Page 1 of Bruised


I hate weddings.

I don’t care if it’s family, friends, or fucking celebrities. It’s an unnecessary waste of time.

So sitting here in the Cathedral at Sindicate Towers, yet-a-fucking-gain because my brother and cousins lost their minds and decided to get married, has left me feeling very fucking grumpy.

Someone is droning on about how wonderful the bride looks, and how in love the couple are, and if I have to listen one more time to an anecdote about someone else’s fucking wedding I’m going to hulk out.

Matteo and his new wife, Sophie, are well matched, I won’t deny it. But they’ve only been together for a blink of an eye. With Milo’s wife, Alisa, pregnant and under constant threat from our enemies…I just think I have bigger fish to fry than to sit here in a fucking uncomfortable suit.

Without realising it, I’m staring at the bride's best friend–again. I chastise myself and drop my eyes back to my drink. Between the line of work I’m in and the way I look, women aren’t interested in me. It’s why I spend most of my time in Club Curve. Those women don’t care what I look like when I’m throwing money their way. I’ve accepted this is the way it will be for me and I’m fine with that.

“Hi.” I snap my head up, surprised to find the bride's best friend and maid of honour standing near my table.

Is she talking to me?

“My name is Sienna,” she says, her pouty mouth is glossed in a deep shade of crimson, her green-gold eyes are painted in that smoky way that is sexy and serious all at once.

I nod my head–words aren’t really my thing–and expect her to move on.

“So what do you think about all this then?” she gestures to the room around her. “It’s wild, right?” Her smile is cautious, and somehow luminous, brightening up the space around us.

I snort, wild is one way to describe it.

She is nodding her head at me, encouraging me to say something, but I’m still unsure what to say, so I grunt out a “Yes,” and take a swig of my drink, wishing it were of the alcoholic type. Alas, one of us needs to stay sober tonight. You never know what might happen in our line of work.

Sienna pulls out a vacant chair from beneath the table and sits in it, resting her forearm on the table and leaning in. The cowl neck of her dress falls forward, tempting my eyes down to see if it reveals any more of her ample cleavage than is already on show.

The woman has some serious curves, which is why I’ve not been able to tear my eyes away from her all day. The gold dress she wears looks like liquid has been poured directly onto her skin and left to dry, and it makes me want to set myself on fire in her honour.

I pull at my collar, grumbling, “I hate these things.”

“Well,” she says, “I’m sure no one would ever be able to tell.” Pulling her mouth to one side and dipping her head, she continues, “We could get out of here if you want?”

Her fingers travel to the edge of my cuff, the tip of her nails scraping lightly over the skin just above where my watch rests.

“Be careful,” I warn. “I’m not known to be gentle, even with women as beautiful as you.”

“Who said anything about gentle?” she retorts as her eyes lift back to mine, breaking my control with a snap.


The termplaying with firecomes to mind. But I don’t care. I’m sick of playing it safe and being careful, and not living my life how I want to because of some stupid condition I can’t control.

I’ve lived my whole life with vascular hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I’ve had to be careful not to do so many things because of the risk of bruising or tearing my skin, or worse, rupturing important blood vessels internally.

Surely I can enjoy every aspect of what life has to offer if I’m careful about it. Not having sex because of the risk of pregnancy…that’s excessive in this day and age with all of the contraceptives on offer and I feel like I’m missing out on so much. Especially when a man like Danielo eats me up with his eyes. My thong all but burst into flames while I was standing in the Cathedral. His eyes burned into me as my best friend said her vows.

I’m done. I want to be ravaged by a man who is twice my size and built to tear people limb from limb. I want to be wrapped up in his body, feel him deep inside me while he pins me down…And I’m not waiting around any longer.

As we both stand from the table, he takes my arm roughly in his hand and drags me from the celebrations.

No words pass between us as he pulls me into the nearest elevator, bending slightly to grab my thighs and lift me. Instantaneously, my legs wrap around his waist as I crash my mouth to his. Our tongues war, both of us demanding more with each press of our lips.

The doors open and he walks us out, expertly balancing me against him as he moves us closer to his destination.

Finally, he fumbles in his pocket before I hear the door unlock. The lights in the room turn on automatically but are set to a dimmed brightness, casting the room in shadows and dark corners, but I don’t care as I kiss my way down his thick neck and along his collar.