Hereyes are turning glossy from tears, butIrefuse to stop right now.Georgiahas always been good toWinniesinceI’veknown her, and the moment someone tells her a lieWinniecan’t realizeGeorgiawould never do that?Don’tget me wrong, she did it to me, but to do it to the family who she grew up with?Nochance in hell, evenIknow that.
Winnieshakes her head slowly, then wipes at her cheeks. “Howdid you figure things out?”
Iscoff. “Gofigure things out with your friend, it seems like that’s where you should be right now, instead of trespassing on my property.”Shedoesn’t get another word out beforeIshut the door in her face, then march into the kitchen.Ipour myself a glass of whiskey, then walk into the living room to glance out the windows.
Winnie’scar rolls slowly down the driveway, until it disappears over the hill, leaving me to blow out a breath of relief.GoddamnCamden, what the hell made him think he could lie to his sister aboutGeorgia… knowingWinniewould stick up for him if something came out in the open.KnowingCamdenand the way he acts,Ihave no doubt this was his plan.
Maybethat’s whyCamdenwas over there in the first place.WaitingforWinnieto text him and let him know she toldGeorgiaabout herself, that way he could go up to her house and comfort her.
Ishake my head.Itdoesn’t matter why he was there, because you already said no more explanations.
Whichis exactly whatI’msticking to.Imay have had an amazing night withGeorgia, butI’mconfident in my ability to move on with someone else.Itwas good while it lasted, butI’mnot going to let the things she does keep me from having the familyI’vealways wanted.
Withoutthinking,Iget back onto the dating site and start looking through my potential matches untilIcome across one who catches my eye.Consideringhow things went before,Iask the woman if she can send me a picture to prove that she’s the real deal — explaining a little fib about a crazy ex-girlfriend.Shesends a picture almost immediately, holding her hand in the air with my name written on it, andIsmile in satisfaction.
Thisis good for me.It’swhatIneed to do, even if my heart is screaming at me to stop whatI’mdoing and go back toGeorgia’s.Ican’t do that.Whatwould she think ifIwent against whatItold her?
No.I’lldo whateverIneed to do, and that starts with going out with different women.Icontinue to message the woman throughout the night, andIfind that we have very easy conversation, thenIask her if she would like to go out next weekend.Sheimmediately agrees, telling me she’s free nextSaturdayand she will meet me there.
Iwant to feel relieved that this is happening, but something is weighing the emotion down.Partof me regrets doing things withGeorgialast night, especially sinceIcan’t go out in my backyard without thinking of her… and that’s allIwant to do at the moment.Nothingsounds better than sitting in front of a small fire, drinking glass after glass of whiskey, then going to bed after.
Myphone vibrates in my pocket andI’msurprised to seeGeorgia’sname on the screen with an apology for not responding to me, along with telling me she needs to sit down and talk with me.Insteadof answering her,Iwalk into my room while carrying my whiskey and lay back on the bed.
Herfloral scent is all over the other side of my bed, which is doing nothing to calm my thoughts of her.Itwasn’t working out anyway, considering the way she was tangled up with me last night as we slept.Igrowl in frustration, then throw my glass across the room and the glass shatters into a million tiny pieces.
I’llget over her.Itshould be easy enough with everything she’s done to me.Iroll onto my side, making sure to turn my back onGeorgia’sfloral scent, and stare out the window ahead of me.Thesun is still shining, butIcan’t bring myself to care right now.Ijust want to forget what happened this morning.
Iwon’t lie and act likeIwant to forget last night, because there’s no way in hellI’dever forget our moment together.I’mjust hoping thatIcan find someone else to give me better moments than the oneIshared withGeorgia.Evenif in my heart it’s not whatIwant to do, it’s the right thing for me.
I’vebeen debating coming here.
ThedayWinniewent all crazy on me, it took her until the end of the day to text and call me with apologies.Shesaid that she should’ve heard me out, butIdidn’t want to answer at the time.Ibarely want to now, but considering how her brother acted with me at first…Iassume that ifIdon’t give her the time she wants, she’ll just keep bothering me.
Notonly that, but these last few days have sucked without having her to talk to.Mymother has been amazing, but the comfort of your best friend every now and then is completely different.There’salso the fact that this woman has been by my side through everything, even if she did call me out of my name, andIdon’t want to lose that so easily — least of all because ofCamden.
TodayIhad a day off, soItextedWinnieand told her if she wanted to talk it would have to be today and she could meet me at the diner onMain.Sheimmediately responded, letting me know she would be there around one.It’snow hitting twelve thirty andI’mstill not ready.I’mthanking theLordit only takes five minutes to get there from here.
Bishophas been too busy to do anything, including take a little time for us to talk alone during work, or spend time together afterward.I’mnot going to lie, that has been weighing heavily on me becauseI’mworriedIscrewed up whenIleft his house that morning.ConsideringwhenIfinally felt up for it, he decided to ignore me.
God, it’s been days andIcan still feel that man’s hands all over me — the tingles along my skin make me well aware of that.
Isigh into my closet, which now looks brand new after getting it cleaned out, and search for the best thing to wear today.
Iwant to look likeI’mnot trying too hard, yet still be presentable for lunch.There’sa light pink flowy top thatIpull off the hanger, thenIpick a dark pair of skinny jeans with holes in them, and opt to pull my hair up into a bun.I’llskip out on doing my makeup and slip a pair of sneakers on beforeIleave, that should be presentable enough.
There’sa text fromWinnieletting me know she’s on her way there just asI’mwalking out the front door, soIhurry into the car and peel out of the driveway.Winniegives me a nervous smile as we both pull up in front of the diner, then she holds the entrance door open for me.Thisis a seat-yourself diner, so we walk through the large dining room filled with townspeople and take a seat at a table in the back corner, away from anyone who can hear us.
Nothingcan stay a secret in this town.
“What’sup?”Iask, my voice laced with boredom.
Shecasts me a guilty frown and sighs. “Georgia,I’msorry.”Hervoice hitches and she sniffs loudly, then wipes at her eyes. “God,I’ma mess.”
Idon’t give her the satisfaction of me caring and cross my arms over my chest. “Whywould you say things to me like that?”