Iknow we agreed to keep things platonic between us, andI’veheld up my end of the agreement, but that all went away whenIbecame her date for this.Whenshe decided to blurt outIwas her boyfriend.Thatshould’ve been my first clue on where she saw this entire thing going, since she only ever flaunted us in a relationship when others were around.Shenever texted me asking to spend time together, not likeIhad stayed up late hoping she would.
Noneof this is helping me.Istop at the top of the hill, letting out a resigned sigh, then turn back around.Theonly thing that will be good for me is to head out, and letGeorgiafigure out on her own thatIknow exactly what she’s been doing.She’smy best employee, soI’dnever fire her from the job for this, but it will not be the same as it has been.
Iwon’t be coming to her asking to have lunch together, or offering her dinner when we’ve both been at the office late.Shecan worry about all of that on her own, or haveCamdendo it for her if she likes him so much.Ifshe’s willing to ruin our friendship over this, there’s no need for me to stay here and try to win her heart when she’s already decided who holds it.
Withmy shoulders slumped in defeat,Igo back down the trail and come to a stop outside the tent.Themusic is flowing softly through it, echoing into the night, andIfeel my heart cracking at the idea ofGeorgiastill being in the middle of that dance floor withCamden.Iturn away from the party, catchingWinnie’seye from the entrance, and give her a short nod before walking away.
I’mnot even sureGeorgiawill noticeI’mgone until it’s too late.Shecares more about the attentionCamden’sgiving her.Iget into my car, not wasting any time asIstart the engine, then head down the driveway and back ontoMainStreet.Thediner is still open, even though there’s somewhere more important for the town to be tonight, andIpull up to the curb in front of it.
Oneof the waitresses is sitting at an empty table, flipping through a book, and turns her head when the bell jingles above me.Sheperks up at the sight of a customer and rushes over to give me a menu, then leads me to a booth next to the window.
“WhatcanIget for you tonight?”
Iponder it over.Baconis something that would probably get me out of my slump, soIhand her the menu and smile. “CanIget twelve strips of bacon?Makethem extra crispy, please.”
See, there’s a certain wayIlike my bacon depending on my moods.WhenI’mhaving a good day,I’llusually end up getting my bacon chewy.ButwhenI’mhaving a terrible day, usually extra crispy helps my mood.
WhileIwait for them to bring my bacon out to me,Iget a text fromGeorgiatelling me she’s sorry for everything andIslam my phone down on the table.I’mnot sure she’s sorry for a damn thing.I’msure she’s spinning around on that dance floor with the man she’s always wanted to be doing it with, without a care in the world for me.She’sjust sorry she got caught doing it.
Thisis whatI’vebeen wanting, forCamdento look at me as more than his little sister's best friend.It’stime for me to talk toBishop, soIstep away fromCamdenwhen the next song ends and give him a small smile before turning away.Idon’t get very far though beforeCamdenwraps his hand around my wrist and spins me back around to him.
Hestares intently into my eyes, his hand coming up to my cheek and grazing my skin lightly.Histhumb brushes across my bottom lip andIinhale deeply, hoping he can’t tell how much this is affecting me right now.WhenIglance over his shoulder,Winnieis staring at us with a frown on her face and she gives her attention back to whatever guest is talking to her andSage.
Ibring my gaze back toCamden’sface, my eyes widening as he leans down and presses his lips to mine in a searing kiss.It’sa kiss that should make fireworks go off, like they do in the movies, but it barely does a thing for me.Howis that possible?I’vewanted this for most of my life, and nowI’mgetting it —Ican’t even enjoy it?
Insteadof thinking too much into everything,Ifollow the flow of his lips and hum contently against his mouth.Histongue slips through my parted lips, tangling with mine, and he pulls away slowly with a ragged breath. “Comeinside with me?”
