“Justtell me where you want me, babe.”

I’mnot sure where the butterflies in my stomach came from, but hearing that term of endearment was nicer thanIthought it would be.Insteadof answering,Ilean down and give him a passionate kiss.Hislips are softer thanIthought they would be, and the way he kisses me back almost has me climbing on top of him.

“Thinkwe could get this going?There’sa wedding tomorrow,”Camdensnaps from the centerpiece table, which has me flinching fromBishop’sembrace.

“Y-yeah.”Bishop’seyes are a little glazed over as he follows me over to the table, andIshow him how to make a centerpiece. “Thinkyou can do it?”

Bishopshakes his head and nods, then sits in one of the empty chairs and gets started on another centerpiece.Isteal a glance atCamden, who’s sending a death glare inBishop’sdirection, andIfidget in my seat.Okay, so keeping him here was definitely a bad idea.

But, damn ifIcan’t get that kiss out of my head right now.

No, it’s only because you’ve only ever worried aboutCamden.Assoon asCamdennotices me,Bishopwill be old news.



I’mnot sure whatI’mmore sick of —CamdencallingGeorgiaPeachor watching him eye her whileI’msitting right here.She’sbarely paying either of us any attention, soI’mnot even sure she notices he’s staring at her, butIsure as hell do and it’s causing me to clench my hands into tight fists.Imean, she kissed me in front of him and called mebabe, yet he’s acting likeGeorgia’sthe only one sitting here.

Georgiaslides another centerpiece across the table to me, andIcarry it over to the next table.Apparently,Iwasn’t making the centerpieces right andGeorgiadesignated me to sit them on the tables for her.Knowingher though, she’ll probably get up and rearrange everything anyway a million times before she’s satisfied.

Hernerves usually get the best of her, and if she’s worried about something looking perfect, she could resituate this entire place all night and still not be satisfied with it.Luckilyit doesn’t seem like what she has in mind is too complicated, soI’msure she’ll be done quickly.

Camdenfinishes the last centerpiece and slides it down the table to me, eyeing me angrily in the process.I’mnot entirely sure what the hellIdid to the guy, butI’mgetting sick of his ugly stares at me as well.Insteadof feeding into his bullshit,Iwalk his centerpiece over to the table and sit it down much harder thanIintended, shattering it around the table.

“Shit,”Imutter, the glass cutting into my wrist.

Georgiarushes over to me, butCamdenonly stands there with his arms crossed over his chest. “Bishop, are you okay?”Sheimmediately presses a finger to the cut, moving the glass out of the way with the other hand.

Inod, giving her a smile of reassurance. “Yeah,I’mgood.I’msorry, baby,Isat it down too rough.I’llgo buy another one.”

Shewaves me off with a chuckle. “Igot extra, there’s enough to make more.”Georgiaglances over her shoulder atCamdenand nudges her head toward the stuff scattered on the table. “Canyou get another one done, please?”Thenshe pulls me out of the tent and up the back steps of the ranch house.

Assoon as she walks through the door an older woman rushes over to us, immediately catching sight of the blood running down my arm, and brings me over to the kitchen sink. “Oh, dear, what happened?”Theblonde hair tells me this might beWinnieandCamden’smother, butI’mnot sure.

“He’sokay,Mrs.Davis, probably just needs something to cover it up.”Georgiagives me a small smile, but her face is paling when she looks down at my arm. “IthinkI’mgoing to wait out in the living room.Letme know when you finish up with him.”

Mrs.Davischuckles and shakes her head. “Thatgirl, never could handle blood too well.I’malsoJean, by the way, butGeorgiarefuses to call me that.”Jeanrests my arm over the sink, then rushes over to one of the drawers and pulls out a first aid kit.Shesmiles at my raised brow, wiggling the kit in her hand. “Livingon a ranch makes you prepared for anything.There’sone in each bathroom, and another in the garage.”

Inod, then bite my lip when she pours alcohol over the cut. “Mother-”BeforeIcan finish the word,Iclamp my mouth shut and say it silently in my head.

Jeanlaughs loudly. “Oh, honey, you don’t have to keep those words in around me.”Eventhough she’s giving me permission,Iknow better than to cuss in another person’s home — especially when they’re older thanIam.Justas she gets some gauze wrapped around my wrist,Camdencomes barging through the door and curls his lip at me.

“CamdenDavis, you better turn that attitude around before dinner,”Jeanscolds him.

Hegives her a nod, his shoulders deflating. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Gocheck onGeorgia, she ran out of here as soon as she noticed all the blood.”

“Surething,Ma.”BeforeIcan object to him going anywhere near her, he rushes around the corner and disappears from sight.

“Notsure what gets into that boy sometimes, butIswear it’s like he’s a teenager all over again.”

Idon’t doubt it, with the way he’s been acting sinceIgot here it seems like there’s a certain level of maturity he hasn’t etched yet — even though he’s only a few years or so younger thanIam.Whichonly reminds me how terrible of a mistake it is to beGeorgia’sboyfriend.

I’mhonestly not even sure what she wants out of this.Theonly thing she’s asked me so far is ifI’dgo to the wedding as her boyfriend, then made a show of it in front ofWinnieandCamden.Otherthan that, there haven’t been any text messages indicating it’s what she really wants, and that only has me getting irritated.

IgiveJeana grateful smile. “Thankyou for helping me out.Betterget back to my girl.”