He’slooking at me likeI’minsane, but puts on a fake smile when the waitress comes back and asks him what he would like to drink.I’vebeen a shaking mess sinceIgot to this place, andI’vebeen here for about twenty minutes becauseIwanted to be the first one at the table.Iwanted to see his face when he saw me, butIdidn’t expect him to look so upset by it.

Ineed to change that.

“So, you never let me explain anything earlier this week.”

Herolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “BecauseI’mgetting sick of having to listen to you explain things.”

Fair, but this explanation is somethingIneed to voice. “Ididn’t know he was coming,Bishop, andI’msure you thinkIlied to you… butIdidn’t.”Isigh. “I’mnot interested in him anymore, and definitely not after that stunt he pulled this week.”

Thankfullyhe’s back wherever the hell his team is, at least from whatWinniesaid as she helped me get ready for this date.Somethingwas going on with her.Usuallyshe’s the talkative one, but whileItalked, she only responded with one word.That’ssomething to figure out for another day.RightnowIneed to make sureBishopknowsCamdenisn’t a thing for me anymore.

Bishopscoffs. “Andyou expect me to believe that?”

“Doyou want me to show you proof?”I’llbring my phone out right now to show him how seriousI’mbeing.I’veignoredCamden’severy text since the night of the wedding and focused on winningBishop’strust back.AlthoughI’mnot sure how to do that, other than letting him see my phone.

Hegrunts and extends a hand out to me, silently asking for my phone, andIdrop it into the palm of his hand.Hiseyebrows raise as he scrolls through my texts, and the corner of his mouth twitches when he gets to the one whereItoldCamdento fuck off,I’msure, since it’s the only one that’s remotely funny to even me.Thenhe hands my phone back. “WhatamIsupposed to do about those?”

Ishrug. “Whateveryou want, butIwanted to show you thatIhaven’t lied to you about anything.IsaidIwant to be more with you, andIdidn’t lie about that.”

Henods, then leans onto the table and pinches his straw between his fingers to swirl it around in his drink for a few seconds. “Whatif he comes back, telling you he wants more?”

“Easy, he already did that andItold himIdidn’t want him anymore.”

Hisnostrils flare in anger. “Whendid he do that?”

“Theday he showed up with the flowers.”Ishake my head. “Haven’tyou realized the flowers aren’t anywhere to be found?Ididn’t accept them,Bishop, becauseIwantyou.”

Bishopshakes his head. “I’vebeen avoiding you since he brought them, not wanting to see them on your desk.”Heglances up at me with a smirk. “Didn’taccept them, huh?”

Ichuckle. “Nope, they weren’t my kind of flower.”

Hecocks his head. “Andwhat kind of flower is that?”

“Anykind from you.”Myface turns red andIgroan loudly. “OhGod, that was embarrassing, please don’t rememberIsaid that.”

Hisshoulders shake with his laughter as the moment dies down, then he frowns at me. “Idon’t know if this is a good idea,Georgia.”

Inod. “Iunderstand, andI’mnot sure either… butIat least want to try, see where it could go.Aslong as you’re up for it.”

Bishopsighs and looks around the mostly bare section of the restaurant, then brings his attention back to me. “Iwant to, butIdon’t want to look like a fool anymore,Georgia.ThemomentIdo,I’mdone.There’sno explanation in the world that could change my mind, andIneed you to understand that.”

Ithurts to hear him say it, butIalso understand where he’s getting at with it.Insteadof trying to argue his feelings,Inod in agreement, then give him a dazzling smile before reaching for the menu. “So, what’s good to eat in this place?I’mstarving.”

Hechuckles, then lifts his own menu and glances over it briefly before looking at me with a wicked grin. “Let’spick each other's food.”

“What, you think you know whatIwant?”

Bishopshrugs, a smirk lining his lips. “IthinkI’mpretty confident, but we’ll see.”Hechuckles at my stunned expression and says, “Georgia,I’vespent more lunches and dinners with you in the last two years thanIhave with anyone else.I’vepaid attention.”

Whenhe puts it like that,Iguess he’s not exactly wrong, but nowI’mworriedI’llchoose the wrong dish for him.Iknow he hates mustard and pickles, soI’llstay far away from anything with those, and his favorite meat is beef.MaybeIcould do one of their steaks?

WhileIcontemplate what to order for him, he’s already handing the menu over to the waitress and glances at me with an amused grin.Afterhe orders my dish, which isn’t too bad, the waitress looks to me for an answer andIname off one of the most expensive steaks on the menu.

Bishopnods appreciatively, then waits until the waitress is a few feet away from us to lean over the table and grab my hands — placing a gentle kiss to my wrists while he’s at it.Histongue darts out as he does it, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through me, but the sound of someone clearing their throat has him jumping away from me.

Myeyes widen whenIlook up and findCamdenstanding there, smiling down at me, before looking over atBishop. “Keepingmy girl company?Thanks, man.”

“Excuseyou?”Iscreech out, then stand from my spot at the booth.