Whenhe moves out of hearing distance,Inarrow my eyes atWinnie. “Youcould’ve at least warned me.”

Shesighs. “Iknow,Georgia, but you wouldn’t have come ifItold you andIneeded you to hear him out.”

Inod. “Ihave something to tell you.”

Winnie’seyes widen and she says, “That’sweird, becauseIhave something to tell you too.”

Wechuckle, whileBishopglances silently between us.

Igrab his hand, bringing it to the top of the table, and smile lovingly at him. “We’removing in together.”

Shescoffs. “That’sthe good news?Ithought you were already living together.”Thenshe taps frantically on the table and smiles brightly at me. “I’mpregnant!”

“Winnie, that’s amazing.But,Ihave some more news for you as well, not just moving in together.”Iglance atBishop, suddenly even more excited sinceIget to experience this pregnancy with my best friend.Henods toward me with a smile, giving me the go-ahead to tell her. “I’malso pregnant.”

Hersqueals cause the entire diner to turn our way and she jumps up and down before standing and wrapping her arms around me. “Thisis amazing!”She’sbreathless as she sits back down. “Howfar along are you?”

Ishrug. “I’mnot sure yet, my first appointment is a couple weeks from now.”

Shesmiles even wider and smacks the table excitedly. “Ibet we’re due around the same time, becauseIalso don’t have an appointment until a couple weeks from now.”

Bishopclears his throat, clearly amused by the excited energy rolling between the two of us, and says, “Congratsto you,Winnie.”

Winnie’scheeks flush and she says, “Youtoo,Bishop.”

Thingshaven’t exactly been easy between the two of them, not sinceBishopfound out how quickly she went against me.He’sbeen trying to get back to enjoying her company, and that’s allIcan ask from him.I’msurprised he even came out to lunch today, butI’massuming it has a lot to do with the baby we are about to have — he probably doesn’t want any more bad blood before he or she gets here.

Ican’t wait to hold our little baby and be a family.




Thisis the momentI’vebeen waiting for.Iwanted to save this moment for after the pregnancy, even thoughI’vebeen tempted more than once throughout to do it, and now it’s here.I’mstanding onWinnie’sfront porch, my hands sweating profusely asIwait for someone to answer the damn door, andIsmile when she answers while holding her three-month-old son.

“Bishop, this is a surprise.Comein, come in.”Shepushes the door open wider for me, backing up to give me room to come inside, and leads me through the house.It’ssilent, other than the sound of our feet moving across the floor, soSagemust not be home.

Shetakes a seat at the kitchen table,Teagan’shead bobbing with the movement as he stirs silently in her arms.Ittakes a moment, but he settles back down quickly, andIgive her a nervous smile. “What’sup?”

Usually,I’dcome over withGeorgiawhen she wants to have a little playdate for the babies, butInever come here on my own.It’snot hard to assume something’s up right now.Iclear my throat, bringing my hands onto the table and threading them together. “It’stime.”

Hereyes widen and she smiles brightly. “Forthe thing?”

Inod and she claps with glee, makingTeaganwhine.Shecalms down, running her fingernails overTeagan’shead to calm him down, and smiles at me.Thisis whereIneed her, becauseIhave no clue how to do this. “Iwant to come up with the perfect plan, butI’mnot sureIcan.That’swhere you come in.Canyou help me figure out how to do it?”

Shenods. “Ofcourse,I’vehad something in mind since you told me you were going to ask her soon.”Watchingher patTeagan’sback has my mind wandering to whatGeorgiaandPaigemight be doing right now —I’veonly been gone for a few minutes, andIalready miss them like crazy.

Georgiatried going back to work after she hadPaige, but quickly realized her heart was at home, and she decided to become a stay-at-home parent.WhichmeansIhad to hire a new office manager, and that was one of the hardest decisionsI’vehad to make.Thisone though?Thisis as easy as stealing candy from a baby.

I’vehad the ring for months, but it never felt like the right time.Notuntil now.Afterwatching how easyGeorgiabecame a mother, and the way she supports my career in more ways thanIcould’ve imagined.Shegave up having a career of her own to stay home with our baby, putting everything she wanted on the back burner.She’sa strong woman, andI’mmore than grateful to have her in my life for the rest of it.

“Well, hit me with whatever you’re thinking,”IpromptWinnie.

Assoon as she’s done telling me her idea,Ican’t help but smile at the reasoning she has for thinking of it.It’swhere everything started for us, even if it wasn’t at the best time of our lives, but it showcases how far we’ve come sinceWinnie’swedding day.Ican’t help but think how perfect it is and immediately agree to it.

BeforeIleave,Ineed to give something toWinnieto give toGeorgia, and hopefully, my soon-to-be wife won’t think anything out of the ordinary about it.Ireach into the back seat, grabbing the box where the dress is neatly folded inside, then run it back inside and sit it on the table in front ofWinnie.