Page 41 of Loud Places

He glanced at Avery whose face had taken on a slightly strained expression. He knew from what Avery had told him that he wasn’t close to his parents. Never had been. They didn’t share the same affection and bond that Ethan was so lucky to have with his folks. Ethan was starting to realize now more than ever that he’d kinda won the main prize in the parent lottery with the two people who’d brought him and his siblings into this world. He could’ve done a lot worse, but he already knew that from growing up with Matty. He just never figured that there were so many kinds of neglect, and that indifference was one of them, too.

Even though Ethan had never been to Boston before, it didn’t take a genius to know that you only lived in this part of the city if you belonged to the upper-middle class. Looking at Avery, he found it difficult to see how he fit into this kind of world. Unpretentious, down-to-earth Avery. The way Avery spoke to Ethan’s mom when they chatted away on the phone. The way he could make one feel jealous of a fucking milkshake when he tongue-fucked the straw. Yeah, this didn’t seem like a place where the sensitive Avery would thrive.

“No,” Avery shrugged as he started up the steps to the first floor with a massive, black-painted door as entrance. The town house exterior was built from dark brownish-red bricks and the windowsills and shutters were painted in the same black color as the door. Imposing. The house looked imposing. The homely feel of his childhood home with the wrap-around-porch with the wooden swing that his dad had built himself and the flowerpots with his mother’s petunias stood in sharp contrast to this monstrosity of a building.

“And they aren’t home?” Ethan looked questioningly at Avery who was rummaging around his backpack, nose scrunched in a cute frown, until he retrieved a set of keys.

“No. I mostly stay away when they’re in town, to be honest.” Avery unlocked the heavy, black door and opened it to a grand hallway with wide stairs leading to the next floors. An iron railing ran along the cream-colored, carpet covered stairs, a delicate flower pattern along the railing. Avery entered a code into the alarm system next to the entrance before he blew out a relieved exhale, winking at Ethan.

“They’re in the Hamptons all summer with their elitist, waspy friends. God forbid one should spend the summer in the city among the common people or the tourists.” As he spoke, Avery came closer until he stood right in front of Ethan. Searching his eyes, Avery shrugged before he leaned his head against Ethan’s shoulder. Standing like this Ethan immediately felt the familiar surge of protectiveness course through his chest. Wrapping his arms around Avery’s slender, athletic frame, he carefully kissed his soft, messy hair.

“It is what it is, right? You hungry?” Avery mumbled against his shoulder, before burying his nose against Ethan’s exposed collarbone, tangling his fingers through the worn neckline of his t-shirt. During their short time together, Ethan was often left with the impression that Avery almost wanted to disappear inside him. To hide inside him, away from the world.

“Sure. Do we need to go to the store?”

“No, Martha usually keeps the fridge stocked just in case. We should be able to throw something together.” Avery reluctantly released himself from their embrace and linked his fingers through Ethan’s. “C’mon. I’ll show you the kitchen, then the rest of the house,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Ethan shook his head.

“Who’s Martha?” Ethan trailed after Avery into the large kitchen. Even though it had a vintage look to it, Ethan had no doubt that it was expensive and that every single cabinet and appliance had been carefully handpicked by someone who wanted to project class and appreciation of aesthetics.

He’d once seen a film which took place in Paris and the kitchen in the Boston town house gave off a similar vibe.Bohemian.It looked sophisticated and artfully thrown together—the polished brass pots and pans hanging from the ceiling above the shabby-chic worn kitchen island. The ceramic pots with lavender sitting on the windowsills. A framed artsy poster on the wall depicting two naked women in the process of blowing some fat guy. Ethan squinted as he read the title on the poster.Fellatio.

“Baby, what doesfellatiomean?” Ethan spoke over his shoulder as he took in the over-dimensional cock almost bursting through the glass before he looked to his own crotch. Hmm.

“What?” Avery chuckled before he realized what Ethan was looking at. “Oh. Yeah, my mother got that from her Frenchstudentas a parting gift. And bystudent,I meanflavor of the month.And byflavor of the month,I meanI’ll-fuck-you-in-my-marital-bed-six-ways-from-Sunday-while-my-husband-is-grading-term-papers-in-his-office-downstairs.”The bitterness in Avery’s voice was palpable even though he tried to give off an air of indifference. “Welcome to the LaPorte household. Liars, cheaters, and pretenders.” He raised his arms in ata-damock gesture, while winking at Ethan.

“Avery…” Ethan suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“And to answer your question.Fellatiomeans the sexual activity of sucking or moving the tongue across the penis to give pleasure and excitement… Or something like that,” he murmured in front of him.

“Or something like that?” Ethan raised a smug brow at Avery as a laugh spilled from his lips. “Jesus, Avery, I bet if I Googlefellatioright the fuck now that is the exact definition I’ll find.”

“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for sending your child to one of the priciest and most prestigious private schools in the US. A whole lot of definitions,” Avery shrugged, faking nonchalant indifference.

“Yeah… I bet. So, who’s Martha?” Ethan changed the topic.

“Martha is our housekeeper. She’s been with my parents since they bought the house thirty-two years ago.” Avery opened the fridge and inspected the content, while he continued, his voice containing a resentful edge to it. “Or rather my grandfather bought it. You want a cheese sandwich, an omelet or both?” He looked at Ethan, blue eyes bright with mischief before he gave the answer himself. “Both.”

Ethan chuckled and pinched Avery’s left nipple through the worn fabric of his sage green t-shirt.

“Ouch…” Avery winced as he placed a carton of eggs on the kitchen table.

“You’d better behave…” Ethan smirked as he moved to stand behind Avery, placing his hands on the surface of the table on either side of him, rubbing his hips against Avery’s firm ass.

“Or else…” Avery asked as he reached for a bowl in the cabinet above the sink. A moan escaped his inviting lips as Ethan grabbed the front of his neck with his right hand, while he simultaneously nibbled at Avery’s left earlobe.

“Or else I might not let you come later…” Ethan whispered, licking at the soft skin behind Avery’s ear. “And I know how much my little slut loves to come. Especially when he’s bouncing on my cock. Dontcha?”

“Uh huh…” Avery moaned as he wiggled his ass against Ethan’s left thigh. “I do. I love when you fuck me hard with your beautiful cock, handsome.” Thehandsomewas spoken with a whine, almost stressing the neediness of Avery’s movements against Ethan’s hips and thigh.

“And who decides if you’re gonna get fucked, Avery?” Ethan hissed as he pinned his left hip in a grip of steel, his other hand still wrapped firmly around Avery’s slender throat. “Who decides if you’re a good enough little slut and get to have my cock?”

“Ethan, please…” Avery moaned as he clung to the edge of the kitchen table, cheeks flushed scarlet.

“Answer the fucking question, Avery.” He loved how Avery got off on this little game of his. How he would writhe and moan until he almost lost it with want.

“You,” he gasped as Ethan intensified the pressure of his hand around his neck. “You decide.” His voice sounded breathy from the moderate obstruction to his airways, his eyelashes fluttering.

“That’s right, baby.” Ethan continued to tighten and release the pressure of his fingers around Avery’s graceful neck. “Now, let’s eat and then you can show me the rest of the house and if you behave, I’m gonna feed you my cock later. Wanna see whatfellatiolooks like in real life, baby.”