Page 44 of Loud Places

“Fuck… them.” Avery closed his eyes, tasting the words on his lips before he raised his voice an octave, pronouncing the words clearly. “Fuck them.”

“Fuck’em,” Ethan repeated, holding Avery in a grip of steel by the throat.

“Fuck them and their ridiculous rules,” Avery blurted, his eyes turning darker.

“Fuck’em,” Ethan repeated as he brushed his lips against Avery’s, his tongue licking at the left dimple.

“Fuck you, Mom and Dad,” Avery whispered against Ethan’s lips as the tears now flowed freely down his heated cheeks before they continued down his chin.

“Tell me what you need, Avery,” Ethan demanded. He felt Avery swallowing beneath his hand.

“I… I don’t know.” He tried to evade Ethan’s penetrating stare.

“Yes, you do. Tell me.”

“Ethan, please… I don’t…” Avery shuffled on his bare feet, grinding into the soft carpet.

“But youdoknow, Avery. You do. So, tell me what you fucking need.”

Looking up at Ethan through hooded eyes, the air between them suddenly became electric. Sucking in a deep breath, Avery exhaled as he leaned closer to Ethan.

“I need you to fuck me.”

“Yeah, you do. That’s what youneed, Avery.”

“It is,” Avery nodded in relief and surrender.

“Never be afraid to ask me for what you need, Avery. There isn’t anything that I’m not willing to give you.” Ethan leaned forward and rested his forehead against Avery’s damp one. He knew it was a lie. There were a lot of things that he couldn’t give the man standing in front of him, but in that moment, Ethan wanted it to be true more than anything.


“You want me to fuck you, Avery? Huh? You want me to make it all go away?”

Avery nodded in silent agreement.

“Say the words, Avery. Say them loud and clear.”

“I need you to fuck me, Ethan. I need you to make it all go away. Please.”

Ethan nodded as he turned towards the door, pulling Avery with him.

“Show me their bedroom. Your parents’,” Ethan spoke determinedly over his shoulder.

“Their bedroom… Why?”

“Because that’s where I’m gonna fuck you, Avery. That’s where I’m gonna fuck that pretty little hole of yours. On daddy’s expensive sheets. What are they? What’s the thread count?” Ethan started pulling Avery out into the hallway. “Left or right?”

“Uhm, right,” Avery mumbled, his hand growing clammy in Ethan’s firm, warm grasp.

“Right, it is. So, what’s the thread count? Isn’t that what those rich fuckers use their money on? Expensive sheets with a certain thread count.” He was being unnecessarily crass, he knew that. But he also knew that Avery needed it. He glanced at him quickly, but he found nothing but want and recognition in his eyes.

“Yes,” Avery mumbled. “It is. Six hundred, I guess.” His voice sounded distant, muffled. “Yeah, six hundred.”

“Six hundred, huh? This it?” Ethan asked as they reached the end of the hallway and stood in front of a double door.

Avery nodded and Ethan reached for the door handle, turning it slightly. The door opened to a massive master bedroom, all white, a gigantic bed placed in the middle of the room.

“This it?” Ethan nodded at the bed, throw pillows in numerous varieties of white covering half of the comforter.