Page 52 of Collision

“You’re still going to play the friend card, huh?”

“I don’t know what else to tell you, Tee.”

“You’re too dark for him, you know.”

“I’m not dark.”

“You have been through shit. You’re tough, you’re sarcastic, and cynical. What could you possibly see in a two-dimensional preppy boy like Chase?”

“He’s not two-dimensional. There’s more to him than you would think.”

“More to him than sex and muscles?”

“He’s a good person, with a good heart. He’s smart, he’s funny. The muscles are just a plus.”

“Caring, intelligent, sense of humor, delicious body… he sounds like he’s the perfect man.”

“He is.”

“So, let me get this straight: you’ve found the perfect man; he’s interested in you; but you keep telling him that you’re just friends?”

“Well, it sounds bad when you put it like that.”

Tina shook her head. “It sounds crazy. Maybe you bumped your head a little harder than we all thought in that accident. You might be missing a few screws up there.”

“You always know how to make me feel good.”

She smirked as she put her arm around me. “If I were you, that’s the Brooks brother I’d be after.” She pointed at Tanner, who was playing pool at a table just beyond Chase.

“You like Tanner?”

“I like the thought of Tanner on me.”

“You two would be great. He’s an asshole, you’re an asshole. It would be a match made in hell.”

Tina laughed. “Come on. Let’s go rescue Kenzie.”

Shelly threw her arms around me when I got onto the dance floor. “Let’s do another shot,” she slurred into my ear.

“You’re done doing shots.”

“Will you dance with me?”

I laughed. “I am dancing with you.”

Suddenly, I felt two hands take my hips and pull me backwards. I looked over my shoulder, expecting to see Chase. Instead, it was Shawn, wearing his impish smile as he tried to grind against me. I pushed him away, but he recovered quickly and pulled aggressively on my arm to get closer. I let out a yelp in pain. He reeked of beer and body odor.

“Let go of me!”

Tina tried pulling him off, but he only held on tighter. I saw her eyes widen as she looked past me, and then she backed away from us.

Tanner appeared out of nowhere, and gripped two handfuls of Shawn’s shirt in his fists.

“She doesn’t want to dance, bro.” He glared down at Shawn

with a scary look in his eyes. I was relieved when Shawn raised his hands to surrender.

“It’s okay, Tanner,” I shouted over the music. If he ended up with a broken hand, Chase and I would be completely backed up at work.