Page 32 of Loud Places

“Noooo,” Ethan grinned, shaking his head furiously.

“Why not? Give me the phone, handsome,” Avery was making agimmegesture with his right hand, while he smiled teasingly. Then he whispered so that only Ethan could hear him. “I want to say hi to my future mother-in-law.”

“As if!” Ethan snorted as he pushed Avery away, causing him to almost tumble out of the motel bed.

“Honey, what’s going on? Put that young man of yours on the phone. The one you’ve been texting me about.”

If there was one thing you couldn’t accuse his mom of, it was being subtle. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked at her firstborn. Yeah, she was a troublemaker alright.

“Jesus, Mom!” Ethan blurted, his cheeks reddening as he looked at Avery, a smug grin painted across his bratty mouth. The very same luscious mouth that had been wrapped so skillfully around Ethan’s cock last night. The image coursed through his mind like an X-Rated movie, and he had to adjust himself briefly under the blanket.

“Now, what did I tell you about taking the good Lord’s name in vain? Just because I’m not there to pull your ear, doesn’t mean you can act out, you hear?”

“Sorry, ma’am,” Ethan mumbled in front of him.

“Now, put yourfriendon the phone.”

Ethan noticed the Texan twang in his mom’s voice as she drew out the wordfriendand leaned across the kitchen table, reaching for her coffee cup. God, he missed her. Shaking his head in resignation, he handed the phone to Avery, raising his left eyebrow in a warning gesture while he mouthedbehave. A broad grin on his face, golden locks still ruffled from sleep, Avery mouthed backalwayswhile he winked at Ethan and accepted the phone.The motherfucker actually winked at him. He was gonna get him back later.

“Hi, Mrs. Bishop. Nice to meet you.” Avery waved at the screen, his face lighting up with the most gorgeous smile.

“Hello there, young man. Nice to meet you too.” Ethan didn’t know if he was imagining it, but it looked like his mom was blushing. Fidgeting with the coral necklace he’d gotten her for her thirty-eighth birthday, she smiled shyly. He’d saved for months for that necklace because his mom had seen it in the window of a jewelry store in Waco on a visit. For the rest of his life, Ethan would never forget the look in his mom’s eyes when she’d opened the small, velvety gift box. You couldn’t put a price on that look of pure, unfiltered joy.

“I can see why my son is smitten,” she cooed, Ethan silently cringing as Avery chuckled, eyes beaming.

“Well, ma’am, let’s just say that it’s a good thing that I didn’t meet you first. Then your son wouldn’t have stood a chance,” Avery smirked at Ethan, who sat fuming next to him. While Ethan heard his mother’s schoolgirl giggle in the background, he mouthed at Averyyou’re gonna pay for this,but the cheeky sonofabitch just mouthed backI’m counting on it.

“Ethan, honey,” his mom mock scolded. “Why have you been keeping this sweet, young man away from me?”

“Yes, Ethanhoney,”Avery repeated while smiling innocently at Ethan. “Why have you? Your mom is an absolute treasure.”

He was gonna spank him. That’s what he wanted to do. He wanted to smack his hand against Avery’s peach-colored ass cheeks until they were a strawberry red. A ripe strawberry red. His hand tingled with anticipation as he pictured Avery across his lap, ass cheeks glowing deliciously from the spanking. As if Avery could read his thoughts, a rosy blush covered his cheeks while he chewed on his lower lip suggestively, and Ethan caught a glimpse of the tip of his pink tongue.Fuck.

Again, his mom giggled before she began shooting questions at Avery. Where was he from? What did he do for a living? What were his parents’ names? Avery answered every question thoroughly and politely and Ethan couldn’t help but feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Eagerly gesturing with the hand that didn’t hold the phone, Avery seemed to suck all light out of the small, sad motel room as he sat there chatting with Ethan’s mom, glowing from the inside.

The past few nights had been mind-blowing. Ethan knew that he had this dominant side to him. That it was his kink to be in charge. He got off on it when his sexual partner was submissive, and Avery had accepted that role so easily. So gratefully even. As if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to be ordered around and used during sex. The way he’d asked for Ethan’s permission to come, after Ethan had spilled his orgasm inside Avery’s mouth. He’d felt almost in awe at the uninhibited surrender Avery had shown.

Afterwards, they’d lain in bed kissing and touching for what had felt like hours until they’d drifted off together. Ethan had woken up in the early morning hours and Avery had still been asleep, his warm body clinging to Ethan’s like a spider monkey. Yeah, he could get used to that. And that wasnota good idea. In fact, it was a very bad idea considering that Avery lived in Boston and had an entirely different future planned out. One that hardly involved a nineteen-year-old farm boy from West Texas.

“I don’t know, Mrs. Bishop. We haven’t spoken about that yet, right Ethan?” Avery’s questioning voice pulled him out of his drifting thoughts.

“Sorry? I didn’t get that,” Ethan murmured.

“I was asking—and please, just call me Belinda, sweetie—if you were planning to stay with Avery in Boston for a while before heading off to Maine?” His mom looked at him fondly.

“Uhm, I don’t know, Mom,” Ethan replied wondering when during their conversation that Avery had becomesweetie.“We haven’t talked about that yet. It’ll be at least a few days before we get there.” He looked at Avery who in return leaned in and rested his messy head of hair on Ethan’s shoulder. As if it was the most natural thing in the world to show affection in front of Ethan’s mom. His hair smelled of citrus and sleep. And Avery. Ethan felt his dick jerk behind his cotton briefs and cleared his throat.

“I think we might spend a few days there together. I want to take Ethan to The Ancient Americas. Show him my neighborhood, so to speak. I’ll have you know that I make a mean tour guide, Belinda.”

Avery pressed a quick kiss against Ethan’s naked shoulder before he got up from the bed.

“I’m going to let you two finish up here while I go hunting for some coffee. It was very nice to meet you, Belinda. Have a nice day.” Avery began ruffling through his backpack and pulled out a wrinkled, yet clean t-shirt.

“It was very nice to meet you too, sweetie. You take care now,” his mom cooed.

“Uhm, yeah… Maybe, I don’t know, Mom,” Ethan mumbled while his mom continued to beam at him. “I don’t know. Maybe. I’ll let you know in any case.” He felt confused and suddenly a heaviness settled in his stomach. He wanted to go to Boston with Avery. He wanted to go to The Ancient Americas, whatever it was. But he also knew that he’d be like a fish outta water and that made him slightly uncomfortable. It would be an unwelcomed reminder that Avery came from an entirely different world. A world that he didn’t belong in. That this road trip and the time spent with Avery was something temporary and the closer they came to Boston, the more the hourglass was slowly running out.

“You do that, honey. I’ll talk to you later. Your dad’s coming home tonight so I better head out to the store.”