Page 37 of Collision

I had to stop my jaw from dropping open. “What do you mean?”

Chase smacked him in the back of the head. “You wish it was your apartment. I’m the older one, it would have been mine, if anything.”

“You left for two years. I had dibs on it,” Tanner retorted.

“Enough now!” Beverly entered the dining room carrying a large oven-baked chicken decorated on all sides with sliced potatoes. It smelled amazing. I could not remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal that I had not prepared myself.

Chase reserved the seat next to him for me, pulling out the chair.

“Thanks for telling me I was stealing your brother’s apartment,” I quietly gritted through my smile.

“You’re sitting next to me, Merry!” she squealed.

“Oh, good!”

I watched everyone’s interactions while Tim carved and served the chicken. It was such a normal family, if there even was such a thing, like one you’d see on a television sitcom. I had never had anything remotely close to this. The only family I had was my father, as dysfunctional as it was. I pushed the thought from my mind, and tried to remain in the moment.

“Merry, your hair is so pretty. Why is it so curly like that?” Khloe was twisting one of my curls around her finger.

“That’s just the way it grows out of my head. My mom had curly hair, so I do too.”

“Where is your mom? Why didn’t she come to dinner with you?”

“Her mom lives very far away, sweetheart,” Tim chimed in.

I gave him a grateful smile. He winked, and it looked just like Chase’s wink.

“Just like you have the same hair as your mom and Chase.” I patted her head.

“It’s soft like his too. Feel it!”

I ran my fingers through her hair. “Your hair is very soft.”

“Now feel Chase’s hair.”

Chase leaned onto my lap, and everyone laughed. I reluctantly ran my fingers through his hair, probably turning three different shades of red. “I think yours is even softer,” I said to Khloe with wide eyes.

“Is not,” scoffed Chase sitting back up.

“Is too!” she retorted.

“So, I hear you’ll be working with us this week.” Tanner barely looked up from his plate when he spoke to me.

He looked so different from Chase and Khloe. Shelly always referred to him as the dark brother. Chase had his father’s eyes, but Tanner had Tim’s complexion. Dark olive skin, dark eyes, still the same killer smile. He was not as outgoing as Chase, and had always gotten into trouble at school. If Chase was the rock star, Tanner was definitely the bad boy.

“I’ll be there,” I replied.

“Do you even know anything about cars?”

“Tanner,” Chase warned.

“I do, actually. I used to help my dad restore his old classics.”

“Restoring them and fixing them are two different things.”

“Tanner, are you going somewhere with this?” This time Tim spoke up.

“Just making conversation.”