Helooks to me, his gaze traveling down my body in a way that used to send shivers rolling through me, but now just makes me uncomfortable. “Damn, you look beautiful.”

Iglare at him. “Leave,Camden.”

Bishopscoffs, but doesn’t say anything else, only looks sad as he stares down at the table.

Camdenreaches out to me, butIflinch away from him and my face turns red with anger. “Getyour damn hands away from me!Ialready told you, more than once,Iam not interested in you anymore.”Hehas the nerve to chuckle at my statement, as if it’s the most bizarre thingI’veever said, andIgrowl in response. “Getthe hell away from me!”

Bishop’shand comes to my arm.Hesqueezes it gently and it sends a wave of calm shooting through me.It’samazing how quicklyIcan react to his touch, which is the exact reasonIknowBishopis the oneIwant to be with.Assoon asCamden’shand comes down on my other arm, the anger flares up again, andIpush him away from me.

Thereare a few people sitting at nearby tables who are watching everything with wide eyes, butIcan’t seem to care right now.Itold him it was done, thatIwasn’t interested in him any longer, and now he’s showing up here trying to ruin my date?Iwon’t let that stand.

Andapparently,Bishopwon’t let that stand either, because he quickly gets up from his seat and narrows his gaze atCamden.Camdenmight be athletic, but he’s got nothing on the wide frame ofBishop.

“Youhave one more time,”Bishopsays as he leans closer toCamden, “to touch her without her permission beforeIknock your pretty face in, got it?”Ishould be worried aboutBishopannouncing he will fight aMinorLeagueplayer, butIcan’t help but focus on the wayBishopglares atCamden.

Hiseyes are dark with anger, hands balled into tight fists and more than ready to start swinging, and he’s got an arm situated in front of me to keepCamdenfrom touching me again.

Camdenshakes his head and glares at me. “Thisisn’t over,Peach.”

Bishopalmost takes a few steps toward him, no doubt wanting to hit him, butIgrasp his arm and halt his movements. “Justlet him go.Let'stry to enjoy our food.Okay?”

Whocan enjoy anything when this man looks so sexy standing up for me?AllIwant to enjoy is a little bit of him, andIintend for that to happen tonight.

BeforeIcan get into complimenting him, and thanking him, the waitress walks out with our plates and a tight smile on her face. “Hi, if you could refrain from fighting in our establishment, that would be great.”

Igive her a nod and reach for my plate of spaghetti — simple, but one of my absolute favorites when made right. “Weapologize for the distraction, it won’t happen again.Thankyou so much.”

Sheonly gives us a nod before walking away with a sway of her hips, probably hopingBishopwill watch her.Insteadthough, his gaze is firmly placed on me with a soft smile as he cuts through his steak.Mediumrare —I’mmore of a medium well kind of girl, can’t stand too much pink.

Granted, at his own house,Bishopwill make it rare since he knows how to make it right and hates getting it at restaurants because they always seem to mess it up.So, he does the next best thing when eating out.

Hehums in approval as he takes a large bite, then nudges his head toward my own plate. “Howdoes it taste?”

Ismile at him, then take a large bite of my own, and moan low in my throat.WhenIglance back at him, his eyes are dilated as he stares at me, gaze darkening with each second that passes.Heshakes his head, then takes a long sip of his drink, before clearing his throat. “Wouldyou like to come to my house tonight?”

Thisis whatIwanted to happen, but my nerves are still all over the place asIthink of what to answer.There’sno doubt thatI’dlike to go to his house, but what if he decides he can’t do this once we get there?CouldIhandle a rejection like that, after putting myself out there?

“Youknow what,I’msorry,I’lltake you home after this and we can continue our night another time.”Hesounds defeated and his shoulders are slumped.

Ishake my head, giving him a nervous smile. “No, that’s not necessary.I’llcome over tonight.”

“Areyou sure?I’dhate to make you feel pressured into it.”

“Youaren’t pressuring me,Bishop.Itold youIwanted this.Yourquestion just rattled me for a few seconds.”

Idig back into my spaghetti without another word.Itake a few minutes after both of us are finished to take a look at the dessert menu, then order something to go in hopes that maybe we can share it together once we get to his house.

Asa way to lighten the tension when we get to his place, sinceI’msure there will be tons of it.

Helifts from the table and smiles at me. “Youready to head out?”

AsI’llever be.AtleastIcan get some time to myself to breathe whileIfollow him home, sinceIarrived here in my own car.



MaybeIshould’ve let her go home.