“Peach, if you would’ve seen the way he looked when you spun around on that dance floor withCamden… you would’ve seen that he didn’t think so.”Sheshakes her head at me. “Ihave to get back to the party.”

Bishoplikes me.

AndItreated him like shit tonight.Asif he was nothing to me, the exact same wayCamdentreated me only moments ago.BeforeIcan think better of it,Ilift my phone from the clutchI’mholding and immediately send a text toBishop, apologizing for everything.Here’sto hoping he’ll be able to forgive me.



IfGeorgiaexpects a response, she’s going to be severely disappointed whenIdon’t give one.Shecrushed me with the stunt she pulled, andI’mnot sureIcan ever trust her intentions again.Ithought she actually felt the same way for me, even if it was a long shot to think so, andI’mnot giving her the opportunity to play me like that again.

Theonly wayI’llgive her another chance is if she proves that she actually wants something with me, butI’mguessing but at the end of the night she’s going to end up right where she wanted — inCamden’sarms.

Ipull in front of my house, stomach full from all the baconIate at the diner, and lift from my car.Myhouse is pitch black, and instead of going inside,Iwalk around the wrap-around porch and take a seat in one of the chairs situated at the back.

Thisis one of my favorite things to do at night — relax in a chair, with a cold beer, and stare at the sea of stars above the trees.Sincethere’s not much light coming from the town, the sky shimmers beautifully with them and it always brings me peace.

I’mso consumed in the sky thatIdon’t notice someone pulled into my driveway until there’s a creak on one of the wooden panels of the porch.Mygaze snaps up, colliding withGeorgia, andIsit straighter in my seat. “Whatare you doing here?”

Sheinches closer to me, but stops as soon asIlift a hand up to her.Idon’t want her any closer to me.I’mworriedIwon’t be able to hold on to the angerI’mfeeling if she does.

“Bishop,I-I’msorry.”Herstuttering has me wanting to rush up to her, wrap my arms around her waist, and tell her it’s all okay.ButIcan’t do that.

Georgianeeds to know that her actions have consequences, and one of those is distance between the two of us.Iclear my throat and stand from my chair, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my suit.It’slaughable to think this suit would’ve changed anything for her, that she would’ve noticed me the way she’s always noticedhim. “Ms.Flowers, an apology isn’t necessary.”

Hereyes glaze over with tears asIcall her by her last name, somethingInever do outside of the office, butIhave to do it like this. “Bishop, please, let me explain.”

Ishake my head and gesture toward my dark and empty house. “It’sDr.Adler, andI’mheading inside for bed.I’llsee you onMondaymorning.”

Shesobs into the night, whileIopen my door slowly and unlock it without glancing back at her.Thesounds of her sobs carry all through the house untilIreach my bedroom window, whereIwatch her tail lights disappear down the driveway.Thisis for the best.

Ipush my suit from my body, suddenly feeling sick about being in it much longer, and throw it across the floor aggressively. “Shit!”Myheart feels like it’s caving in, a reactionI’venever experienced with another woman before, and it’s aggravating me thatIfeel this way.

HowcouldInot tell she was using me for her own gain?

Notonly that, but haveItreated her so terribly all these years that she felt the need to do this?Toact as ifIwas nothing to her?Igrip the strands of my hair, pulling at them in frustration, and growl into my empty room.Thebathroom light spills from the crack in the door andIstomp into it, needing to get the grime of today washed off me beforeIgo insane.

Thisisn’t how the night was supposed to go.Iwas supposed to tellGeorgiahowIfelt about her, howI’vealways seen her sinceImet her, and she was supposed to tell me she felt the same way.Instead,Igot my heart broken by someone who didn’t even know she was breaking it, and nowIsent her away.

Itmight be for the best, but that doesn’t mean it’s not hurting me more than anything has ever hurt me before.She’sthe only oneI’vebeen able to imagine growing old with in this house, raising kids with, and now that dreamIhad has shattered around me.

Myphone vibrates on the bathroom sink,Georgia’sname flashing on the screen with an incoming call, but the only thingIcan manage to do is flip the phone over soIdon’t have to see it.Shecan see me onMonday, and even thenI’mnot sureI’llbe able to say much to her.Notafter this.

Itvibrates again, butIignore it and step into the warm shower as the water cascades down my back.Iscrub at my skin repeatedly, wanting the memories of tonight to wash away, but it’s no use since they’re permanently etched in my brain.Witha resigned sigh,Ishut the water off and step out to wrap a towel around me, not bothering to worry about looking in the mirror.

Ilook like a wreck, that muchI’msure of.

There’sa pair of boxers sticking out of my drawer thatItug on, then slip them up my thighs quickly before walking to my closet and finding something to wear for the night.Itdoesn’t take long, after becoming emotionally drained, for me to sink into the plush blanket on my bed, my eyes drooping closed.

* * *

I’msurprised to findWinniesitting inside the diner the next morning, sipping on a coffee while gazing out at the morning traffic.Iwouldn’t call it traffic, since most of the town can walk everywhere, but she’s still watching it intently.Whenshe notices me walking in, she stands from her seat and rushes up to me.

“Bishop,Iwas hoping we could talk?”

Icross my arms over my chest and narrow my gaze on her. “Andwhy shouldItalk?”Shouldn’tshe be on her way to her honeymoon right now anyway?

Shetakes a deep breath and leans closer to me. “BecauseIrescheduled the flight for our honeymoon soIcould find you this morning, but it looks like you came to me instead.”