Shewalks into the living room from the kitchen, a big smile on her face as she sits at the edge of the couch across from me.Thereare two wine glasses in her hands, along with her favorite bottle of wine, and she pours us each a good helping of it.Whenshe brings her legs onto the couch and bends them to make sureIhave room, she lets out a content sigh.

“So, how was it?”Iask, smiling at her sinceIalready know the answer.Shedidn’t waste any time during that entire trip sending me pictures of everything, which only made me jealous to not be doing the same thing.Alsomade me want it even more.

Iwant to be laid out on a beach somewhere with the love of my life.

Sheshakes with glee and sighs with a smile on her face. “God, it was so magical!Sagedid amazing planning the whole thing, couldn’t have asked for anything more.”Asshe brings the wine glass to her lips, she arches an eyebrow. “Howhas it been sinceIleft?”

Ishake my head and scoff. “Gettingignored byBishopand, for some reason,Camdenwon’t stop texting me — even thoughI’veasked him to leave me alone.”It’snot even anything crazy, just telling me about his days and shit as ifIcare about them anymore.I’mstill mad at him for pulling the stunt he did in front ofBishopthe last time he came into the office, which is exactly whyItook him outside and told him as much.

Winnieshrugs. “Maybehe realizes he’s making a mistake and wants you too?”

Ibring my own wine glass to my lips and shake my head with a chuckle. “Highlydoubt that.”

Shenarrows her eyes at me. “Atleast respond and give him the chance to tell you that or not, what do you have to lose?”

“Uh, a relationship withBishop?”IfIwould textCamdenback, making him thinkIstill want him, there’s no chance in hellBishopwould ever forgive me then.I’mbarely making a dent in his armor now, let alone ifIwould textCamdenback after tellingBishopwhatIdid.

Winniescrunches her eyebrows together in confusion. “Whatdo you mean?”

Ismile at her. “Thething is,Idon’t want to be withCamdenanymore…IwantBishop, andItold him that.”Sheonly stares at me for a few moments, soIsigh and say, “IfItextCamdenback, it will only make it look likeIlied toBishop.”

Shenods in understanding, then sits her wine glass down before leveling me with a serious expression. “Areyou sureBishopisn’t just the second choice?”


Ithink long and hard about her question, trying to remember whenIrealizedIlikeBishopas more than a friend, and shake my head. “No, this is real.”There’sno way the way my stomach erupts with butterflies every timeBishopis near is a figment of my imagination just becauseCamdenturned me down.

Winniehums in response, not bothering to say anything else.Wespend the rest of the night looking through all the pictures she took that she didn’t send over to me, as she tells me about each experience.Bytime she’s done giving me all the details — yes, even the dirty ones —Iopen my mouth wide, yawn, and stand from the couch. “Alright,Igotta go.Workin the morning, yay me.”

Isway slightly and she giggles. “Yousure you’re good to drive home?Youcan crash in one of the extra rooms.”

SinceWinniehas her life planned out withSage, she’s already situated to have kids — they have a three-bedroom place that has more than enough room for their babies.Sleepdoes sound nice right now, but it sounds better in my own bed.Soinstead of laying on the couch,Islip my shoes on by the door and tellWinniegoodnight before heading to my car.

Itdoesn’t take long to get home, and thankfullyIdon’t hit anything on my way because all the alcohol starts catching up to me while driving.Don’tthink ill of me,Idon’t usually drive drunk any other time but didn’t want to deal with any more ofWinnie’squestions aboutBishop.Aboutthe wayIfeel about him, sinceIbarely even know myself.

Theonly thingIknow is thatIget all warm and giddy inside whenIsee him from across the room, or when his eyes land on mine and he trails his gaze down my body.Hemight not want to do it, but damn if it doesn’t feel good to watch him check me out — and that’s whyIkeep wearing the outfitsIdo to work, soIcan see his reaction.

He’smanaged to keep his distance from me these last couple weeks, butI’mwilling to bet it won’t be as easy for much longer.I’vecaught him staring at me more than once sinceItold him howIfelt, and explained my infatuation withWinnie’sbrother.

Mycrush onCamdenwas nothing more than that, a silly crush, because everythingIfeel whenI’maroundBishopis ten times more powerful than anythingIever felt aroundCamden.SpeakingofCamden, there are about twenty texts that he’s sent me throughout the weeks, each one still left unread in my phone, and now there’s an extra one added to it that has me groaning.

Whatis it going to take for him to leave me alone?

It’scrazy, this is exactly whatIwanted… but, not anymore.IwantBishopto be the one texting me, telling me about his day and what his patients were like, or inviting me over to his house one day.It’sBishop’shands thatIwant all over my body as he makes me cum with him deep inside of me.NotCamden.Buthow doIshowBishopthat’s whatIwant?

Ishake my head asIwalk through my dark and empty house, something that gets more depressing the moreIhave to do it.I’vealways wanted a family, andI’dlove to raise them in this small town with the love of my life.Aboy and a girl, that’s whatIwant.IfIhad two boys,Imay try for a girl, but three boys would be good enough for me if it came to that.

Bishopwould look so hot running after kids in the backyard, a big smile shining on his face as he looked over at me with love in his eyes.

Thealcohol must really be getting to me ifIcan’t stop thinking about a future withBishopright now.Insteadof continuing my daydream of him being a father to my kids,Islip my clothes off and climb into bed.It’srare, but there are times whenI’llsleep naked for the night simply becauseIdon’t feel like putting any other clothes on.

Sleepcomes to me very quickly, butIwish it had come slower since as soon asIclose my eyesBishop’sare gazing right into mine in my mind.

* * *

WhenIwoke up this morning, there was a string of text messages fromCamdenthatIwas confused about.Askingwhat timeIworked, whenIusually got into the building, among other things.Asusual,Iignored him and got myself ready for work.

NowI’mwalking through the door with a little pep in my step, sinceIplan on convincingBishopto give me a second chance.ThistimeIdon’t plan on going down without a fight —Ido plan on winning this one though.