Page 49 of Loud Places

“Hmm hmm,” Avery mumbled as he buried himself deeper against Ethan’s armpit, inhaling slowly. “Much better. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, baby. It was my pleasure entirely,” Ethan grinned knowingly as he brushed a dirty-blond strand away from Avery’s forehead. “You sore?”

Avery shifted next to him and shook his head. “No, not sore. Just deliciously debauched.” He reached for Ethan’s hand and pulled it towards his plump ass, wiggling it suggestively against Ethan’s fingers. “But I do feel terribly empty, Eth.”

“Yeah?” Ethan smirked, enjoying where this was going. “Didn’t I fuck you good enough?” he asked as his fingers dove between Avery’s still slick ass cheeks and carefully brushed them across his crease.

A whimper spilled from Avery’s lips as he pushed his ass against Ethan’s fingers. “It’ll never be enough. You know that. You could impale me on that delicious dick of yours 24/7 and it still wouldn’t be close to enough.”

Fuck. This man. This sweet, sexy enigma of a man. The way Avery bared himself to him so easily, so willingly. It humbled Ethan and at the same time it fucking scared him to death. Because he was starting to want that too. He needed it. Like he needed the air in his lungs and the food in his belly. Ethan too, wanted to be connected to Avery 24/7. And not just physically because if Ethan was being honest with himself, the bond he shared with Avery had long ceased being a merely sexual one. Or one of companionship on the road. He was falling for Avery, and he knew that he shouldn’t. Because he had responsibilities. Like finding Matty. And making sure that he was okay. And returning home. And starting his life, working at the Peterson farm, helping his family out like he’d done most of his life. So, falling for Avery was as inconvenient as it got. But still a fact, nonetheless. So yeah, fuck.

Avery bit at his nipple and he was pulled back to the present and the softness of Avery’s skin and the warmth seeping from his body into Ethan’s.

“Eth?” Avery’s voice came out questioningly, an edge of worry to it. “What is it?”

“It’s nothing. Just spacing out for a sec.”

Avery buried his nose in Ethan’s armpit and inhaled slowly.

“Are you sniffing me?” Ethan grinned, Avery’s warm breath tickling his sensitive skin.

Avery chuckled, while he licked at the hairy armpit. “Maybe.”

Ethan slapped Avery’s left butt cheek and a hiss left his mouth.

“You’re a little animal, you know that? You’re like this needy little spider monkey, clinging to me.”

“Oh, I know,” Avery sighed. “But if you gave me what I needed, I wouldn’t have to be so fuckingclingyas you call it.”

“Oh yeah?” Ethan laughed. He loved this version of Avery. The desperate edge to his voice. The unrest in his body. “What is it that you need from me that I ain’t already giving you, huh?”

Avery sighed even more deeply as if he was giving up on Ethan. Oh, Ethan knew exactly what Avery was referring to, but he enjoyed this squirming, bratty version of his lover almost as much as he loved the submissive Avery. Or the flamboyant Avery. Or the…

“I need your fucking fingers in my hole, that’s what I need, Ethan. But you already know that. You know I can’t fall asleep all empty and…”

Ethan could hear the accusatory edge to Avery’s voice. The hint of desperation.

“Well, why didn’t you just say so, baby? You know I want nothing more than to be your living, breathing plug for the night.” He grinned into Avery’s damp hairline while his fingers brushed against his entrance before he slipped two fingers inside his deliciously well-used hole.

“I did say so,” Avery sighed in relief, and Ethan could tell by the sound of his voice that he was already starting to drift off.

“Yeah, you did, baby. You did.” Ethan swallowed and felt tears pressing behind his closed lids. How the fuck was he ever going to let go of this beautiful man? How in his right mind would he ever be able to walk away from this? Because he needed Avery just as much as the other way around. Just because he wasn’t as verbal about it as Avery, didn’t mean that he needed him any less.

Avery shifted next to him, a cute snore leaving his mouth.Yeah, well at least they had this week left together in Boston. He was gonna soak everything up, every little moment and every smile. Every kiss and every stolen touch. And then, he was gonna tuck it away somewhere safe deep inside. Some place hidden from the world. A place only he could reach whenever he needed it. It was no way near enough. It was never gonna be enough. But it had to be. It just had to.


Austin – Now

“WHAT CAN Iget you, Officer? Coffee? Iced tea? A beer?” Millie looked at the deputy and started busying herself at the kitchen counter.

“Coffee is fine, thank you, ma’am,” Wilson replied as he took off his hat and placed it on the empty chair next to him.

As soon as Austin had managed to calm Matty down a bit, he’d called Will and his dad and asked if they could all meet up at the Hart’s. Will had been at the docks within ten minutes, insisting he’d pick them up in his old truck, and the deputy had followed them in his metallic Chevy Tahoe. Even before they’d all sat down in the small kitchen, which was now feeling cramped, Ray had barged through the door and looked alarmed at his son. As soon as Ray had seen Matty literally clinging to Austin, he’d asked Will if he had anything stronger than coffee. Ray had grown quite attached to Matty, even more so after Matty and his only child had bought a house together four months ago. Austin had told his dad that Matty didn’t have the best childhood nor an easy time growing up in West Texas, but Ray had never asked for any specific details. He’d just nodded in silent agreement and told Austin that the boys could tell him when they were good and ready.

The kitchen was silent aside from Millie getting a drink for everyone and the occasional sob or hiccup from Matty followed by a reassuringshhhfrom Austin. To the outside, it might have looked strange, a full-grown man sitting in the lap of another man, his head buried against his broad chest while wrapped in a steel embrace. But to Austin, it felt like the only place where he could keep Matty safe. If they were fused together, his own heart beating against Matty’s, steadying him. Calming him.

That was why Austin had asked Matty to move in with him in the first place. Well, at least one of the many reasons. He wanted to take care of Matty and make sure that he was safe. That he would always be safe. To some, they might seem too young to settle down, but hell, some people still married straight outta high school back in Texas and some in Maine too, so to Austin it hadn’t felt strange at all when the idea started building in his head. No, not strange at all. It had been as if all the pieces of the puzzle were finally falling into place. The final, missing piece. The one that had been missing ever since he was three years old. Because now Austin finally had someone who belonged to him. Someone who would always belong to him. Someone who wouldn’t leave. And not just anyone. He belonged to Matty and that was the best thing ever. They might not be married yet, but Austin hoped that that was the way they were headed eventually.