There’ssomething about sitting at home alone, enjoying a meal that you made from scratch, without someone here to share the moment with you.Iglance across the table at the empty seat across from me, smiling whenIimagineGeorgiasitting there with her eyes rolling in the back of her head from how good everything is, but the smile falls almost as soon as it comes up.

Whycan’tIseem to get her off my mind?

Thedating website, that’s whatIneed right now.Insteadof finishing my half-eaten plate,Iwalk back into the living room whereIleft my laptop, and flop onto the couch.Nighttimeis one of my favorite times becauseIcan see the stars from my spot on the couch — the only reasonIgo outside to look at them is becauseIlove getting the fresh air.

Maybefresh air is somethingIneed right now.Icarry the laptop, which is open in my arms, out to the back porch, and sit as quietly as possible, so as not to disturb the peaceful environment, on one of the empty chairs outside.WhenIget myself relaxed,Ishake the mouse pad and wait for the profile to pop up.Thereare a few notifications, but only one catches my eye.

She’sstanding in a field of sunflowers in her picture, smiling at whoever holds the camera with a bright smile that has me smiling right back — as if just the simple picture is infectious.Iclick on her profile, impressed with everything she has on it, soItap the check mark nervously.Itonly takes a few seconds for the page to load, letting me know that the girl andImatched.

Asif she was waiting for me to see her, my laptop pings with a notification from the woman andIfind my smile widening at the sight of a simpleHi.Iimmediately type back a response, letting her know how beautiful she is, and proceed to ask her questions about herself.Ifind out we’re similar people, except she’s a woman who loves to get dirty.

Mydick jumps in my pants at that thought andIhave to readjust myself in my spot.Aflash of headlights catches my attention out the window, but they don’t seem to be coming up the driveway — only passing through to a different destination.Ieye my place, wondering if this would be somewhere for a one-night stand, but think better of it.

HereIam, assuming she would want to do things with me, and we haven’t even talked about going on a date.Iquickly ask her what her schedule is like for dinner, and she lets me know that she’s free on weekends.Assoon asIask her to meet me at a restaurant located in between both our cities, she responds right back, not bothering to hide her excitement at finding someone.

Maybemoving on won’t be so bad after all.

* * *

I’mmore nervous thanI’veever been before asIclasp the buttons on my dress shirt, then smooth it out with the palm of my hand.Aniron would be perfect right about now, but my hand will have to do.There’sa slight shake to my fingers asIwrap my hand around one of my many ties, choosing the oneIthink will go with anything — a gray one.

Iglance at myself in the mirror, sweat beading on my forehead, andIwipe it away in irritation.I’velooked at one woman sinceIstepped into this town, and she’s allI’vebeen able to think about — but what ifIcan’t look at any other women?

WhatifIwalk through the restaurant door and come face to face with her, and end up not feeling a damn thing for her throughout the night?

There’sno time to think it through, though.Itold herI’dmeet her there around seven in the evening, and ifIstay here any longer,I’mgoing to be late.

I’mnever late.

Thetraffic is light asImake my way through the city, rolling past cars in the fast lane, and taking the exit where the restaurant is located.Ichose something more private, hoping this would ease the woman’s worries about me — if she even has any.WhenIpull into a parking space,Ilook in the mirror above my head and double-check that everything looks good before taking a few deep breaths.

Ican do this.

Thereare more women out there thanGeorgiaFlowers.

Shehas a man, one who has everything that you don’t and that brings her flowers to start her day with.Ishake my head, hating myself for thinking aboutGeorgiawhenI’mabout to walk into this romantic place with someone else.Someonehopeful about whatIcould be for her.

I’msure she’s one of the women who do these dating sites solely looking for love, which has me calming down a little more.AllIhave to do is walk inside, have the hostess lead me to the tableIreserved earlier this week, and have polite conversation with her.There’sno reasonIcan’t.

Thehostess smiles at me whenIwalk inside, andIgive her a small nod. “Adler,”Isay, giving her the name for my reservation while wiping my sweaty hands on my dress pants.

Thisis entirely too ridiculous.There’sno reasonIshould be this nervous.Shenods, then grabs a menu from the shelf behind her before leading me down a long walkway past other tables.It’sa beautiful place with big chandeliers hanging throughout, lit low to set the mood.Plushbooths and seats sit in front of the tables.Eventhe tables are covered with a thick cloth and a runner that falls along the middle.

It’ssomething you’d expect to see at a wedding, minus the centerpieces, and it has my heart beating wildly.Maybethis wasn’t the best place to take a woman on our first date.Shemight thinkI’mbeing too forward with things, andI’dhate to scare her off before we even get started.

Aswe round the corner and the hostess comes to a stop in front of my table,Iglare at the woman sitting alone with a smile on her face.Shelooks absolutely breathtaking in the silky emerald material hugging her body, with her hair pinned on top of her head, somethingIrarely see her do.

Whatthe hell is she doing here though?

Islowly take my seat, keeping my eyes glued to her asIdo, and give the hostess my drink order.Assoon as she’s out of hearing distance,Ilean forward across the table and narrow my eyes. “Georgia, what the hell are you doing here?”

Shesmirks at me while sipping wine from her glass and shrugs. “Ihave a hot date tonight.Youmight know him.”Hergaze travels down my body as she says, “Hecleans up pretty nice too.”

Iflop back into the seat, running a hand through my hair in irritation.Theentire reasonIwas doing this was soIcould get over her, but how canIdo that when she’s looking at me as ifI’mher next meal?

