Jeanarches an eyebrow, showing me exactly whereWinniegets her looks, and asks, “Yourgirl?”

“GeorgiaandIare sorta dating.”

Shenods, then pats my hand. “Thatgirl deserves the world, don’t you think?”

IfIcould give her the entire universeIwould. “Shedoes.”It’scrazy to think that after all these years of being on my own, the first woman to make me think about a future with someone isGeorgiaFlowers.She’syoung, works for me, and is entirely too good for me — but, that’s not stopping me from giving her everything she wants as long as she wants it.

IgiveMrs.Davisa small nod and head around the same corner asCamdendid, but come to a halt at the doorway to the living room.Georgiahas her head laying onCamden’slap, while he threads his fingers through the hair she let down, and it sends a wave of jealousy through meI’venever felt before.

“Everything’sgood now,”Imutter to the two of them.

Camdenjumps from the couch, nearly knockingGeorgiato the floor, andInarrow my gaze at him.Georgiastands abruptly, her gaze darting between the two of us, before she plasters a smile on her face and rushes over to me. “Youokay?”

Igive her a smile, but keep my gaze onCamden. “Yeah,I’mokay.Readyto head out?”

Shesighs. “Ishould really make sure everything looks good for tomorrow.”

“Baby, you worry entirely too much.Itlooks amazing.”

Camdenclears his throat, gaining our attention, and nods atGeorgiawith his own smile. “Itlooks awesome,Peach.”

Insteadof telling him off like she usually would,Georgiasmiles atCamden’swords and nods. “Well, okay then,IguessI’llhead home.”

“Whydon’t you stay for dinner?”Camden’squestion has my nostrils flaring, butGeorgiais too busy staring at him to notice anything that’s going on with me.Whatthe hell is the deal between these two?Ihave every intention of finding that out.

“Ithink we have a night together planned, isn’t that right, babe?”

Georgiaeyes me curiously, but nods in agreement. “Wedo, but thanks for the offer.”Shewalks us through the kitchen, saying goodbye toJean, then rushes out the door with me in tow.I’msurprised by the anger on her face when she whirls around. “Whatthe hell was that?”

Iblink a few times. “Whatwas what?”

Shescoffs. “Asif you don’t know.”Hereyes narrow and she gestures to the house. “Whateverthe hell just happened in there withCamden.”

Icross my arms over my chest. “Icould ask you the same thing,Peach.”

“Don’tyou dare,” she seethes, then marches across the yard until she comes next to her car.Iwrap my arm around her wrist, spinning her around to face me, and slam my lips to hers.

I’mnot sure about her, but the only thing besidesCamdenI’vebeen able to think about is the way her lips felt against mine.Fora brief moment,Georgia’sbody leans into my touch and she moves her lips in sync with mine, then she’s pushing me away.

“I’vegotta head home, early day tomorrow.”

BeforeIcan respond, she shuts the car door in my face and backs out of the driveway, leaving me standing there alone, confused as to what the hell just happened.Itseemed like she wanted the kiss, but that’s not the confusing part.Whatwas so wrong about anything that happened inside the house?

Maybeshe wanted to stay for dinner?I’mnot sure, but there was no wayIwas letting her sit withCamdenat the dinner table so he could flirt with her all night.NowIknow the woman he’s trying to impress tomorrow, and it only has me seeing red asIget into my own car and back out of the driveway.

Rocksfly across the ground asIstep on the gas, tires squealing in the process, andIzoom down the driveway to catch up toGeorgia.I’mgoing in the same direction, but instead of following the road toward her house,Iturn up my own driveway and sigh in defeat.Ifshe wanted me to come to her, she would’ve said that.

WhenIget inside, the house is deafeningly silent, somethingIused to love, but nowIwish it was filled with laughter from my kids and wife.Theonly personIcan imagine having any of that with is the woman who just left, angry with me over somethingIhave no clue about.Iwalk up the stairs, shoulders slumped in exhaustion, andIthrow myself onto the bed.

I’vealways slept alone, but something about my bed being empty right now leaves a sour feeling in my gut.Itshould be occupied with a beautiful dark-haired woman, who looks amazing in blue even thoughIthought she looked best in red.Imean, that blue tank top she had on today left nothing to the imagination, especially whenIcould see the swell of her breasts so clearly.

Itdefinitely didn’t help when a bead of sweat would roll down her neck and down her cleavage.Justthinking about her has my dick getting hard andIhave to squeeze myself to get the reliefIneed.It’snot the first timeI’vegotten off to thoughts ofGeorgia, andI’mnot counting on it being the last.


I’llhave her on her knees for me one day, my length deep in her mouth, and it will be the most glorious imageI’veever laid eyes on.Untilthen, my imagination will have to do whileIuse my own hand to catch my release.Withthoughts ofGeorgia,Igrunt out her name, then slip into the bathroom to clean off.

Somethingis going on withCamden, andIintend to find out exactly what tomorrow.I’mher date, so there’s no way she’ll be able to avoid the questionsIhave.I’mjust hoping the answers won’t cut my heart out.There’sa reason she waited until there was a month left until the wedding to ask me to be her date, and another reason why she asked me to go as her boyfriend.