
Shesmiles at his name and nods. “Ialways thought he liked you more than you ever let on, but since you were so keen on keeping it a friendshipIkept my mouth shut.”

Ichuckle nervously. “Well, now friendship isn’t even in the window.”


“Winnie’swedding, it didn’t go exactly likeIhad planned it to.”Iclear my throat and frown at my mother. “IaskedBishopas my date to the wedding becauseWinnieconvinced me it would get her brother to notice me.”Theone thing about my mom andI, we’ve always been able to talk about everything, and she knows all about the major crushI’vehad onCamden. “Except, it backfired in a wayInever thought it would.”

“Ah,” she says, nodding at me with a sad smile. “NowIsee.Bishopfound out you used him to get what you wanted, now he’s not speaking to you.”

“Thatabout sums it up.NowCamdenwon’t stop texting me, even though he’s gone for theMinor’sright now, andBishopisn’t talking to me.”Thisnext part is going to be hard to admit, sinceIkept it inside for so long, but she needs to know. “I’vealso realized thatIdo feel something forBishop.”

Iexpect my mom to act surprised, but she only gives me a knowing smirk while sipping her drink.



It’sbeen a long week, and now the start of a new one.I’mnot sure how to handle clients today, not whenGeorgia’slooking as beautiful as ever in a tight blue dress that hugs everything.Sheglances over at me, giving me a professional smile and nods, andIonly stare at her asIwalk by.There’sno wayIcan open my mouth right now becauseI’msure jumbled nonsense would come out.

Iswiftly walk into my office, shutting the door as softly asIcan behind me, and take a deep breath.Luckilymy pants cover me, but not enough that you can’t see how that woman affects me.There’sa new pile of papers sitting at the corner of my desk, soIstride over and take a look at them and hope they take my mind off the beauty outside my office.

Thereare muffled voices outside my office, butItry my hardest to pay attention to the paperwork, rather than whatGeorgiais saying to one of her work friends.Whenthe talking seems to stop,Istand from my desk and peek outside the door — relieved whenIdon’t seeGeorgiaoutside it — then head toward the lobby.

Anewer receptionist,Nina, is sitting at one of the computers while talking on the phone with someone about an appointment soIwait a few minutes until she’s done. “Nina, could you please getMrs.Donahuescheduled for another visit this week?”

Shehasn’t called to get herself scheduled, soIfiguredImay as well do it for her — otherwise, her hips will never get any better.Notwithout weekly check-ins.I’vealready told her to get seen by her doctor, but until she gets an answer as to what’s up,I’dlike her to keep coming to me.

Ninajumps at my voice, placing a hand over her chest, and breathes heavily. “Jesus, you scared me!”

Ichuckle, throwing my hands up in the air in defense “Ididn’t mean any harm, sorry.”

Shesighs and shakes her head, then scrolls through the computer in front of her. “I’llgive her a call, find out what day and time is good for her.”

Igive her a nod and smile at her. “Thanks.”WhenIturn around,Georgiais standing a few feet away from me with a death glare placed onNina’sback andIbrush past her. “Goodmorning,Ms.Flowers.”

Shegrunts in response, not taking her eyes off the woman at the front desk, then heaves out an irritated sigh and stomps into her office.Whatthe hell is up with her?Camdenmust be gone for a while, that has to be it, and she’s choosing to take it out on the people around her.Well, that’s not going to fly with me.

Insteadof heading to my own office likeIshould,Iwaltz intoGeorgia’swithout knocking and cross my arms over my chest. “Ms.Flowers, a word?”

Sherolls her eyes, but gives me a smile. “WhatcanIdo for you,Dr.Adler?”

Inarrow my gaze at her in response. “Youcan stop taking your loneliness out on the staff, that’s not how we work here.Keepit at home, or don’t come in.”

Georgiaopens her mouth to respond, but clamps it shut into a thin line. “Noproblem,Iapologize.”Insteadof saying anything more, she goes back to whatever she was working on and chews on her bottom lip.

Istand there for a moment, studying her, and hate the way my body reacts to her presence.Shehumiliated me, why the hell amIheating up from the inside out at the sight of her?Insteadof embarrassing myself further,Iback out of the room and shut the door behind me with a frown on my face.

Partof me wants to talk to her, find out everything she’s been up to since the wedding, but the bigger part of me wants nothing to do with her.I’mabout to sit down in my chair whenNinacomes knocking on the door with an apologetic grin. “Sorry, but your first appointment is here a bit early, figuredIwould let you know.”

Igive her a curt nod. “Thankyou,Nina, send her to the back room and let her knowI’llbe there in a moment.”


Assoon as she leaves the room,Itake a deep breath and lift from my chair.Hopefullymy other patients don’t choose to come in earlier today,I’dlike to get things done in the office in between appointments.

Georgia’sout front, talking with one of the other receptionists whenIwalk out, throwing her head back with a laugh.Ican’t help but stare at her for a moment beforeIshake out of it and head into the back room to meet with my first patient of the day.