Goinside with him?I’dbe an idiot ifIdeny this moment right now, soIsimply smile and let him lead me through the crowd of people surrounding us.Ithrow a thumbs up over my shoulder as we passWinnie, but she only shakes her head as she looks down at the ground.Whatthe hell is that for?She’sthe one who gave me this idea in the first place,Ishould be thanking her for leading me to this moment.
Assoon as the door to the house shuts behind us, the silence and emptiness of the place lights a fire inside of me.Camdenpushes closer to me until my back hits the kitchen wall and he brings his arms on either side of my head, caging me in.Hestares at my mouth, then brings his gaze up to me and smiles. “I’mnot sure why this took me so long, butI’mgladIdid this tonight.”
Inod, not able to mutter a single word with how hot my body feels.I’mworried it will become a jumbled mess.Insteadof wasting any more time with words,Camdenbrings his lips back onto mine andIgroan silently at the lack of feeling rushing through my body.It’sjust the fact he’s waited so long, it has nothing to do with me not being attracted to him.
There’sno part of me that isn’t attracted to him.Theway he fits into his suit tonight is enough to have any woman’s panties soaked at the sight.Theblonde hair that was slicked back neatly has long since dried up and now it’s falling in front of his eyes.Ipush the strands away, gripping them lightly, and suck on his bottom lip.
Hecurses at the action, lifting me from the floor and wrapping my legs around his waist as he carries me through the house.Whenhe pushes his bedroom door open, he kicks it shut behind us and lies me gently on his bed, then places tender kisses along my skin.Itmight not be setting my skin aflame likeI’dimagined it would, but there’s still pleasure building inside me from the touch.
Iclench my thighs around his waist, seeking the frictionIdesperately need at my aching center, andCamdensmirks at me before pushing away.Hislips trail along my legs as he lifts my dress up to my waist, andImoan at the feathery touch of them.
“More,”Imanage to moan out, bringing my hand to the back of his head and guiding him closer to the lace pantiesIwore.There’sno denyingIwore them just for him, hoping he would get the chance to see them tonight.I’vespent most of my life vying for this attention from him,I’mnot wasting a second prolonging this moment.
Camdenchuckles against me, the sound vibrating through me.It’snot as intense asIwould’ve expected it to be, but it’s enough for this moment.Forthe chance to feel him inside me, even if it tookBishopto get here.Ican’t even bring myself to think about howBishopmight feel right now, not withCamden’stongue flicking over me eagerly.Asif this is what he’s always wanted as well.
Ilean up, watching him between my legs, and he glances up at me while smirking against my skin.Myhands thread through the blanket lying beneath me, gripping it tightly as the pleasure starts to take over my body, and moan loudly into the empty room.
Hedoesn’t let up, only going faster against me, andIcall out his name.Aname thatIalways thought would be like music coming from my lips, butI’monly feeling slightly at peace.Ineed more of him, that’s all it is.Camdenbarely leans up from his place between my legs beforeI’mpulling his face to me, slamming my lips to his in a hungry kiss.
There’sno time wasted as he crawls up the bed, unbuttoning his dress shirt as he does and slipping it off his arms.Armsthat bulge from the muscles he’s gotten as a baseball player, andIlift my hand up to squeeze one of them.Heflexes against my touch, then kneels on the bed and pulls away from me to unbuckle his pants.I’mconfused when he leans over the bed and opens the top drawer of his nightstand, butInotice the foil packet clutched in his hand.
HowcouldIhave forgotten about protection?
Heinstantly pulls his pants down, his length bobbing free from inside his pants, andIwatch as he grips his hand around it briefly before sliding the condom onto himself.Hisbreath hitches as he leans over me, his hand coming up to one of my breasts and pinching my nipple lightly.Thepain mixing with the pleasure has me arching my back into his touch, so he does it again before sliding his hand down my stomach and onto my aching center.
“I’vegot you,” he whispers against the curve of my neck as he slowly pushes himself inside of me.Iwelcome the feeling of it, my mouth parting open wide as his length fills me in a wayI’vealways dreamed of.