When Tanner loosened his grip, Shawn leaned in and whispered something into his ear. Without even winding up to swing, Tanner’s huge fist smashed into Shawn’s nose. Blood spewed out all over the floor, and my hands flew up to my mouth in horror. Shawn fell instantly. Everybody in the room crowded around the two of them.
I grabbed Shelly’s elbow and pulled her towards the pool tables.
“Where are you taking me?” she whined.
“It’s time to go.”
Brody met us before we reached Chase. He took Shelly from me and guided us through the crowd. “Grab him,” he shouted in my ear as we passed Chase.
I reached out and took Chase’s hand while Brody steadily pushed me out the door, and down the stairs.
Finally, we arrived next to Chase’s car.
“Okay, okay. You can stop pushing me. We’re safe.”
“Sorry, I had to get you guys out of there.” Brody steadied Shelly and reached into his pocket for his keys.
I rubbed my back where he was pushing me. “Thanks. I’ll think of you when I’m pissing blood tomorrow.”
Chase and Shelly both burst out laughing, swaying in the street.
“Isn’t she so funny?” Chase asked.
“She’s the funniest,” Shelly answered in the same slow tone.
“Are you able to get him home?” Brody asked, ignoring the pair of idiots that stood beside us.
I nodded. “We’re both going to the same house. I’ll take him. Just put her hair up before she starts puking.”
“You got it.” He gestured to Chase, who was now peeing in the middle of the street. “Good luck with that.”
I groaned and covered my eyes. I waited until I heard the zipper on his pants and it was safe to look. “Where are your keys?”
Chase shrugged and leaned over the trunk of his car.
I sighed and reached into his pants pockets. He laughed and twitched. “That tickles.”
“Hold still before I grab the wrong thing. You won’t be laughing then.”
He only laughed harder.
When I finally found his keys, I opened the passenger door and tried to guide him into the seat. It was like trying to herd a giant bee into a keyhole.
“Watch your head. Watch your head. Okay, there you go.” As I belted him, I felt a smile creeping across my face.
“Why are you smiling?” He slurred.
“I get my sling off and now I’m the one clipping you into your seat.”
He grinned his perfect grin, his teeth gleaming under the streetlight. His head fell back on the headrest.
I hopped into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. It felt so good to be behind the wheel again – especially one of such an awesome vehicle. I tore the itchy wig off my head, tossed it into the back seat, and shook out my hair. I adjusted the seat and mirrors, and ran my hands over the steering wheel while I revved the engine. I rolled my window all the way down before driving away. This was the moment I had been waiting for. I could feel my cheeks pushing up as the smile spread out across my face.
“You look so hot driving my car,” Chase mumbled. He leaned over and tried to caress my face.
I swatted him away. “Watch my eyes.”
I thundered down the road, the dead leaves on the street whirling up around the car. The roar of the engine as we flew by was a tranquil sound. It was the first moment in a very long time that my mind was clear, as if all of my worries were left behind. Though the ride home was short, I enjoyed every second of it.