WhenI’mfinished with that,Irush back into the house and check on the food in the oven, then pull it out as quickly as possible.Iglance at the clock, cursing at the short timeIhave to get everything plated and ready, when the front door opens and closes.

“Uh, hello?”Camden’svoice booms through the room.

Thingshave been going much better with him, and we’ve all become good friends since everything happened last year.LastIheard,Camdenwas with a great woman and really happy with her.

“Inhere!”Icall out.

Whenhe comes inside, he looks at me weird. “Whatare you doing cooking in my parents’ kitchen, and why are they not home?”

Ichuckle. “I’mpopping the big question tonight, and the spot wasWinnie’sidea.”

Henods, then immediately comes over to me with a smile. “That’sgreat,I’mhappy for you two.Needmy help with anything?”

Inudge my head toward the two plates. “Getthe food on those for me, and make sure to pour glasses of wine.Ihave to get dressed.”

JustasIcome downstairs,IhearWinnietalking to her brother animatedly from the bottom and she turns her attention to me. “Thankgoodness.She’swaiting in the car.Ididn’t see you out there soItold herIneeded to stop and talk to my parents for a minute.”Shechuckles. “Prettysure she knows it’s a load of shit.”

“Giveme two minutes, then send her out back.”Ihurry through the back door, double-checking that everything is in order and that the ring is in my pocket, then stand straighter.

Georgiagasps from across the yard, her eyes shining brightly even through the dim lighting of the candles.Shewalks slowly down the small hill, careful not to slip and fall, before coming over to me. “Bishop, what is this?”

Ismile at her. “Well,”Isay, getting onto one knee, “I’mhoping it’s forever.”ThenIpull the box out of my pocket, opening it up to her.

Shebrings a hand to her mouth, tears already falling down her face.

“GeorgiaFlowers, this is the sport where everything could’ve went wrong.Butinstead, we are here.Thriving, starting a family, completely and utterly in love with each other.Mylove for you is more than all the bad things that will happen in our lives, andIwant nothing more than to spend my life with you by my side.”Iedge the ring closer to her with a smile and ask the most important question in my life, “Willyou marry me?”

Herarms immediately wrap around my neck. “Yes!”Thenshe pulls away and lets me push the ring down her finger. “It’sso beautiful.”

Istare into her eyes. “Yes, it is.”

Thisis everythingI’veever wanted, andIcan’t wait to see what the rest of this life has in store for us.


Didyou like this book?Thenyou’llLOVE“SnowedInwith myEx’sDad”.

Ineeded a distraction from my recent divorce, but waking up naked next to my ex-lover’s father was not my plan.

DivorcingConnortook me far too long.Ineed him to change, but his anger from his own parent’s divorce caused a divide we could never recover from.

Declanonly wanted to mend his relationship with his son.WhileConnorcontinued to refuse all contact with his father.

Itwas pure coincidence thatDeclanandIboth resorted to a few days of solitude in the mountains.Gettingdouble-booked in the same cabin meant trouble.

TheecstasyIreached that single night withDeclanfar exceeded any moment withConnor.

Lyingnaked with my ex's father should feel sinful and wrong.Yetmy entire being yearns forDeclan’spleasurable touch to envelope every inch of my body once more.

Iknow we can’t allow this to happen again orConnorwill never forgive his father.Ijust don’t know howI’mgoing to explain what’s coming in 9 months.

Startreading “SnowedInwith myEx’sDad”NOW!


Startreading “SnowedInwith myEx’sDad”NOW!

Chapter One