WhenIwoke up this morning,Iknew something wasn’t right.ThenIrolled over, expecting to be met withGeorgia’seyes gazing at me, with a satisfied smile on her face, and instead was greeted with emptiness.Shewoke up earlier than me, and ran out of the house without waking me up.
Iwas fine with that, untilItexted her and it went unanswered.Thenshe proceeded to ignore my calls and texts.IfiguredI’dtalk to her whenIgot into work, figure out what happened, but to my surprise, she left a voicemail at the reception desk that she would be out sick.
Ifelt guilty, sinceIhad her in the hot tub, then carried her out with barely any clothes on, soIdecided to cancel my day and let everyone go home early.Then,Istopped at one of our favorite spots and got her some soup, figuring that would help clear whatever sickness she managed to get between last night and this morning.
Tomy surprise, there was more than one car parked outside her house whenIdrove by — one that looked vaguely familiar, butIcouldn’t place from where, and anotherIrecognized immediately as her mother’s.
That’snot what had me seeing red and driving away though.I’mnot slamming on the gas asIcruise down the highway simply because there were cars in front of her house.Sometimespeople need company when they are sick, and her mother is an obvious choice whenIshould be in the middle of a workday.That’snot where my anger lies.
Myanger lies withCamdenwrapping his arms around her on her front porch, while she smiles brightly at him.Shecalled off work, after our night together, and the first thingIsee of her she happens to be withCamden?Thisisn’t a coincidence, and she played me all over again.Sheprobably flaunted our night together with him, telling him everythingIdid to her that he didn’t do, and he thought he’d come over and do it better.
Andshe let him.
Islam my fist against the steering wheel, then glance at the speedometer.Ninetymiles per hour, maybeIshould go for a new record.Thesound of police sirens erupts behind me andIaggressively pull over to the side of the road, not caring thatImay very well get my license revoked.Atleast thenIwon’t be able to drive byGeorgia’sand seeCamdenover there.
Doeshe even play for the damnMinor’sanymore?Itseems like he’s here more often than he’s actually playing in the games.Igrowl to myself before glancing at the side mirror, watching as the officer slowly gets out of his vehicle.It’snot like my day can get much worse than it already is, may as well add on to it.
* * *
Thankfully,Ididn’t add onto anything.Assoon as the officer stopped next to my window,Iimmediately started rehashing everything from beginning to end.Heeven ended up having to tell me to shut up becauseIwas talking entirely too fast for him to comprehend anything.
OnceIfinished the story, he let me off with a warning but told meIwouldn’t get another.Thenhe proceeded to follow me back home to make sureIgot there in one piece.
I’msurprised to findWinniesitting on the front steps of my porch with her hands placed firmly on her lap.Whenshe sees me, she stands with a soft smile and says, “Thankgoodness you’re here.”Iwalk past her, choosing not to mutter a single word to her, sinceIhighly doubtGeorgiawas in this shit alone.
“Didyou know?” she yells to me, causing me to halt my movements.WhenIturn around with a raised brow in question, she continues with, “CamdenandGeorgia, did you know about them?”
“Seriously?”Iask, walking up to her. “Youhave the nerve to come onto my property and ask me that?”ThenIlift my hands into the air and sigh. “No,Iwent to take her soup just now and he was standing outside her front door giving her a hug.”
Sheblinks at me a few times, then backs up.Herlaugh is loud. “Ofcourse, she played fucking everyone.”
I’mnot sure what she means, butIdon’t open my mouth to voice that.Iclosed my place of business early becauseIthoughtGeorgiamight need some company, and found out she was with the man she swore she didn’t have feelings for anymore.
Iam beyond done with this bullshit.
“Bishop,”Winniecalls out whenIreach the front door. “I’msorry she played you,Ididn’t know until this morning andIimmediately went over there and told her about herself.”
“Whatdid you mean by ‘she played everyone?’”Ihave to ask, because something about those words isn’t sitting right with me.Theonly person she’s played here is me, not sure who else is being added to that list — wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more at this point.
Shescoffs. “Thebitch told my brother they could try for more, then he found out she was running around town trying to get with you.Theonly reason he actually caught her with you is becauseItexted him and told him to have fun on his date, to which he replied that he wasn’t going on one.”
HearingWinniecallGeorgiaanything other than her name has me blind with rage. “Areyou shitting me?”
Hereyes bulge. “W-what?”
“Youcall yourself her best friend?”
Sherolls her eyes. “NotanymoreIdon’t, not after the shit she’s been pulling.”
Igrip the ends of my hair, trying my hardest to tame my anger, and glare at her. “Didyou actuallyseethat she did those things?”ThenIchuckle. “Hell, did you even let her get a word in to defend herself?”
Nowthis is all making sense — the reason she didn’t come in was because of whateverWinniewent over and said to her.Stilldoesn’t explain whyCamdenwas there, butIalready told her no other explanation would change my mind.
Winnie’sfrown is prominent as she stares at me. “N-no,Ididn’t.”
Ishake my head. “Somefriend you are.Hasshe ever doneanythingto you to indicate that she would do this shit?”