“That’sthe same reactionIhad.”Jeanshakes her head with a smile and walks toward everything. “Asfar asIcan tell, most of the stuff is here.Ithink all we are waiting on is the tables and chairs that were rented.”

Inod.Asfar asIknow, those will be here a few days before the wedding — giving me enough time to set everything up the days before. “I’lltake a look at everything, no worries.”

“Letme know if you need anything.Willyou be here for dinner?”

“Uh,I’mnot sure yet.”

“Well, there will be plenty for you if you get hungry.”

Sheturns away from the disaster in front of me and heads back into the kitchen, leaving me alone to sort all this shit out.AsI’msifting through boxes, heavy footsteps stomp heavily behind me andIturn around quickly.Mybreath hitches at the sight ofCamden, especially sinceIdidn’t think he’d be around until a few days before the wedding.

Heshoves his hands into his pockets and nods toward the boxes in front of me. “Winnieasked me to help you out with everything.”

Ofcourse she did,I’mgoing to hurt her for that.Thatlittle matchmaker knows exactly what she’s doing.

Insteadof letting it be known my mind’s all over the place right now,Iturn to one of the boxes and open it as a distraction. “Yeah, okay.”WhileIget into one of the boxes,Camdensteps closer and sifts through another box next to me.

Itake a moment to glance at everything he’s taking out, jotting it down in my notebook specifically for the wedding, while continuing to worry about mine.Allthe flowers and candles for the centerpieces are here, along with tablecloths and napkins.Winniechose their favorite candy as the wedding favor, which is what’s underneath the next boxIgo through.

I’llnever understand how someone who enjoysAlmondJoysis marrying someone whose favorite candy isTwizzlers.Thatjust goes to show how differentWinnieand her fiancé are, butIcan’t deny how happy they are together.

Camdenlets out a loud sigh, which only has me turning my gaze over to him briefly.

Exceptbrief is never somethingI’mcapable of when looking at him.Hisblonde hair hangs in front of his face, and it’s wet now as if he just got out of the shower — which only has me conjuring up a fantasyIhave no business having right now.Theshort-sleeve shirt he’s wearing right now hugs his biceps entirely too tightly, and the tribal tattoo that’s peeking out of his shirt has me licking my lips.

Heclears his throat, holding up one of the items from another box, andIshake from my thoughts to jot down what he has.

“Howmany are in there?”

Hetakes out each one, counting out loud, and finishes once he hits one hundred fifty-seven.Inod at the count, putting a checkmark next to the listImade of everything that should be here today.

There’ssomething about being right next toCamdenthat has my entire body sparking with awareness.Aninch or two closer and he’d be touching me, but he’d never do that.Notwhen he sees me as his little sister's best friend, and nothing more.

Isigh at the thought, catching his attention with a raised brow. “Yougood?”

WhenInod at his question, all he does is continue sifting through the many boxes, and he ignores me the rest of the time.

AmIreally that terrible that he can’t see me as more?

Winniesends me a quick text, wanting an update on how everything’s going, andIglare at my phone screen.Mythumbs type furiously over my keyboard, letting her knowIsee exactly what she’s doing andI’mgoing to get her back for this.There’sno reason why this requires two people, andI’msureCamdencan see that as he goes through box after box, giving me inventory of how many things are in each one.

I’lladmit, it’s going a lot faster than it would’ve been ifIdid it alone, butI’dmuch rather be standing here alone than wondering whatCamden’sbare body would feel like under my touch.There’sno doubt thatI’dbe able to trace every inch of muscles along his body, and that only has me clenching my thighs together.

Thisis ridiculous.

“That’sall for my half, you okay to handle the rest on your own?”He’sstanding a few feet away from me, the heat from his body no longer consuming my every nerve, andIlet out a breath of relief.Distance, that’s a good idea.

Inod, giving him a thankful smile. “Ofcourse, go if you have plans.”Beforehe can walk around the cornerIclear my throat and say, “Thanks.”

Heonly nods with his back turned to me, then rounds the corner without a backward glance at me.Isigh loudly, hating how much his lack of attention to me affects my mood.It’sonly irritating when he acts likeI’mnothing, no more than a friend that’s been around for a long time.

Evenwhen we were growing up, he’d always treat me the exact same way he treated his sister.Itonly made me feel worse about myself.Insteadof focusing onCamden,Iget through the rest of the boxes with ease and move them along one of the far walls to get them out of the way.Thelast thingIneed is forJeanorTrent,Winine’sfather, to trip over everything.

Isend a quick text toWinnie, asking her to meet me at my house later soIcan tell her to stay out of my damn business, then slip into the front seat of my car.Thecurtain in the living room moves slightly, almost as if someone is standing there watching me, butIonly shake the thought away and back out of the driveway.

AllI’veever wanted is forCamdento notice me, butI’mnot entirely sure that will happen at this point.Ifhe wanted me,I’msureI’dknow by now.Bringinga date to the wedding isn’t going to change that.Right?

What’sdone is done though.Bishopalready agreed to be my date andI’dhate to turn my back on him.