That’snot it though.Iwent through everything last night, and ifIhad thought about my actions at all, there’s no reasonIshould’ve kept going withCamden.There’sno reason whyIshould’ve spread my legs for him as soon as he gave me his attention.

Youknow what?No.Iwill not letCamden’sactions affect me running to my best friend for help.Withouta word,Iplace a twenty dollar bill on the table to pay for my coffee and a tip for the waitress who had to deal with me whenIwalked in.Then,Ihead out the exit with my head held high.Whichis exactly whatI’llcontinue doing ifCamdenhappens to be atWinnie’splace.

Itwouldn’t exactly be a surprise ifCamdenwas there, sinceSageis his best friend and all that.Butit would be nice ifIwouldn’t have to be reminded of the mistakeImade last night.

Iget into my car with a deep breath, then head in the opposite direction of my house and make my way towardWinnie’s.Shedoesn’t live too much further than the ranch, but it’s at least far enough away to give her the privacy she needs from her parents.WhenIpass the ranch driveway,Islow down and take the next driveway entrance down the road while tightening my hands around the steering wheel.

I’mnot exactly sure whatWinniewill say to me this morning, she definitely had a lot to say last night whenIwent to her — not that she was wrong about any of it, it just sucked having her spit whatIdid into my face like that.She’salready standing on the porch with a coffee mug in her hand whenIpull up and she gives me a small smile before ushering me inside.

“IthinkIwant to sit out here, that okay?”

Theone thingIlove most aboutWinnie’splace is that it sits high on a hill, and you can see most of the town from her front porch.It’sone of my favorite things to look at whenIcome over here, and it seems like an appropriate time to soak in the view.

Shenods, leading me over to the wooden swing hanging from the porch ceiling.

“Youokay?” she asks while wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me over to her.Asmuch as she has someone to comfort her now,Idon’t think either of us will ever miss out on what a best friend's touch does to the soul.

Ishake my head while leaning against her. “Iscrewed up,Pooh, andI’mnot entirely sure what to do now.”Morethan anythingIwant to prove toBishopI’mwith him, thatIlike him too, butI’mworriedI’llnever be able to convince him of that.

Winniesighs and runs her fingers through my hair, something she always loves to do since my hair is always softer than hers. “Peach, there isn’t muchIcan tell you.Justfight to get him back in your life.”

ConsideringIhaven’t even told her howIfelt aboutBishop,Ilift up slightly with a raised brow. “Andyou know where my head was at… how?”

Shechuckles. “Georgia, we’ve been inseparable since we were kids.There’snothingIdon’tknow about you.”

Imean, the woman has a point. “Well, what do you suggestItry to do?”

“Asmuch as it will suck, give him some space for now.Lethim call the shots.”

Igroan. “He’streating me as ifI’mjust another employee,Winnie.”Whichis torture sinceI’mso used to our almost daily lunches and dinners.

Winnieshrugs and pats my leg. “Yougot yourself into this mess,Peach, andI’mtelling you how you’ll get yourself out of it.Themore you badger him to hear you out, the longer it’s going to take for him to hear you out.”

“HowcouldInot realize the attractionIfelt toward him untilIruined it?”

“Becauseyou put all of your focus into my asshole brother, who got a mouthful from me as soon asIwoke up this morning by the way.”Sheshakes her head and glances into the house. “Sagewasn’t exactly proud of whatCamdendid either, but wasn’t nearly as harsh on him asIwas.”

“Heknew,Winnie,”Iwhimper, threading my fingers through hers, and a sense of calm washes over me. “Camdenknew howI’vealways had a crush on him, and used it against me after having sex with me last night.”Atear falls down my cheek andIwipe it away with my free hand. “Howcould he possibly do that to me?”


HopefullyWinniedidn’t go to her parents about what happened, because if they find out he treated me that way,Winnieisn’t the oneCamdenneeds to worry about.Ifthere’s anythingI'veprogrammed into my brain from being around theDavisesall my life, it’s that they know how to respect others.Ifthey get wind of whatCamdendid to me,IhopeI’mnot the person around when they chew him out for his behavior.Camdenmight be nearly thirty, but that doesn’t mean his parents don’t have a say in how he acts anymore.

Winniecontinues running her fingers through my hair while both of us stare ahead silently, then our heads snap to the right when we hear a car door slam shut.

Asif life is hating me at the moment,Camdenhimself walks right up onto the porch and barely looks at me as he heads into her house.Isit up immediately, anger boiling in my veins that the fucker doesn’t even have the decency to apologize for what he did to me.I’mnot saying whatIdid was okay, butIdidn’t convinceBishopto drop his pants before crushing his heart.

TheleastCamdencan do is walk over to me and apologize, which is exactly whyIstomp across the porch and swing the front door open.Camden’sback is to me whenImarch into the kitchen, having a conversation withSage, and that only angers me more.Withoutthinking,Igrab ontoCamden’sshoulder and spin him around, then bring my fist to his jaw as hard asIcan.

There’sa crack, butIcan’t decide if it’s my fingers that it came from orCamden’sface.Hishead flies back and he lets out a grunt, then he stands straighter with his nostrils flaring until he sees thatI’mthe one who hit him. “Peach.”

“No!”Iseethe. “Don’tyou dare use that name with me.It’sGeorgiato you, and save your damn breath.”Sageslowly backs out of the kitchen, whileWinniestands silently across the room and watches our interaction.There’sno way either of them are getting between us right now. “Iliked you, don’t you get that?”

Hecloses his eyes, nodding slowly.

“Andyou used what you always knew to take advantage of me, then stomped all over me.So, do notPeachme.”Istab at his chest aggressively, tears falling down my cheek. “I’mnot sure whyIever saw something in you, but you're nothing likeIdreamed you would be.Youwere always so much more in my head, andIwishInever spent a moment with you last night soIcould hold onto that good version of you.”

Hisshoulders shake as if he’s crying, butIcan’t bring myself to care.Sagewalks into the room, nodding at me to let me know that’s enough for now, and guides his friend into a separate room.