Page 13 of Beards and Babies

“Well, this is certainly a surprise.”

My stomach completely drops at the words behind me.

Embarrassment. Regret. Panic. Fear swirls like a tornado inside me as I turn to face Robin’s father, Carl.

I still don’t regret it, and I know we will both laugh about it eventually.

However, Carl isn’t laughing as his stout frame fills the doorway. Milo got his width from his dad and height from his mom. Robin got neither, all cute and petite and squishy. So fucking soft.

“Are you even listening to me?” he asks, and I honestly wasn’t. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Sorry, sir. A lot of surprising news today. Still processing.” I choose my words wisely because I have nothing but respect for the man and truly want his blessing. Other than my own father, this man has had the leading male role in my life. Still to this day.

Carl’s expression softens, but he repeats himself.

“I’m callin’ a family meeting. Now. So you two get your shit straight.”

He glares at Robin with clear disappointment, and her eyes cast down to her shoes instantly. She’s taking a shit ton more heat than I expected. Was she warned not to date me? Has her family been telling her not to date me all these years while Milo had been threatening me? The thought twists my already upset stomach, and nausea rolls through me. I’m far from a stable partner, but I’ve got a plan. I just need them trust me.

“Hey, you alright?” she asks me, her warm hand coming to my cheek.

I take a deep breath before replying. “Processing.”

She nods. “I wish I could have told you sooner.”

“I’m so sorry you couldn’t. This mess is my fault. I should have asked their permission, should have fought for a regular date before just taking what I wanted.”

“Hey. I took what I wanted, too, and I also don’t regret it.”

Her sassy tone lifts my mood marginally.

“Plus, sometimes, with overprotective brothers, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.”

“You don’t think he would have given me permission to ask you out?”

I hold my breath, waiting for her response. If my best friend, a man who knows me and my worth better than anyone, doesn’t find me to be enough, it will absolutely break me.

If he doesn’t think I’ll be a good father, how can I be?



What have I done.

As the guests start arriving for the baby shower, Meno and Daphne keep everyone occupied, so we can have a family meeting, as dad called it.

So far, we’re all in Milo’s room as he burns daggers at me from across the room while he sits on his bed, pouting against the headboard.

Dad hasn’t stopped pacing or pulling on his long gray beard.

Finally, Mom walks in.

“Okay, I’m back. What did I miss?” she says, having returned from picking up the baked goods.

But before anyone answers, her eyes catch on me and Soren, practically cuddling on the couch. His large arm is protectively slung over my lap as he holds my hand.

“Mom, um, Soren is the father of my baby.” I take a breath wishing, for some courage but only feeling as if I somehow failed. Granted, the whole circumstance, especially today, could have been handled better.