There’sno wayGeorgiawould do whatI’mthinking she’s doing.Shewouldn’t be that cruel, would she?Iguess the only way to find out is to meet her at the wedding tomorrow night.



There’sno stopping the tears that fall from my eyes asJeanzipsWinnie’sdress and she turns around.Jeanbrings a hand toWinnie'scheek with a soft smile. “Youlook beautiful, baby girl.”

“Don’tmake me cry,Mom,I’llruin my makeup.”Thereare already tears pooling in her eyes, butI’mnot counting on anything messing up what the artist did.Asfar asIknow, everything she used was waterproof, because everyone knows the bride always ends up crying anyway.

Ismile atWinnie, wiping at my own eyes, and chuckle at her. “God,I’ma mess.Butyou really do look so beautiful,Pooh.”

“Ireally hope that nickname isn’t going to be used in your damn speech,I’lldie of embarrassment.”

Iwink at her. “Guessyou’ll have to find out.”

Winniegroans, but turns back toward the mirror and smooths her dress down with a smile. “Thinkone of you could go getDad?”

Jeannods. “I’llgo find him.Don’tgo looking forSagewhileI’mgone.”Thishas me chuckling, sinceWinniedoesn’t grasp the concept of the groom not seeing the dress before walking down the aisle.Shedoesn’t believe in that superstition, butJeanhas made it our personal mission to keep her from finding him and we’ve done well so far.

Assoon asJeancloses the door behind her and leaves the two of us alone,Winniewalks me over to one of the lounge chairs with a smile. “So, how are things going?”

Unfortunately, it didn’t take much forWinnieto know whatIwas up to whenIannouncedBishopas my boyfriend to her.Sheimmediately went toCamdenwith the information, andI’malmost positive it worked — if the looks he was giving me yesterday are any indication.

BeforeIcan answer, there’s a light tap on the door andWinnie’sdad pokes his head inside.IpatWinnie’shand with a small smile, then stand from the seat. “I’llgive you two some time alone.”Thisis a big moment for the two of them.I’mnot about to stand in the middle of it.

IgiveMr.Davisa small nod, letting him know it’s okay for him to come in, then slip out the door and shut it softly behind me.Mysteps falter whenIlook up and catch sight ofCamdenstanding across the hall, his gaze burning a trail down my body as he looks me over from head to toe.Heblinks a few times, then gives me a smile that just about sends me to my knees.

“You’relooking good,Peach.”

It’snot exactly the complimentIwas going for, but it’s at least something coming from him, and it makes my insides feel all warm.Ismile at him, waving my hands in front of me. “Youaren’t looking too bad yourself.”

Heruns a hand through his hair, even though it’s slicked back for the day, and edges closer to me. “Thinkyou can save me a dance tonight?”

It’sodd that he’s asking that, considering we have a primal party dance to worry about, butIgive him a nod anyway and move to slip past him.I’vebeen wanting to go down to the tent, make sure everything is set up right, andIhaven’t had the chance to do that.Winnie’smoment withMr.Davisgives me the perfect opportunity.

InsteadofCamdenstaying where he’s at, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and follows alongside me silently.Thereare people moving around the open courtyard outside, where the ceremony is taking place, andImove to step around them.Whenone of the cooks almost runs into me,Camdenshoots an arm out and pulls me back quickly, and my breath hitches at the action.

Hishand doesn’t move for a few minutes whileIstare into his round eyes.Heswallows thickly, my gaze catching the bob of his throat as he does it, andCamdenclears his throat. “Gottawatch where you’re going.”

Inod, chuckling nervously. “Seemsso.”

Myskin misses his touch as soon as he pulls away, butImake my way across the field likeIplanned.Thetwinkling lights hung throughout the tent give it a romantic feel, and the centerpiece in the middle of the table is lit with flames.Ismile at everything, happy with how it all turned out, and let out a relieved breath.Thelast thingIwanted was forWinnieto see everything and be upset, butIthink she’ll be pleased with it.

Itsucks, since she wanted to use the barn for the reception, but a tree fell onto it over the winter and it wasn’t able to be fixed in time.Ihad a lot of inspiration for the barn, but this looks just as good and that makes me happy.Camdensteps next to me, close enough that his fingers graze lightly over mine and they twitch at the contact.

Jeanwalks over to the two of us, a bright smile on her face, and says, “Georgia, this place looks gorgeous.”

“Gee, thanksMom,Ididn’t help or anything.”

Iglance over atCamden, waiting for him to chuckle as if he was making a joke, but the narrowed gaze on his face tells me he won’t.I’mnot entirely sure why he’s so angry over the comment, since most of this was my idea in the first place and all he did was help execute my vision.Hedid the work, but everything in this place is whatIimagined it to look like in my head.

Insteadof worrying about how he’s feeling,IgiveJeanmy attention and smile back at her. “Thankyou,Mrs.Davis.I’mjust glad it turned out the wayIhoped it would.”

“Weshould get back toWinnie,” she says before turning toCamden. “Andyou should get back toSage, the ceremony starts soon.”

Camdengives her a curt nod, then walks away from us in long strides.Hisass looks phenomenal in those pants andIcan’t seem to take my gaze off it.

Jeannudges me with a knowing smirk and nods her head toward the exitCamdenjust went through. “Leadthe way.”