Page 55 of Loud Places

“Jesus, Mom!” Ethan blurted. “Did you really say that?”

“Sure did, hon. You know your old ma’. I never was one for holding my tongue or keeping up appearances for the sake of it.” The grin transferred through the phone and Ethan couldn’t help shaking his head and smiling too. His mom must’ve been really upset because she didn’t even comment on the fact that he’d taken the Lord’s name in vain.

“What did Wilson say?”

“Not much, sweetie. I mean, what could he say, really? They all know that they messed up back then… Not much to do about it now, is there? But I sure hope that they throw the book at that useless son of a… that they put him away for all eternity and throw away the key…” His mom stalled and there was a heaviness to her voice which Ethan recognized from the time when his grandmother had died or when his classmate Ben had crashed his car against a tree, killing himself and his girlfriend Bobbi-Jean. “And then I couldn’t help but think about poor Fiona all alone in the hospital…” his mom trailed off, her voice hesitant.

“Mom… What did you do?” Ethan had a feeling that he knew exactly what his mom had done, and if he were to be honest with himself, he couldn’t blame her.

“I told him about the postcard. Ethan, honey, I…”

“It’s okay, Mom. I guess he has a right to know.”

Shifting on his feet, he looked at Avery, who took the phone out of his hand just as the first tears started gathering at the corners of his eyes. Avery’s voice sounded soft and calm as he picked up the conversation.

“Hello, Mrs. Bishop?” Then he chuckled before continuing. “Yes, sorry, I know. Belinda. Yes, or Mom.” His eyes lit up with warmth and pride perhaps.

“We’re good, thank you. Uh huh, we’re still in Boston.” Ethan’s eyes trailed along the curve of Avery’s stubbled chin as he spoke, the sunlight getting caught in the almost golden two-day old beard. Ethan closed his eyes momentarily, recalling the feeling of the prickly chin against his own sensitive inner thigh this morning as Avery had blown him. Images of waking up with Avery’s tanned, naked body splayed across his own, like a koala bear clinging to a branch. Avery always ended up halfway on top of Ethan during the night almost as if he couldn’t get close enough. Ethan was beginning to love the feeling of a naked Avery fused to his side, puffing wet breaths against his chest. Yeah, he was getting used to having Avery next to him and it would be strange when he no longer woke up wrapped around him.

Avery continued to stroke the hair at the back of Ethan’s neck while he spoke to his mom, recounting where they’d been yesterday and what they were planning on doing the remaining time in Boston.

“Sure, Belinda. I will.” Avery turned to Ethan, a smug smirk covering his plump lips. “Don’t worry, I’ve been taking care of your boy in the big city, and I’ll make sure that he gets well on his way to Maine, too.” He winked at Ethan before continuing. “Yes, I’ll tell him. Okay. Talk to you soon. Bye.”

Handing the phone to Ethan, Avery pressed his lips against his temple, brushing them lightly against the spot.

“You okay?” he mumbled, tangling his fingers through the outgrown hair around Ethan’s ears.

“Yeah… I think so… All the more reason to find Matty now.”

“Yeah… Let me just grab something from the coffee shop and then we can go.” Avery searched Ethan’s eyes and he nodded in agreement.

One more night, Ethan thought to himself, as he watched Avery’s slender figure heading in the direction of the fancy cafe. One more night in Boston with this man and then he’d head off to Maine. He didn’t know why he felt so conflicted suddenly. He should be happy. He was happy, he reminded himself. He was gonna see Matty again.


Matty – Now

“SHIT, WHY DOESeverything always feel better when you’re out here?” Matty’s eyes were closed as he tipped his head towards the blue sky, the ocean breeze tickling his nostrils. Taking a deep breath, the salty ocean air filled his lungs, until there was no more room left for worry or sadness.

“It just does…” Austin came to stand behind him, wrapping his solid arms around his waist as he mumbled against Matty’s warm neck. “No reason to spend hundreds of dollars on a spa treatment when the cure’s right here.”

“Yeah,” Matty smiled wistfully. “I always imagined that it would be like this. That I’d feel at home and at peace right away when I got to the ocean…” He took another deep inhale before continuing. “Back then it was just a silly childhood fantasy to escape, you know, but it was as if my body instinctively knew that once I got here, I’d start healing.” There was a seriousness to his voice and for some reason he felt strangely emotional. Opening his eyes, he took in the blue melting into even more shades of blue before him. Turning around, facing Austin, he dug his fingers into his boyfriend’s solid shoulders. The warmth of Austin’s body transferred to his own, settling him.I love him.

“I love you.” The words lingered in the crisp ocean air between them, and Austin’s features immediately softened, gray eyes spilling over with affection and need. Matty realized that it was the first time that he’d said it first. The first time that he’d spoken those three words without atooat the end. It felt significant and the emotions that were mirrored in Austin’s eyes told him that he felt the importance of the moment, too.

“I know, sweetheart. I know you do,” Austin breathed against his chin, before he pressed the softest of kisses against Matty’s left temple. “Are you nervous about going back?”

“Yeah… kinda. But it helps that you’re going with me.”

“Always,” Austin murmured.

They stood like that, holding each other for a while, swaying to the motion of the sea as the calm waves beat continuously againstStella, like a lullaby.

“Have you ever thought about finding your mom?” Matty broke the silence as he placed both hands on Austin’s cool cheeks.

Austin sighed, the sadness evident in the sound of his voice as he spoke.

“Yeah… When I was younger, I used to think about it all the time. How I’d go there—find her in the city, you know. She’d be all beautiful and shit. Same black hair as me, same gray eyes staring back at me. She’d cry and tell me that she was sorry, you know. That she loved me, still, after all this time. Thought about me every day… blah blah blah…” Austin shook his head before he rested his forehead against Matty’s. “It was all just silly daydreams, you know. A child’s need for a fairytale ending…”