And today, had it not been the Pres’s birthday, I wouldn’t be stepping foot on the grounds at the clubhouse either.
I wasn’t going for Deck. I wasn’t going just because it was the President’s birthday. No, I was going for my dad because it would break his heart if I didn’t go.
However, before I headed to the clubhouse, I had a doctor’s appointment.
Last night,Googlewas my best friend. I know I’m not the only one.
The vomiting, the tender breasts, the no bleeding when my period was supposed to be here a week ago…
So, here I sat in the doctor’s office, tapping my brown suede ankle bootie on the white-tiled floor in nervousness. All the while I waited to hear the news that I was so sure of, but was hoping that it wasn’t the case because of who the baby’s father is.
And when my phone rang, I was so nervous that I didn’t bother checking the caller ID.
Oh, how I should have… because it meant savoring a slice of German Chocolate cake with Coconut Pecan icing that was bigger than my head, and having that go to my ass, to make me feel better later on tonight.
“Hello?” I answered softly.
“Where the fuck are you?” Deck asked angrily.
Looking at the picture-covered wall of women’s bodies to the right, I said, “Doctor’s appointment.”
I heard him growl when he asked, “And you couldn’t schedule this appointment for a different day?”
“No, this appointment was scheduled last year. It’s my yearly checkup.” So, I told a little white lie. Well, two big white lies. Who hasn’t told at least one in their entire life?
The first was that this appointment had been scheduled last year. And the second was that it was my yearly check-up.
He growled again and asked, “Well, when are you going to get here?”
“As soon as the appointment is over. It won’t take long then I’ll head that way,” I said as another woman sat down while she held onto their purse with a white-knuckled grip.
I could feel her pain.
“Goddamn, Savannah, I don’t have time for this shit. You better be here on time; you’re not going to make me look like a fool.” And then, before I could say another word, he hung up on me.
That alone made my temper flare.
Fucking asshat.
Me? Make him look like a fool? Was he serious? I wasn’t the one making him look like a fool. He was doing that all on his own.
Grinding my teeth together that he had had the nerve to say that crap to me, I was startled when I heard my name being called, “Savannah Calder?”
“Yes, that’s me.” With shaky legs, I stood up and followed the nurse that was wearing light pink scrubs back behind the yellow-painted door.
After she took my weight, I was then led to an exam room.
And after my exam and peeing in a cup, five minutes later the doctor walked in with a smile on her face.
As well as a prescription for prenatal vitamins and an appointment in four weeks.
Fuck. Me.
Walking out of the doctor’s office in somewhat of a daze, I kept my hand resting over my non-existent belly protectively.
I was pregnant. I was six weeks along.
I was going to be giving birth to a baby.