Sheeyes it curiously with a raised brow andItap it. “It’sfor her.Adress, just make sure you give it to her.”

“Awe, that’s so sweet!”

Mycheeks heat, not used to being complimented like this.Iknow the thingsIdo forGeorgiaare things most men would never be caught doing, but hearing it voiced aloud is somethingI’mnot used to.BeforeIcan embarrass myself any further,IgiveTeagan’slittle hand a shake, then back away from the table. “Seeyou later.”

Imight be ready to do this, butI’mmore than ready to head back home to my girls.Beinga father is nothing likeIwould’ve expected it to be.Thelate-night feedings, hundreds of diaper changes —I’mexhausted more days than not, butIwouldn’t trade any of it for the world.

Apparently,Georgiais lucky to have a man in her life that doesn’t mind waking up in the middle of the night with the baby.Whichbaffles me.Georgiaisn’t the only one who created our child, why wouldIdelegate her to waking up with the baby every night whileIsleep peacefully?Shedeserves her sleep just as well asIdo.

WhenIstep through the door, the sound of music flowing through the house brings a smile to my face.Paigeis obsessed with music, and it usually calms her down almost instantly.I’mwilling to bet our baby girl is cranky today.

Iquickly walk through the house, findingGeorgiastanding in the middle of the living room and rocking back and forth withPaigein her arms.

Winniewasn’t wrong when we told her about the pregnancy, she andGeorgia’sdue dates were only a few days away from each other’s.Asmuch as they wanted to have their kids at the same time,Paigedecided she wanted to make her arrival an entire month earlier.Itwas a rough time with her being in theNICU, but the feeling of being able to bring her home was worth the pain of watching her struggle in the hospital.

She’sdoing better than ever now, even if she is cranky more than she’s happy.Iwalk up toGeorgia, putting my arms around her waist and swaying with her while placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Wheredid you run off to?”

Ialso left this morning without saying a single word, soIshould’ve expected the questioning whenIgot inside. “Justwent for a ride.”It’sthe easiest answerIcan come up with. “Justwanted out of the house for a few, that’s all.”Andthe most believable reason.

Shenods in understanding, then spins around to face me with bright eyes. “Whatare we thinking for dinner tonight?”

Ismile at her. “Iwas thinking we could get a babysitter and maybe go out tonight?”

Georgiachews on her cheek and glances down atPaigesleeping peacefully on her chest. “Idon’t know, shouldn’t we stay inside?”

Ichuckle, having expected that exact answer, and tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. “Baby, all we do is stay inside.Let’sgo out for tonight.”I’mhopingIcan convince her to do it, butI’mworried she won’t bite.

Shesighs and rolls her eyes, but her smile gives her away that she’s not as annoyed as she wants me to think. “Fine.”

I’msurprised it was so easy, butIguessIcan’t complain too much.Luckilyfor her,Ialready got a babysitter figured out for us who knows exactly why we need one.Theywere more than happy to watchPaigefor us.

Ioriginally wanted everyone important to her to be present, but thought it would be better if it were just the two of us.Herfather already gave me his blessing, and her mother immediately agreed that they would come over later and watchPaigefor us.Weprefer for someone more familiar with our daughter to watch her at night, especially if something were to go wrong.

“Beready at eight.IaskedWinnieto help you get ready as well.”

Shesmiles. “Youthought of everything didn’t you?”

Igive her a tender kiss, smiling against her lips. “Isure did; we deserve a night to ourselves.”There’sonly been one night where we were able to go out, andGeorgiaended up worrying too much aboutPaigeto enjoy our night.Truthfully,Iwas just as worried but was able to hide it better than she was.

* * *

Whenseven o’clock rolls around, there’s a knock on the door andWinnierushes in withTeaganhooked in front of her and a big smile on her face. “God,I’mso ready for this.”

“I’mgoing to head out.Didyou make sure it was all good?”

Shenods. “Everything’ssquared away, and they won’t be home, so you have the entire place to yourselves.”

Inod, then thank her before rushing out of the house with my suit tucked under my arm.SinceIhave to get everything situated for dinner,I’mgoing to get dressed closer to eight soIdon’t ruin the suit before she arrives.

WhenIpull up theDavisRanchdriveway, my heart starts beating uncontrollably.WhatifIforgot the ring?Thatwould be my luck.WhileIslowly ease up the drive,Ipat my pockets and breathe out a sigh of relief whenIslap a hand against the small box.

WhatifIruin the moment?

God,Iwasn’t as nervous thinking about doing it… but now thatIam?I’mgoing to be a damn mess.Thereare no cars in front of the large house whenIpull up, but the door is unlocked for me whenIwalk up to it.Iease inside, carrying the bags for the foodI’mmaking, and bask in the silence for a few minutes.

Whilefood is in the oven,Itake the thingsIneed for outside and go out to the tableWinnieset up for me.Theonly thingIneeded to grab was a tablecloth and any other decorationsIwanted to put on the table.