo.

“Whatever you want.” He said and continued to nod.

"Good, good." Neo then slapped him across the face, knocking Arthur to the side and nearly to the floor, but he caught himself on the counter. "Find him! You have till dawn tomorrow to bring him to me, or I will bury you where I buried my father." He laughed hard as he watched Arthur struggle to his feet and run from the farmhouse. The sound continued to boom through the house and yard as he continued to run.

"Word is that Arthur Tate is badgering the police to find his stepson and is threatening to hire outside investigators," Koa reported to Alpha Henrik upon receiving the report from the police. The Pack had two members serving on the Eastport Police Department who kept them abreast of issues that may impact the Pack or the Coven.

"Put surveillance on Tate and monitor all of his contacts. If he makes a move not in our best interests, contact Derek, and he will take it from there." Henrik ordered and then added. "Make sure Sam sees the report and is kept informed."

"I sent Sam the report," Koa stated. "Judah has Nash Rhodes in hiding at the Coven, so he's more than safe. The problem is that we can't find Arthur Tate. He has disappeared."

“The police don’t know his whereabouts?” Henrik questioned.

"No, he has gone underground, so to say, which is never a good thing."

Judah received the police report from Sam, and it thoroughly pissed him off. Sam assured him that everything was in hand and that Arthur Tate had no claim on Nash Rhodes. The guardianship ended when Nash turned eighteen.

They were searching for Arthur, who had suddenly decided to disappear and would let Judah know as soon as he was located. Judah appreciated that no one was taking this lightly.

"Stay close to your beloved and enjoy your time together, and I'll give you a call when I know more," Sam said and then closed the call.

If the situation called for eliminating Arthur Tate, Judah would not hesitate to take him out. The life and safety of his beloved trumped all other concerns in his mind. There was a growing urge in his mind to find the man and end him regardless of his next moves.

Arthur Tate had terrorized his beloved, abused and humiliated him for years, and for that, he has earned an ugly death. Judah had experience and training as an assassin for the Mission Coven and would gladly put those skills to work for his beloved.

He didn't share the current report with Nash, believing that he had too much to deal with already and the Coven and Pack were well able to deal with Arthur and his investigators. Nash had mentioned bonding, and Judah had managed to divert the conversation away, and then, thankfully, Sacha arrived.

Nash stayed close to Judah even as Sacha presented no threat. Judah kept his arm around him, recognizing this beloved needed the feeling of safety and grounding their connection afforded.

Sacha wore his cape that signified his status and power within the community of Mage, and like Nash, he had a power that radiated, although Sacha's was more ethereal and air, whereas Nash was more earthy and thick. Nash's power was of this world, and Sacha's was of the next.

They sat together for a while, getting to know each other, and then Judah excused himself, wanting them to be able to talk and share among themselves. "I'm going to check on the status of your situation with Tate and the police." He used it as an excuse to leave. Nash seemed uncertain about having him leave but then relented, knowing that he was safe and Judah was not far away.

"Okay," he said, his voice shaking just a little, but he controlled it and smiled up at Judah.